What better way to close the week and kick off my favorite annual holiday then with a little patriotic Louis Armstrong? Armstrong often stated in public interviews that he was born on July 4, 1900, so look for lots of wonderful Armstrong this holiday weekend.
Happy Fourth!
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 07:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis
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Saturday, July 03, 2010
Clinton backed these summabitches in the nineties -- send US troops to kill the Serbs (the Christians) and align with jihad. Unbelievable.
Wait, it gets better. They are going to give the barbarians an independent state, a militant Islamic state in the heart of Europe.
And you have to love the Orwellian honor killing of the English language of "clashes between Albanians and Serbs." Translation: Muslims vs Christians. There's a whole separate language for Islam, a whole other double speak: "asians," "youths", "immigrants," especially "third generation immigrants," et al.
An explosive device blew up during a protest by Kosovo Serbs in the flashpoint city of Kosovska Mitrovica killing one man and wounding 11 others, the EU mission says.
Serbia labelled the explosion a 'flagrant terrorist act' during the protest by Kosovo Serbs against the opening of a Kosovo government office in the ethnically divided northern city.
Mesud Dzekovic, a doctor, died in hospital from wounds sustained in the blast, Serbian state news agency Tanjug said.
Six women and five men were also hurt in the blast which went off after police stopped several hundred Serbs from getting to thegovernment office building.
Serbs, who make up a majority in the northern part of the city, had gathered to protest the opening of the office, regional police spokesman Besim Hoti told AFP. Police estimated about 1500 Serbs took part in the protest.
When the protesters were leaving, a loud blast was heard, Hoti said.
The National Security Council of Serbia, headed by President Boris Tadic, insisted the incident was a terrorist attack carried out by Albanian separatists.
Serbia does not recognise Kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence and still considers the territory a breakaway province.
Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic described the incident as an 'unequivocal attempt to provoke Serbia' ahead of a looming statement by the top UN court on the status of Kosovo, Tanjug reported.
Mitrovica has frequently been the scene of inter-ethnic clashes between Albanians and Serbs.
Kosovo police were investigating the incident, an EU mission spokeswoman told AFP. The EU mission is working to strengthen Kosovo's police and judicial system.
It positioned two special units around the scene of the blast, spokeswoman Irina Gudeljevic said.
The EU mission 'condemns the blast as any other violent acts and encourages all sides to remain calm and avoid any actions that could lead to deterioration of the situation' in Mitrovica, she said.
The EU mission supports these animals. Who are they kidding?
Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority unilaterally proclaimed independence in February 2008. The move has been recognised by 69 countries, including the United States and 22 of the 27 EU member states.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, July 03, 2010 at 03:27 AM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis
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Friday, July 02, 2010
In what can only to be described as a throwback to the seventh century, Geert Wilders (who just came in third in the Dutch elections) was back in court on specious "hate speech" charges filed by a corrupt, criminal dhimmi court in Holland. How dare they subjugate their Western values to Islamic supremacism in this dangerous farce?
Watch Wafa Sultan in ringing defense of Geert Wilders (Former Muslims United)This trial is an outrage. Free men not taking to the streets have lost their minds.Former Muslims United co-founder, Dr. Wafa Sultan was in Amsterdam this week to provide expert testimony in the Amsterdam Court ’show trial’ of Geert Wilders, leader of the PVV (Freedom Party) and courageous critic of Islam. Wilders had taken stands critical of the Koran, in favor of controls over Muslim immigration to the Netherlands and even a so-called tax on Sharia head coverings for Muslim women. He has in the view of many fellow Dutch and supporters in the West of being falsely accused of engaging in hate speech and racism. Wilders nearly trebled the tallies of the PVV in the June 9th general election winning more than 24 seats in the new Hague Parliament. Wilders has rejected offers to join a Conservative coalition in the wrangling to form a new ruling group.
Watch this ringing defense of Wilders by Dr. Sultan in this Dutch pv1 video interview courtesy of FaithFreedom.org.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 10:40 PM in FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, GEERT WILDERS: FITNA | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis
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Check out my latest at Big Government:
Barack Obama is making me laugh Big Government
I understand why he must ram immigration through now. And why he is taking this issue on now after destroying the American healthcare system. He has no shot of re-election without a base of amnestied illegal immigrants voting for Democrats. It is his only motive — but I digress.
What about the Gulf? This is a catastrophe of unfathomable proportions, the decades-long repercussions of which have not yet begun to be understood or calculated. What about those people, those communities? Whole swaths of coastline, entire towns, even entire counties may face evacuation.
