Now it's pop singers. William sent this in and opines, "The 'youths' are upset by Medina's name. Medina chose the name after visiting a numorologist. It is a normal name for a women in Chile. Medina is Danish/Chilean." Muslim teens enraged by pop star’s name Copenhagen Post Muslim teens at a Copenhagen concert threw eggs at pop icon who shares a name with a holy city of Islam It must have seemed like a good idea at the time. Denmark’s answer to Lady Gaga, decided to put on a free concert in the southern Copenhagen suburb of Ishøj, home to one of Denmark’s largest minority communities. UPDATE: Henning in comments: Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 04:14 PM in Eurabia 2010 | Permalink | Comments (26) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! It is nothing short of glorious to report on the number of pro-Israel marches worldwide in the past few days. Last night, thousands marched in Helsinki, Finland here. And New York City here. Thousands in Los Angeles. Rallies in Brussels, Hamburg, Los Angeles and Miami. Jewish youth movements were planning to demonstrate in Brussels at 5 p.m. local time, outside the Israeli consulate. An afternoon demonstration was also planned for Hamburg. UPDATE: The beautiful in Montreal Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 03:09 PM in Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 01:38 PM in Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil, Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force, War on Israel: First Came Jihad "Flotilla" | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The greatest threat to mankind and civilization is the spread of the totalitarian philosophy. Its best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies. To fight it, we must understand it. Ayn Rand The stealth jihad's best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies. Indeed. If CAIR is reporting the Muslim news at The NY Times, is it any wonder that we are losing the war in the information battlespace? Is it any wonder that people are confused and in the dark about the stealth jihad? It is well-documented that un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts have infiltrated the senior levels of government and media. This is incredible. Imagine Goebbels sitting in the anchor chair of a major news network. Same thing. The media is aligned with the forces of jihad. This is beyond deception. This is a stealth overthrow of the government, and a dismantling of our basic freedoms. Former CAIR Lobbyist Hired to Report on Muslim Issues for NY Times Newsbusters (hat tip Urban Infidel) A journalist hired by The New York Times to report on a controversial mosque at 9/11's Ground Zero and the failed Christmas Day bomb plot previously held a government lobbying position at the Council on American Islamic Relations. The Associated Press and ABC News also enlisted former CAIR workers to cover stories involving the Muslim community, raising concerns over whether it's ethical for objective media outlets to hire ex-advocacy group employees to report on the issues they previously championed. Sharaf Mowjood, who helped pen the Islam-focused articles for The New York Times and the Times' world-affairs paper the International Herald Tribune in December of 2009, worked as a government relations coordinator for CAIR up until at least March of 2008. Mowjood's gushing, 1,200-word article on the controversial mosque planned for construction near the former site of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks was titled "Muslim Prayers and Renewal Near Ground Zero." All eight of the sources cited in the piece said they approved of the project or lauded its advocate Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. And read this, OT related: URGENT The Society of Professional Journalists: Why We Never Get the Straight Story on Islamic Jihad Just how long has the Muslim Brotherhood been strategizing the takedown and take over of the U.S. and the West? Decades. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 12:32 PM in Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Grendel Report via Arkansas Observer, Sentence Is Life for Muslim Who Cuts Girlfriend’s Throat: hat tip Creeping Sharia A Little Rock man who once served prison time for threatening President George W. Bush’s daughters was sentenced to life in prison on Thursday for cutting his girlfriend’s throat after jurors saw letters he’d written describing himself as an “American Taliban” and calling for death to America. Gregory Houston Holt’s Islamic faith was not an issue at his two-day trial until the jury convicted him on all charges – aggravated residential burglary and first-degree domestic battery – for the May 2009 attack on Connie Taylor. The only indication visible to the jury of Holt’s beliefs was a large crescent moon and star on the back of his left hand. The proceedings before Circuit Judge Marion Humphrey also revealed that Holt, 34, has been feuding with Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Tennessee man charged with capital murder over the slaying of a soldier at a Little Rock recruiting