Sunday, 13 June 2010


Instead of reporting on the close to 10,000 who came out against the 13-story Islamic supremacist mega mosque at Ground Zero, the media (as witnessed by the witless above) focused on a misunderstanding that happened between a couple of attendees and a TV station reporter for Way TV. The rally against the mosque was historic.


Who will send this to the assclown Olbermann?

Protest mosque 

Here is the statement from Joseph Nassralla, the gentlemen the media is using the smear the historic protest against the Ground Zero mosque.

Dear Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer,

I am Joseph Nassralla, a Coptic Christian activist from Egypt and founder of The Way TV, a Christian Satellite TV station.

I attended the 10,000 person protest rally against the building to the ground zero mosque which took place at ground zero in NY on Sunday June 6th. We Coptic Christians wanted to express our  full support to your initiative and to this important rally.

There was a minor incident at the rally that was blown out of proportion, when my partner , Mr. Karam El Masry, and I were distributing material with some Quran verses and we were also speaking Arabic thus we were mistaken by a few people in the huge crown, for being Muslims infiltrators trying to disrupt the event.  This misunderstanding was clarified when we explained who we were and that we are there to support the crowd against the building of the mosque. I was a little frustrated initially for being identified as a Muslim infiltrator, but was glad that the issue was resolved later. My partner, Mr. El Masry, was even able to freely speak to the crowd after our identity was clarified. He explained how Christians are tortured, killed and oppressed in Egypt at the hands of Muslims who are encouraged to persecute Christians from the pulpit of mosques by Muslim preachers.

The reason I am writing to you, is because I am very disappointed in the mainstream media who used this minor incident to make a blanket generalization about all the attendees of the rally as Muslim haters.This kind of generalization was unfair to the good American people who legitimately stand against the building of a mosque next to ground zero and who are against Islamist agenda in the US. I am very well aware of such an agenda which has destroyed the Christian and Jewish existence in the Middle East.

The same mainstream media who denounces painting all Muslims with a broad brush, is doing the same thing they claim to stand against. They shamelessly use our incident to paint with a broad brush that everyone in the rally was a Muslim hater. I want to make it clear that we are not haters of Muslims, but we are against the Islamist agenda in America, the same agenda that drove us out of our homeland Egypt. We have the right to expose Muslim hate and oppression against us, the minorities in the Middle East who are oppressed on a daily basis by the Muslim majority. This mosque should never be built next to ground zero, it is an insult to the memory of the 3000 fellow Americans.

We did not mean to cause any misunderstanding at the rally, on the contrary, we came to support you and your organization. We come from a Muslim country where we suffered from Muslims and the Islamic Shariaa ourselves. That's why we felt burdened to attend this rally and flew for 9 hours to be part of it.. We do support you with our heart and soul, and will always support you and everyone who is opposing Islam. We do honor Mr. Robert's invitation to attend your next rally in September, God's willing, and are looking forward to seeing you there..

We have come to America to seek refuge from the oppression of Islam and expose to the American public what kind of instigation we suffered at the hands of hateful Muslim preachers who incite the worshiping crowds to burn our homes, kidnap our girls and suppress our freedom to practice our religion. We will never allow media misrepresentation to stop us from our mission.

Yours truly,

Joseph Nassralla


Robert Spencer and I will be hosted by The Way TV and Mr. Nassralla tonight at 7PM Eastern, to respond to what Keith Olbermann said on his show.
Way TV wants the opportunity to clear up the media's erroneous and false portrayal of events at the historic the 911 mega mosque protest.

Anyone can watch the show via the  website -- Live Streaming.

We will be streaming from 7 to 9 pm. 


  Nazi islam 

Notice the Turkish, Palestinian and Neo Nazi flags (red white and black) side by side. Hat tip Armaros via Hurry up

Pali nazis

Palestinian Muslims hold a sign depicting a swastika in Judea/Samaria  March 19, 2010.

Repeat verse, same as the first: Turkey's Armenian Genocide, Hitler's template:

In Ambassador Morgenthau's Story" by Henry Morgenthau, he wrote:

"My only reason for relating such dreadful things as this is that, without the details, the English-speaking public cannot understand precisely what this nation is which we call Turkey. . . I am confident that the whole history of the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. [Written, of course, before the Holocaust.]. . . [The Armenian atrocities] were the product of religious fanaticism and most of the men and women who instigated them sincerely believed that they were devoutly serving their Maker." (page 221)

(CBS)  The Ottoman Turks developed a template, which according to genocide scholars, was later adopted by the Nazis. 

"Most dramatically we have Adolf Hitler saying eight days before invading Poland in 1939, 'Who today, after all, speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians?' Hitler was inspired by the Armenian extermination. You know, it made him think, 'Well, sure you know, you can get rid of a hated minority group and if you're powerful and your side wins, that event will never get recorded,'" Balakian explained.

Flashback: Then leader of the Muslim World Mufti Haj al-Husseini:

In 1943, the Mufti traveled to Bosnia, where he helped to raise a Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS Hanjar, who slaughtered 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia…Other Bosnian Muslim units raised by the Mufti were sent to Croatia and Hungary, where they participated in the killing of Jews.