Why isn’t the President of the United States working on the problem 24/7? I want to know why the nation’s Chief Executive has not been holed up in a war room, 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the past 72 days, working with the world’s finest scientific minds and oceanographic and energy experts to solve the oil spill crisis.
Where is the BP war room? And why isn’t the POTUS in it? Why isn’t Obama attached at the hip to BP executives and to every oil specialist in such matters, working on the “leak” until it is fixed? Why weren’t the best brains in NASA brought in — as opposed to Obama’s redirecting their efforts to “help Muslim countries”?
Why isn’t the President of the United States accepting the myriad offers of help from allied nations?
Why are the images being hidden from view? Why are folks prohibited from certain areas? Why isn’t there wall-to-wall on-scene coverage, as there was of the Valdez oil spill — which looks lilliputian next to this Obama disaster?
In 2005, a devastating act of G-d, hurricane Katrina busted the levies and blew out New Orleans. It was an historic tragedy, and we will never forget it. How could we? The media beat us to death with story after story about George W. Bush’s incompetence (as if he were G-d).
Do you remember how the media fought under the Freedom of Information Act to print pictures of bodies floating in the water? They wanted to make every death a case of murder — perp? Bush. They were relentless.
But looking back after the Gulf oil spill, it is clear that Bush did a damn fine job, considering the Democratic opposition he had to work with in Louisiana. The Democratic state of Louisiana failed abysmally. The “chocolate city” mayor Ray Nagin refused to evacuate. The fact is that the loss of life and the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina was glaring proof of the failure of the welfare state, a.k.a. the Democrats’ statism model. It was a Democrat mayor, a Democrat governor, and a Democrat political machine in Louisiana that were responsible for the lack of action, response and coordination of pre- and post-Katrina efforts (and to ABC’s surprise, Katrina victims praised Bush and blamed Nagin).
The surrounding Republican states suffered horribly from Katrina and Rita, but you never heard about them.
Fast forward to this nation’s worst disaster and even more disastrously handled catastrophe — Oilbama. Obama has taken the position of a spectator as the Gulf disappears. Amnesty for illegal aliens — that’s what’s important.
Who would you rather be in charge during the BP spill? Bush or Bama?
Read the rest here.
by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 06:55 PM in Atlas Articles, Energy, Illegal Aliens | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
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Has his royal clowness Obama demanded a "flotilla"-like investigation into this impending Islamic atrocity? Ugh.
Just think about how Obama stood by this time last year and gave his tacit approval (via his silence) when the murderous mullahcracy slaughtered its own people. It makes your skin crawl.
Armaros snarks, "I guess we could take this up with the UN human rights counsel and women's rights body which Iran chairs....and Obamerica has joined.....
Will the US complain? or will it be "Respect it", the great Islamic republic of Iran."
Meanwhile 'Iran to investigate Canada's human rights violations'
Death by stoning imminent for Iranian woman CNNThe 42-year-old woman from the northern city of Tabriz was convicted of adultery in 2006, and her execution is imminent, said prominent human rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei.
Ashtiani was forced to confess after being subjected to 99 lashes, Mostafaei said Thursday in a telephone interview from Tehran.
She later retracted that confession and has denied wrongdoing. Her conviction was based not on evidence but on the determination of three out of five judges, Mostafaei said. She has asked forgiveness from the court but the judges refused to grant clemency.
Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.
Mostafaei believes a language barrier prevented his client from fully comprehending court proceedings. Ashtiani is of Azerbaijani descent and speaks Turkish, not Farsi.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 05:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis
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As if that weren't bad enough to sink the whole damn administration and impeach Obama. Outlaws, all. Now this.
One of 'al Qaeda 7' to head DOJ's powerful Office of Legal Counsel Creeping Sharia
Update on this previous ‘al Qaeda 7′ post, via Key Job Changing Hands at Justice – NYTimes.com.
David J. Barron, the acting head of the Justice Department’s powerful Office of Legal Counsel, will step down next month and bereplaced by one of his current deputies, Jonathan G. Cedarbaum, the department said Thursday.
Much of the work of the Office of Legal Counsel is confidential, but over the past 18 months Mr. Barron has handled a variety of issues including wartime questions like how much involvement with Al Qaeda is necessary to make a terrorism suspect subject to detention without trial and domestic matters like whether stalking and domestic violence laws apply to same-sex couples.
Mr. Barron’s replacement, Mr. Cedarbaum, came to public attention earlier this year after Fox News named him as one of several Justice Department lawyers who had previously advocated for detainees.