center. The dispute purportedly was over which man is the better Muslim. And Holt claimed that Randeep Mann, the Pope County doctor accused of bombing the chairman of the state Medical Board, had consulted with him about medical evidence in Holt’s case. Only after jurors had delivered their guilty verdict did they learn why Holt had been shackled and accompanied by armed deputies: a letter he wrote to jailers in April promising a potentially deadly “jihad” inside the courtroom should “the verdict in my trial go south.” But Holt had little reaction to the guilty verdict, delivered after 40 minutes of deliberation. At sentencing, deputy prosecutor Will Jones showed jurors eight letters Holt had written from jail. In the letters, Holt occasionally praised Osama bin Laden, dreamed of dying a martyr in a jihad, and wrote poetry imagining Little Rock police detective Damon Whitener being decapitated by the Taliban. Holt also wrote how he wasn’t bound by American laws, but only recognized the Shariah law of Islam. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 12:08 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! It seems it's not just the Archdiocese of New York on Staten Island that is dhimmi and clueless. After an Italian bishop was beheaded by his Muslim driver, the Pope said that the beheading was "certainly not a political or religious murder but rather a personal affair." The jihadi who killed Bishop Luigi said he beheaded him in a "ritual sacrifice," and the Pope is covering for him? Is the whole world under some evil spell? Archbishop Ruggero Franceschini, who is in Italy to attend the funeral, confirms the death by Islamic ritual of the Vicar of Anatolia. He also confirms the sanity of the assassin, he has known him for a long time. (more here.) Italian bishop 'decapitated by driver' in Turkey The Vatican's spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said he could neither confirm nor deny the report. Altun, who had been suffering from mental health problems according to reports, allegedly beheaded the 63-year-old Italian bishop at his summer house in a Mediterranean seaside town near Iskenderun in southern Turkey. He told police that he had had a "divine revelation" instructing him to kill the bishop, reports said. During a visit to Cyprus at the end of last week, the Pope said the alleged murder was "certainly not a political or religious murder but rather a personal affair." Altun has been charged with murder. A funeral mass was held for Bishop Padovese on Monday. His body will be flown to Milan for burial. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 12:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (32) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Tonight Pamela Hall, Robert Spencer and I made our way over the Verrazano bridge to fight the stealth takeover of a convent/church in south Staten Island at a civic meeting. CBS reported that the Mosque Proposal On Staten Island Leads To Chaos. Nonsense. The fix was in. A couple of weeks back I reported that the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, the Muslim American Society, had purchased a convent in what was called a"mystery sale." An underhanded deal had been made for the Church land to be sold to a developer, but then in mysterious and shady deal, the land was sold to the MAS (Muslim Brotherhood.) The Archdiocese sold out the parishioners, without so much as basic cursory knowledge of how Christians have fared in Islamic countries, to the oppressive, violent Brotherhood, no less? The express and stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is auniversal caliphate, by any means necessary. The impending sale of an empty, 2 ½ -story convent in Midland Beach owned by St. Margaret Mary’s R.C. Church has neighbors angry and afraid because the purchaser is an Islamic organization they know little about. Tonight the civic association held a meeting for the community to get to know their "new neighbors." The community is worried. Very worried. Worse, the Archdiocese of New York, and the Rev. Keith Fennessy, St. Margaret-Mary's pastor at the time of the sale, refused to attend or have anyone there representing the church that sold out the community that by and large supported the church and the convent. The meeting was cut short when the Midland Beach Civic Association abruptly ended the meeting, after they stopped people for asking questions and brought on shills and propagandists for MAS. The community was having none of it. Not after sitting through a half hour of proselytizing. Community members took issue with the fact that this took up the speaking time of the residents who had waited patiently in line for their turn to speak, and were now summarily cut off. The media is depicting the crowd as unruly and out of control here and here. We were there. That's a lie. Observers said the packed-to-capacity crowd was short-tempered during the meeting in the Olympia Activity Center, and grew frustrated by the nuances of some of MAS representatives' answers as the group denied any ties to terrorism. Gathering early Packed house, so packed in fact, that