Is the once strong a vivid dream of freedom and liberty fading and turning into a slight memory of by gone days? In fact, the sight of the President of the United States saluting the flag has been vanquished. Arlington National Cemetery is no longer a place for the President to speak immortal words, and our Constitution has been relegated to a dead and worthless piece of yesterday.We-The-People were forced into serfdom by the passage of ObamaCare. To make matters worst the Dictator-in-Chief, Obama, with gleeful demeanor celebrates the fact he and his cabal can actually force passage of junk legislation against the will of the American people, and not to improve life, but to enslave it!
Listen to this: Obama is considering a universal Amnesty for ALL illegal aliens in America! The President is planning to use an Executive Order as a magic wand to grant amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens who broke the law coming here and continue to break the law by staying here. To be blunt, he does not have the power to give amnesty through the use of Executive Order! No President does, but by the time our courts unwind his fiasco, it will be too late.
What is your answer? Shall We-The-People stand up for America? Will the Tea Party, Minutemen, Tea Party Guardians, Patriot groups and every Red Blooded American stay on mission and carry the flag, vote out the liberal socialist cabal and reestablish our beloved nation?
Hundreds Are Signing Up Insuring The Tea Party Stays Strong!
"Frankly, The Tea Party must have a core backbone of stalwart and vigilant Guardians, insuring the existence of the greatest movement since 1773." Dale Robertson - President of Tea Party/
As you probably know, all too often the surge of protests subsides, the steam dissipates and the movement fizzles, the result is, the liberal socialists win, this will happen unless PATRIOTS draw the line and make an all out effort to guard our values which keep us great! Make the 2 911 Pledge and support the Tea Party on a reoccurring bases!
Tim Scott (REP)
68.35% 46,885
31.65% 21,706
48.50% 35,129
51.50% 37,300
The Allegation: "Those that live by the allegation shall surely die by the allegation."
Friday, 25 June 2010
We-The-People are at a crossroads of either adapting to the new life of national ineptness and social serfdom, or, stand and fight for our beloved nation like never before.
I am still shocked by Citizens unaware of the fact our beloved nation is living under Obama Tyranny. I guess it just hasn't sunk in yet, I don't know how else to say it, maybe they are in denial.
The first poison pill of the thug-ocracy has been shoved down our throats without even the traditional glass of water to wash it down! Obama broods when he can't get his Cap and Trade Bill passed, and doesn't understand why! For some Democrats the light has gone on. They understand that the Government 'for the people and by the people' is quickly slipping away and becoming 'for the socialist agenda and by the socialist agenda' and they don't like it.
The attack against all we hold dear is gaining steam:
Gun grabbing by treaty with foreign nations!
Government Motors, need I say more?
Wall Street firms seized in the name of the greater good for the greatest number.
British Petroleum, blackmailed out of 20 Billion dollars of bribe money.
Obama refusing to secure our U.S. Borders, leaving our Citizens in danger.
Forced acceptance of Cap And Trade.
New Stimulus Packages on the drawing board.
Billions of dollars to Israel's enemy, Palestine.
The Assimilation of the Internet.
Bribes, scandals, Communist Czars running unbridled and unchecked.
Removal of our Great Generals, one by one.
What could be his motive? With up to 30 million grateful illegal aliens now able to vote, he can singlehandedly overturn the 2010 elections and most defiantly the 2012 elections!
Who will stop the madness? If Obama does such a thing as Executive Order Amnesty, will America become 'unglued?' And if we don't become unglued, will we simply fade away? Will we be relegated to the, 'put up and shut up' generation?
Do we have the will? I am asking everyone reading this to blog and shout-out on our forum your answer, that is, if you haven't already faded away. Minuteman Steve -
We have a fight on our hands! "To be honest with you, America is facing a lengthy and difficult fight for survival. We must prepare now for an extended campaign lead by men and women with intestinal fortitude, all others will fade."
911 awaken America to the fact that many are planning the demise of our beloved NATION by any means. The tragedy is some of those 911 forces are domestic, functioning within our borders and even filling our elected offices.
You will make a difference now and for generations to come. The Tea Party is in it's infancy, you can help us grow-up!
Paul Thurmond (REP)
Tea Party Candidates Tim Scott and Jeff Duncan Win In South Carolina!
Richard Cash (REP)
Jeff Duncan (REP)
Our team was inspirational in getting these positive results. The Tea Party, Minutemen and other Patriotic groups have backed winners. These candidates can now advance into the general elections to beat their democrat challengers!
This time last year the Tea Party was trying to get the media to take notice, now we have moved from the streets into the polling booths!
Patriots, Fight On!
One Of Millions Of Leaders!
There are those that hold to the mindset that we are just a few days from the times of Jim Crow instead of 50 plus years. They would have us believe that this great nation of ours is set on the path of continual oppression of the black man in America.
They would have us believe that the white man still has the black man yoked and shackled. That he and he alone controls our destiny for he alone holds all the cards. He owns everything, the grocery stores, the department stores, the banks, and the car dealerships. He owns the hospitals, TV stations; Radio Stations the White House and even the outhouse. What is the black man to do in such an oppressive society?
This is the America in which these progressive town criers would have to believe we live in. An America that gives no educational opportunities, jobs, health care, civil rights, human rights or freedom to those of color. This is the America they preach of, and it is the one that I do not live in.
I live in an America that affords me every opportunity to achieve. I live in an America that allows me to speak freely, worship freely, travel freely, and when I don't think justice has been served protest freely. I have traveled the world and there is no country in which freedom is so vast and I refuse to have those freedoms turned into lies by those seeking to enslave. An infamous character in history once said, 'tell a lie long enough and often enough it will become truth,' this same man also sent millions of Jews to their death in gas chambers.
Life, Liberty and Freedom can only be taken away if we do not refute the allegation.
Rujon Williams
Tea Party Vets
South Carolina-Regional Coordinator Tea Party/
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Britannia Radio