Those lawyers had been attacked as the “Al Qaeda Seven” by a group led by Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard. The Cheney and Kristol group was in turn accused of McCarthyism by critics from across the political spectrum.
The Fox report characterized Mr. Cedarbaum’s involvement in advocating for detainees as “minor” and “short-lived.” At a partner at the WilmerHale law firm, he was one of several lawyers whose name appeared on a Supreme Court brief in a case involving six Algerian detainees who had been arrested in Bosnia, and who were seeking a right to a habeas-corpus hearing.
Matthew Miller, a Justice Department spokesman, said that Mr. Cedarbaum is recused from matters arising from one of the Algerian-Bosnian detainees, but is free to deal with detainee legal policy matters more generally.
President Obama has not yet submitted a new nominee to the Senate to lead the office following the withdrawal of Ms. Johnsen, and it was not clear whether Mr. Cedarbaum was under consideration for that selection.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 04:58 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst, Jihad Jailhouses, President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis
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The father and brother attempted to kill movie star Afshan Azad in an honor killing. No media would speak of it ............until now. CNN dares.
Read more about the attack here and here.
Relatives of Harry Potter actress charged in attack CNN (hat tip Kamala)
The father and brother of a Harry Potter actress will appear in court later this month in Manchester, England, on charges of threatening to kill the young star, prosecutors said
Abdul Azad, 54, and his son Ashraf, 28, are accused of attacking actress Afshan Azad earlier this month because of her relationship with a Hindu man, a spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service said. The family is Muslim.Friday.
The father and brother appeared at Manchester Magistrate's Court on Wednesday and were released on conditional bail, said the spokesman, who could not be named in line with policy.
Bail conditions include a curfew and ban on traveling to London, the Manchester Evening News reported.
Afshan Azad, reported to be 22, has appeared in four Harry Potter films as Padma Patil, a classmate of the boy wizard and twin sister of Parvati Patil.
The alleged attack happened May 21. The father and brother are charged with threatening to kill the actress, and her brother is also charged with assault, the prosecutors' spokesman said.
Afshan Azad had never acted before she was cast in the movies, and admitted she only went to the auditions with her friends "for a bit of fun," the Manchester Evening News reported.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 04:51 PM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis
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The Muslim actress who plays 'Padma' in the Harry Potter films has fled her home in Manchester, England after her father and brother tried to kill her. The father and brother have since been charged with attempted murder (with the brother also being charged with physically assaulting his sister); both were jailed. In the meantime, the young girl, Afshan Azad, 22, has fled to London to stay with friends.She's going to need some hiding because both the father and brother have now been released on bail. It's clear that the police recognize the girl's life is in grave danger because the police put restrictions on the bail. "As part of their bail conditions, (the father and brother) have to abide by an 11pm to 6am curfew and must not travel to London or contact an unnamed man."
That last part - 'contact an unnamed man' gives the grisly clue to what triggered the murderous rage of the father and brother. The 'unnamed man' is clearly someone whom the young actress had been seeing. As a result of her association, the father and brother tried to kill her. In short, this was an attempted Muslim 'honor killing'.
Read the whole thing at The Daily Mail
But the Daily Mail flatly refuses to state this obvious fact. You can read their article from top to bottom but not a single word of it identifies the father and brother's murderous attack for what it is -- an attempted honor killing. It gets worse -- the Daily Mail won't even identify the father and brother as Muslim. Why? It's because the Daily Mail, like the media worldwide, quakes in cowardly fear of offending the "religion of peace." Even when that religion orders a father to mercilessly slaughter his own child -- as happened in this grisly case -- the Daily Mail still won't print the truth about the Muslim faith.
It's painfully clear that wherever that wretched young girl is hiding, she has only to read this article to realize she can expect absolutely no support from the media. And she certainly can't look to her Muslim family for help. The Daily Mail managed to talk with the murderous brother, Ashraf, after he returned to the family's home in Manchester following his stint in jail. Here are his thoughts about trying to kill his sister.
Speaking at the family’s semi-detached home, her brother Ashraf, a customer services adviser, said: ‘We are going to get trouble from the community now. It is bad news for our safety, her safety.‘My younger brother is going to get harassed at college. All our family is going to be harassed by the community because of this.