mobs were kept from entering after the room reached full capacity. SRO The Dynamic Duo The Civics Board and three MAS members spinning such yarns I have attended a good deal of these charades and I have to say that the members of this community were the most informed group of concerned citizens I have ever come across. The Q & A was fascinating -- every question well researched and educated. The MAS taqiya masters could not snooker this crowd. Pamela Hall will have the rest of the video up tomorrow. There was a lot of media there, all in the tank for jihad. Despicable. The disparity between the perspectives and values of the political elites and their allies and those of the common people grows ever wider. We saw it again tonight on Staten Island, where my SIOA colleague Pamela Geller and I attended, along with SIOA-New York's Pamela Hall, a civic meeting that discussed the mysterious sale of a Roman Catholic Convent to the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood's chief operating arm in the United States. The fix was in, as is always the case. The meeting featured three Muslims affiliated with the MAS, who were billed as being there to answer questions and allay the fears of the community. No opponents of the sale were set to speak from the dais; they were only allowed to ask questions from the floor after the MAS operatives made their presentation. The MAS men came armed with folders for the crowd, full of commendations of the MAS from the likes of the Boy Scouts, the Rotary Club, etc., and began distributing them. I had prepared a one-page summary of the Investigative Project's dossier on the Muslim Brotherhood, and it was also being distributed among the crowd, along withthe full 40-page version -- but then one of the local officials running the meeting announced that no materials were to be distributed, as this was a meeting devoted to giving an opportunity to the MAS to explain itself to the community, and now people were distributing material "against" -- it had to stop. Many in the crowd took exception, however, to the MAS operatives distributing their folder full of soothing detours as well, and so ultimately that was stopped too and all the printed matter left up front for anyone to take. Soon thereafter the meeting started, and after some other business, the Muslims began their presentation. They spoke in calm, measured tones. They spoke about their many years in the community, their children, their work (two were physical therapists, one a high school math teacher). They spoke, of course, of the need for "mutual respect." They spoke about the need for both sides to communicate and get to know each other better. They spoke about reassuring someone with a sentimental attachment to the convent building (many of those present had been educated by the nuns who lived there) by saying, "God will be praised in that building." They praised the Muslim American Society as an upstanding civic group with "50 chapters in 55 states across the nation" (yes, you read that right). They spoke of the MAS's commitment to establishing a virtuous and just American society. They denigrated Steve Emerson and his Investigative Project as Islamophobic and claimed that he purveyed falsehoods. When challenged later by an IPT official to name even one specific falsehood in the IPT report on the Muslim American Society and Muslim Brotherhood, one of the Muslim spokesmen said only, "Later on." I asked them if they were prepared to denounce Hamas and Hizballah, both of which were publicly endorsed by MAS leader Mahdi Bray, as jihad terrorist organizations, and to renounce any intention to bring Sharia to the U.S., in line with the Brotherhood's stated goal of "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house" so that Allah's religion is "made victorious over other religions." In response, the main spokesman for the three hemmed and hawed and emitted billows upon billows of airy nonsense -- to the increasing impatience of the crowd. This spokesman, made nervous by the crowd's vocal disdain for his ever-lengthening non-answer, did ultimately call Hamas and Hizballah terrorist groups and renounce any intention to bring Sharia to the U.S. But since these positions are at odds with what are known to be the positions of the MAS, it seems likely that he was only saying this under pressure -- otherwise he wouldn't have needed to offer so much empty and condescending verbiage to the crowd before getting around to the point. The other questions were pointed, informed and full of righteous indignation. Challenged about the MAS's leader, the unsavory Bray, the chief spokesman, a physical therapist named Ayman, called him a "civil rights activist." Challenged on whether he thought the people in the room were the Infidels that the Qur'an directs Muslims to wage war against, he told the questioner, "No, you are not an Infidel," and explained that the Qur'anic Infidels were only those who knew the truth and still rejected it. He did not mention, of course, that the Qur'an doesn't envision any other kind of Infidel, and that it has no conception of people who reject