School Daze at L.A. Schools This district is sitting on a powder keg ready to go off. If a martian were to land at many of the campuses, the interplanetary visitor would correctly assume that the mission statement of our academic genius administrators would be: maximum confusion, minimum effort, near-total apathy and dysfunction. The San Francisco Chronicle (6/21) reports that....... What Will it Take Fellow Americans? Had Enough?
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren
I teach people to formulate a plan of action to avoid the government agents from handing you an Obama plan as you enter a FEMA camp or are waiting for a G-ride on a deuce and a half complete with a complimentary MRE because you broke down along an interstate highway heading north out of the gulf in an evacuation made necessary by the fouling of the air and water as far as the eye and lungs could see or feel......
by Former Kansas State Trooper Greg Evensen, Ret.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
June 26, 2010
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Britannia Radio