Yes, you read it right. He's not bothered one bit about having tried to murder his own sister -- instead, his only concern is "'what will the neighbors think?" Well, I know what I'm thinking. The "religion of peace" is going to keep killing and keep killing until it is confronted. But as long as the media and the Daily Mail flatly refuse to do that, than countless other terrified young women will be forced to flee from their murderous families. This young 'Harry Potter' actress managed to escape with her life -- don't count on the other young women being that lucky.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 02:21 AM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny | Permalink | Comments (30) ShareThis
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National socialists (of the Nazi variety) on the Supreme Court? Is this where the damn eagle has landed? Where is Chuckie Schumer on these Nazi socialist pals of his?
How broken are we that we would consider an admirer of an architect of German national socialism, Nazism, to sit in one of the most powerful judicial chairs in the world? The Obama freak show continues and we are his victims. Kagan cannot, must not, will not be confirmed. Is there no benchmark? Kagan's love of socialism of the nazi variety is seen in her doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, "that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good." (Ayn Rand)
This must not stand. The only thing more frightening than a Kagan Supreme Court justice is Obama's next pick should she rightfully fail.
SHOCKING: Kagan's Princeton Thesis Cited German Socialist Who Endorsed Nazis Human EventsElena Kagan's senior thesis at Princeton University, recounting the history of socialist politics in New York City, cited the theories of an influential German Marxist who notoriously switched allegiances to Nazism after Adolf Hitler attained power.
Werner Sombart was widely recognized as an academic proponent of Marxism and was once praised by Karl Marx's colleague Friedrich Engels as the only German professor who understood Marx's Das Kapital. During World War I, however, Sombart endorsed Germany's "heroic" war against the "capitalist spirit" represented by England. In 1934, Sombart published Deutscher Sozialismus, which advocated the "total ordering of life" as an expression of the German Volksgeist, or "national spirit."In the introduction to her 1981 thesis, Kagan addresses a question famously asked by Sombart: Warum gibt es in den Vereinigten Staaten keinen Sozialismus? -- "Why is there no socialism in the United States?"
"The Socialist Party of the United States could not lay claim to the kind of pure proletarianism that Sombart considered essential to any socialist movement; indeed, most of the party’s members did not even consider this a worthy goal," Kagan wrote on Page 3 of the thesis. "But the American socialists ‘failure’ to build a movement that even resembled Sombart's idealized notion of a class-conscious party . . . did not render their party any less significant. Nor did such a failure render their party any less successful. In the first two decades of the twentieth century the American socialist movement, whose very existence Sombart refused to consider, grew if not by leaps and bounds at least by inches."
In the final pages of her thesis -- To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933 -- Kagan returns to Sombart's theories, writing: "Why, in particular, did the socialist movement never become an alternative to the nation’s established parties? In answering this question, historians have often called attention to various characteristics of American society that have militated against widespread acceptance of radical movements. These societal traits -- an ethnically divided worked class, a relatively fluid class structure, an economy which allowed at least some workers to enjoy what Sombart termed ‘reefs of roast beef and apple pie,' -- prevented the early twentieth century socialists from attracting an immediate mass following. Such conditions did not, however, completely checkmate American socialism."
Even before he embraced National Socialism, Sombart's socialist theories reflected an anti-Semitic tendency that identified Jews with capitalism, a theme explored in his 1911 book, Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben ("The Jews and Economics," which was published in a 1913 English translation titled, The Jews and Modern Capitalism). In his 1915 book Handler und Helden ("Merchants and Heroes"), Sombart praised the "heroic" German character, contrasting them with "Trading Peoples," especially Jews, whose "commercial" habits Sombart depicted as prevailing among the English.
The influence of Sombart, who died in 1942 at age 78, was scornfully cited in Friedrich Hayek'ss famous 1944 book The Road to Serfdom. In Chapter 12 of that book -- "The Socialist Roots of Nazism" -- Hayek said that Sombart "had done as much as any man to spread socialist ideas and anticapitalist resentment of varying shades throughout Germany."
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 12:12 AM in SCOTUS | Permalink | Comments (73) ShareThis
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Thursday, July 01, 2010
At this stage, it is a landmarks issue. The 152-year-old Burlington Coat Factory building should be landmarked, as it is part of historic New York (and it is a war memorial).
Any Atlas historians, librarians and old New York experts who can help research and/or provide details of the important history of this great old building would be enormously helpful. In early New York, most of the action was downtown (Manhattan was once the capital of the nation, for goodness sake). There must be a rich and wonderful history to the Burlington Building, 45 Park Place.
Here is the New York Observer's take on the Islamic mega mosque and the upcoming landmarks hearings ........keeping it classy, NYO. As if.........a triumphal mosque at the cemetery that is Ground Zero is a good idea.