Islam in good faith. Ayman defined jihad as the right of a nation to defend itself whenever it is oppressed and occupied -- a definition large enough to drive a bomb-laden truck through, and that fact didn't elude the questioner, who further asked him whether that definition would indeed make Americans Infidels, because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He explained that no, he wouldn't be raising his five children here if he thought America was Infidel. Another one of the Muslims on the dais insisted that Sharia was democratic and protected democracy. Once again, the glaring contradiction of all this with the words and deeds of the MAS leadership and the Brotherhood was left unexplained. And so it went. Ultimately, one of the Muslim spokesmen, the other physical therapist, whose name was Muhammad, became firm. Asked if the MAS would prove the sensitivity to the community that the spokesmen were insisting they had by leaving the community, he said: "We are exercising our freedom of religion. We will not apologize for being Muslim. We will not apologize for being American." Ringing words, but ultimately empty -- ignoring, yet again, the aspect of Islam that is political, and that would subjugate women and non-Muslims and deny the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience. And when they were challenged on such issues, the Muslim spokesmen retreated behind their clouds of rhetorical smoke. Finally, when the local officials tried to stop the questions from the floor while there was still a long line of people waiting to be heard, and to bring on instead a couple of local dhimmis (including a Christian Arab minister in a clerical collar) to explain how wonderful their experience had been living next to the Muslims of another Staten Island mosque, the crowd had had enough of being railroaded and lied to, and wouldn't quiet down. The meeting was summarily ended, prematurely. But it mattered little. The fix was in from the start. A heated meeting ended in chaos on Staten Island on Wednesday night. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 01:01 AM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, Monitor the Mosques! | Permalink | Comments (34) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! This is who the post-American presidency is cozying up to, while positioning Israel in his cross hairs. They claimed he was "passing information to foreign soldiers." "Afghanistan: Taliban 'hang 7-year-old boy for spying'," fromAdnKronos International, June 9: "Volatile." And why is that? Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 12:58 AM in Afghanistan | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Excelsior! Huge victory for freedom in the Netherlands: Wilders in line for Dutch Cabinet role Jihadwatch A roadblock on the road to Eurabia. "Election triumph puts anti-Islam Wilders in line for Dutch Cabinet role," by David Charter for The Times, June 10: Exit polls predicted that Mr Wilders would command 23 seats, up from 9 -- pushing the Christian Democrats, led by the outgoing Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, into fourth place. With the Dutch Labour Party running neck-and-neck with the cost-cutting right-wing Liberal Party (VVD), it was unclear who would form the next government. A late rally by Labour, led by the former Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, saw them forecast to win 31 seats in the 150-member Parliament -- the same number as Mark Rutte's VVD party. The VVD was expected to gain nine seats, not enough to claim the victory forecast by opinion polls in the run-up to an election that has left the complexion of the new Dutch Parliament split almost exactly between the Left and Right. Mr Wilders, who wants to ban Muslim veils and the building of new mosques, is constitutionally bound to take part in coalition talks. He could be offered a place in a Cabinet chosen by Mr Rutte, who has said that the Freedom Party is "just another party", but Mr Cohen has ruled out on moral grounds sharing power with the controversial critic of Islam.... That should be "immoral grounds," but in any case, the dhimmis will not be able to ignore him. Congratulations, Geert!MUSLIM YOUTH THROW EGGS AT POP STAR DURING PERFORMANCE
But Medina, whose real name is Andrea Fuentealba Valbak, didn’t get to sing more than a few notes before a hail of eggs began to rain down upon the stage. The perpetrators, reports tabloid B.T., were a gang of between 10 and 20 youngsters between the ages of 14 and 17 all ‘with an immigrant background’.
Their reason for attacking the songstress? Apart from taking exception to Medina’s hot pants and sexually suggestive song lyrics, it appears that the gang were provoked by the singer’s stage name which is also coincidentally the name of the second holiest city in Islam and the burial place of the Prophet Mohammed.
With the backing of most of the 3,000 strong audience, Medina ripped into the trouble-makers and told them that their behaviour was disrupting the concert for everyone else. But the strain took its toll, and the pop star ended up leaving the stage in tears.
