Sunday, 25 July 2010

'The plans, reported in the Financial Times, come in the shadow of controversy, as the oil giant faces new scrutiny of its 2007 deal to acquire gas and oil fields off the Libyan coast at a cost of $900 million. At a depth of more than 1700 metres below sea level, the new site in Libya’s Gulf of Sirte will be 200 metres deeper than the Gulf of Mexico well that exploded on April 20, killing 11 oil workers and causing immeasurable environmental damage.

The 2007 agreement has since come under fire from American politicians, after BP revealed that it lobbied the UK government over a prisoner transfer agreement between Britain and Libya.'

Read more: BP Plans Deep-water Drilling off Libya


EPA Whistleblower Says Federal Government Covering Up Lethality Of Corexit And Lying About BP Gulf Oil Spill Water Samples To Save BP Billions

'Democracy Now has published a shocking interview with a top EPA official, Hugh Kaufman, who tells us that NOAA and the EPA are covering up the lethal effects of the neurotoxin pesticide dispersants and lying about Gulf Oil Spill water samples to save BP billions of dollars in fines.

In the interview with Democracy Now! Hugh Kaufman, a senior policy analyst at the EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, reveals some appalling details to the public. Here are some highlights of the revelations made by Hugh Kaufman.'

Read more: EPA Whistleblower Says Federal Government Covering Up Lethality Of Corexit And Lying About BP Gulf Oil Spill Water Samples To Save BP Billions


Mass Grave Discovered in Colombia

'In the small town of La Macarena, Meta, 200 kilometers south of Bogotan and one of the hottest areas of the Colombian conflict, is the largest mass grave discovered in the recent history of Latin America The number of bodies "NN " buried without identification could reach 2,000, according to various sources and the residents themselves. Since 2005, the Army has been burying hundreds of bodies with orders to bury without identification.'

Read more: Mass Grave Discovered in Colombia


Bill Hicks: What is the Point to Life


Police Charge Irish Government with Treason

The Awakening by Steve Kreuscher

'When a national police association accuses its government of what amounts to treason it is time to sit up and pay attention.

Michael O'Boyce, President of the Garda Representative Association (GRA), said at its annual conference in Limerick, at the end of April, 2010, that the Irish Government had been 'corrupted' and had been 'bought' by developers and bankers. (A garda is an Irish policeman, gardaí in the plural.)

Mr. O'Boyce, speaking on behalf of the country's 11,000 gardaí, charged government ministers with sacrificing the country to protect 'wealthy cronies' who had bankrolled the leading government party, Fianna Fáil. Such criticism of a serving government by its police force is unprecedented in Irish history and extremely rare in any western democracy.'

Read more: Police Charge Irish Government with Treason

Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by Discovering Two Giant Underwater Oil Spills

'It's official -- the oil plumes USF scientists found deep underwater in the Gulf are definitely from the BP blowout. USF researchers said Friday they used chemical fingerprints to directly tie the clouds of oil to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.'


Afghan Conference Endorses Indefinite Occupation

'The international foreign ministers conference held in Kabul Tuesday formally endorsed President Hamid Karzai's proposed 2014 target for Afghan forces to assume the lead responsibility for the country's security, while acknowledging that the foreign occupation will continue indefinitely.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proclaimed the conference, which lasted just five hours, a “turning point.” But there was little new presented at the gathering, and nothing to dispel the growing sense that after nearly nine years of occupation and war, the US-led project of installing a stable puppet regime and extending US hegemony in Central Asia is mired in crisis.

The greatest achievement appeared to be holding the meeting in Kabul at all.'

Read more: Afghan Conference Endorses Indefinite Occupation


Rep. Rangel Wrangling to Reinstate Slavery in the United States

'As the two-year investigation into the alleged wrongdoings of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) which I’ve already written about here and here comes to an end, the soon-to-be dis-Honorable (I hope, but I’m not holding my breath) Rangel wants young Americans to become slaves of the State. He has sponsored H.R. 5741 which proposes:

“To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes".'

Read more: Rep. Rangel Wrangling to Reinstate Slavery in the United States

And if the appalling Rangel's bill, or something like it from another source, is voted into 'law' the power is still with the people. Refuse to comply en masse and what they can they do? 

There, sorted. 

Human Race Get Off Your Knees!


Big Bonuses at Citigroup Despite Huge Losses

'However, in a sign that the controversy over bankers' pay and bonuses is not confined to Britain, John Vandeventer of the Service Employees International Union said: "This morning's report begs the question: how badly does a Wall Street bank have to screw up before they don't shower themselves in billions of dollars of bonus pay?" '

Read more: Big Bonuses at Citigroup Despite Huge Losses

Uncovered: Britain's Secret Rendition Programme

'Until now, this country has been guilty only by association in the illegal transfer of prisoners. But the covert rendition of a Moroccan man by MI5 agents suggests that the practice was central to Britain's 'war on terror' MI5 was directly involved in the rendition of a Moroccan national, illegally taken from a Belgian prison to work for Britain's Security Services in London, an investigation by The Independent has discovered.

The man, now aged 29 and who cannot be named for his own safety, was secretly transferred from a Brussels jail in April 2004 and then further held and interrogated by senior MI5 officers at a secret base near London.'

Read more: Uncovered: Britain's Secret Rendition Programme

Oakland City Council Approves Industrial Marijuana Facilities

'In states where medicinal marijuana is permitted, legal dispensaries usually obtain the drug from small backyard growers and distribute it to patients with prescriptions. But the Oakland, Calif. City Council recently took marijuana production to the next level when it approved the construction and operation of potentially four industrial-size marijuana production facilities within city limits.

The decision lands Oakland as the first California city to approve of such facilities, and, according to a recent Los Angeles Times report, the nearby city of Berkeley has a similar measure on its ballot in November.'

Read more: Oakland City Council Approves Industrial Marijuana Facilities