White House welcomes Shariah finance specialist The Obama administration has announced its appointment of 13 White House fellows - and the first person featured on its short list is a Muslim attorney who specializes in Shariah-compliant transactions. Read the latest now on WND.com. Plus! You've seen her on "Saturday Night Live." And you've seen her at tea party rallies.
No, it's not Sarah Palin. It's Victoria Jackson, the ukulele-strumming comedienne supreme. And she's a confirmed presenter at WND's "Taking America Back" conference this Sept. 16-18 at the fabulous Miami Doral Resort, joining Ann Coulter, Alan Keyes, Joseph Farah, Tom Tancredo, Hannah Giles, Admiral and former U.S. Sen. Jeremiah Denton and many more liberty-loving luminaries.Click here for details.
WorldNetDaily News Alerts are sponsored by: [ Continued Below ]Got a Golden Parachute? If not, you may be in for a hard landing in 2010
By Joseph Farah, Founder, WND
Central banks worldwide are printing trillions in paper currency, trying to engineer a "soft landing" from the global recession. But this Herculean effort is destined to fail.
Like a crippled Space Shuttle reentering Earth's atmosphere, if these banks create too much currency the world's economies will burn up from hyperinflation and/or crater from social disintegration. Here's what to do now ...Must Read News 'Gay'-pride parade features 10-year-old grand marshal King on birth certificate: 'There's 1 we haven't seen' 'Don't overheat on economy' Aaron Klein Radio 'opens' for Rush Limbaugh Dems to Supremes: DISCLOSE that! Seminary introduces program of religious collaboration Hosing down claims of racism Farah on Fox to talk 'Tea Party Manifesto' NRA bails on Constitution to pursue self-interest Hannity, Norris, Farah praise 'powerful' new book
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WND Radio: 'Obama drew a pair of aces and won' Today's Poll Should the tea party movement constrain its agenda to economic issues only? Other Highlights Parents brawl during kindergarten graduation
Ex-Beatle: Climate skeptics like Holocaust deniers
Scholar: Jesus did not die on cross
Man struck by lightning, mauled by bear
Make WND your homepage today!In Case You Missed It Video: Is oil catastrophe fulfillment of Genesis prophecy? Whistleblower Magazine What the sneaky left has really been doing to America
Astonishing story of how socialists have taken control of the greatest nation on earth Deals Of The Day How 'moderate' Muslims are Islamizing America
Investigation exposes 'terrorists with neckties' in nation's capital Why the Left loves tyrants and terrorists
It seems crazy, but author Jamie Glazov explains the unexplainable
Friday, 25 June 2010
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Britannia Radio