Medina made no public comment after the aborted concert but her manager told B.T. that Medina is a common in Chile, where the singer’s father originates.This is the transcript:
08" eggs
16" Medina commanding her band: Can we stop the music?
17" Medina: There are some really illmannered people over there (stuttering some, doing it impromptu)
21" Medina: And I think it is really irreverent to the people who have come to have a good time that you fuck it up like you do
27" Crowd cheering
29" Medina: It is fair you don't like my music
31" Crowd cheering more
32" Medina turning to the crowd: Be quiet please
33" Medina: Itis fair you don't like my music, but that you have come to throw with fucking rotten eggs or what it is, but those parents that are your parents SHOULD BE ASHAMED!
40" Crowd cheering enthustically.
44" Medina: You are not going to ruin it for us who are happy. It is a fucked-up behavior!!!
Meanwhile the crowd is cheering and clapping.
After this, instruments start playing again, Medina starts singing her song again.
I am sorry to hear that she went down crying after few more songs. I only know, after this incident, I hurried up becoming a fan of her on Facebook, bought two of her songs on iTunes. Other artists would just have continued playing, doing nothing. I have always ignored her music - until now. It seems that this concert attracted families since she has many very young fans.
Ishøj where this concert was held, is the city with highest concentration of Muslims as far as I know. Back in the nineties when I lived near-by, it was called Istanhøj even by bus-drivers. It is a city with a lot of trash-container fires.PRO-ISRAEL RALLIES MARCH ACROSS THE GLOBE DESPITE GENOCIDAL WORLD MEDIA: GO FREEDOM LOVERS!
A spokesman for the organizers, Zvika Klein of World Bnei-Akiva, told The Jerusalem Post that "all public Jewish events in Europe require police protection" and that a Paris event in support of Israel was canceled due to information regarding threats from pro-Palestinian groups.
Jewish organizations in Los-Angeles and Miami were also planning rallies and Klein expected a large turn-out.
A demonstration in support of Israel was held in Vienna on Friday. (here)"SUICIDE ACTIVISTS ON THE GAZA FLOTILLA"
Murat Altun was said to have announced that he had killed the "great Satan"
Murat Altun was said to have announced that he had killed the "great Satan" after allegedly murdering Luigi Padovese, according to a missionary news agency, AsiaNews.
CBS has this:
The subject: a Muslim group looking to open a mosque at the site of a former convent.
An overflow crowd grew until the gates around this meeting hall had to be secured by police. The hundreds inside were witnessing a spectacle. There was passion and loud interruptions.
This crowd was neither passive nor patient, loudly demanding answers about the mosque planned for an old convent on Greeley Avenue.
Many objected to the idea of an Islamic house of worship in the neighborhood, admitting they are afraid of the property's new owners, the Muslim American Society or MAS.
"Just not for the neighborhood, not for the neighborhood, I'm afraid," one woman said.
"I'd like to know why the MAS is on the watch list for terrorism," another woman said.
"Will you here and now denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations?" asked Robert Spencer, founder of "Jihad Watch."
MAS representatives denied any links to extremist groups and said the mosque would promote peace and understanding.
"Muslim American Society is an independent organization that has no links with the Muslim brotherhood," a MAS representative said.
Some residents said they were angry the sale was secretly brokered by a parish priest who recently resigned.OBAMA'S WOULD-BE PEACE PARTNERS HANG 7-YEAR-OLD BOY FOR SPYING
Lashkargah, 9 June (AKI): Taliban fighters have hanged a seven-year-old boy, claiming he was passing information to foreign soldiers in the volatile southern province of Helmand, the governor's spokesman, Daud Ahmadi, told Pajhwok Afghan News.
The child's shocking murder took place in the Sarwan Qala area of Sangin district late on Tuesday. The boy, whose name was not immediately known, was abducted from the village of Heratyan, Ahmadi said.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
The Freedom Party of the anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders emerged as the third force in Dutch politics last night, more than doubling its number of seats in Parliament in the country's general elections.