City to Host Controversial Ground Zero Mosque Hearings July 13 The New York Observer
Let the shit-show begin. The city has scheduled hearings for a controversial proposed mosque near ground zero at Hunter College on July 13. The Landmarks Preservation Commission—which must approve the demolition of an existing building at 45 Park Place to make way for the 13-story Cordoba House, a mosque and Muslim community center that's intended to foster interdenominational understanding—has scheduled the hearing for 2 p.m. at Hunter College, in a room that can accomodate [sic] up to 300 people. The Commission's on-site hall can fit up to 60.
In other words, the Commission is expecting a large, and angry, crowd. The city has good reason.
On June 6, more than 1,000 people protested the mosque planned for a site two blocks from ground zero bearing signs reading, "No 9/11 Mega Mosque." The movement against the mosque is being stoked by Pamela Geller, of the group Stop Islamization of America. Ms. Geller was also active in opposing the creation of the city's first Arabic language charter school in Brooklyn.
The opposition to the community center—described by its creators as akin to the 92nd Street Y—is unnervingly similar to the vitriol that's greeted plans for new mosques in Sheepshead Bay and Staten Island, and is reminiscent of the anti-Muslim fervor following 9-11.
A Quinnipiac University poll released today revealed that 52 percent of voters in the city don't believe the mosque should be built near ground zero.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 11:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis
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This is the result of the tacit sanction of islamic anti-semitism and leftist Jew hatred. July 9th has been declared "kill a jew day" on Facebook. This is a tragedy, a sad day. The spread of this poison is made possible by the vacuum created by the continued abdication of America's principles and values across the world. I believe that.
kill a jew day
Date: Friday, July 9, 2010Time: 12:00am - 11:30pmLocation: EverywhereDescription
you must kill at least one jew
Facebook event calling for everyone to kill a jew worldwide on July 9th. Creator of the event lives in Singapore. Please report the event. (hat tip Kbrec)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Thanks to Obama Timeline in the comment section:
In May, the State Department commented on Facebook’s “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”—which was organized in response to the censoring of a Comedy Central episode of the cartoon series South Park to avoid offending Muslims. Spokesman P. J. Crowley read a prepared statement, “Obviously, this is a difficult and challenging issue. Many of the images that appear today on Facebook were deeply offensive to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. We are deeply concerned about any deliberate attempt to offend Muslims or members of any other religious groups. We do not condone offensive speech that can incite violence or hatred. …The best antidote to intolerance is not banning or punishing offensive speech, but rather a combination of robust legal protections against discrimination and hate crimes, and proactive government outreach to minority religious groups and the vigorous defense of both freedom of religion and expression.” It remains to be seen whether the Obama administration is outraged by “kill a Jew day.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 09:44 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis
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When I was a kid, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah were not official school holidays. I took those days off from school in observance. It was no big deal.
This is not about school holidays. This is about Islamic supremacism. (video hat tip Pamela H)
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 09:01 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis
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First, the backstory. In March of 2008, The Black Panther Party endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President on Obama's campaignwebsite.
That following election day in November, in a glimpse of what America would suffer from an outlaw, thug administration, the Black Panthers were blocking the doorway at a polling place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and engaging in voter suppression and intimidation. I was live blogging it here.
One of the panthers said "the black man was going to win the White House no matter what."
Brandishing a night stick, and swinging it menacingly, the police were called - one of the black panthers and his night stick were moved.
Do you think little old white ladies would want to walk past the black panther with a night stick.
Rick Leventhal was harassed; video here.
The following May( 2009), in an astounding violation of our voting rights as a nation, Obama's Department of justice dropped the charges against the weapon-carrying Black Panther thugs.
Today Meghan Kelly interviewed J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS, FORMER JUSTICE DEPARTMENT LAWYER, the whistleblower at the Department of Justice. This is part II. It is shocking. You must watch this:
Here is part of the text but watch the video. If you do nothing else, watch it. Partial text: MEGYN KELLY, "AMERICA LIVE" HOST: Ok, and so the guy we see banging the baton, he was one defendant. The guy next to him who was said to have been saying intimidating things, he was a defendant. The New Black Panther Party was a defendant and the head of it was a defendant. ADAMS: That’s right, all four. KELLY: Ok, and what was basically the heart of the case against them. ADAMS: Yeah, this 1965 Voting Rights Act protects voters from voter intimidation. You’re supposed to be able to go vote without somebody with a weapon shouting racial slurs at you like these folks were doing in Philadelphia. KELLY: What were they saying? ADAMS: Well, they said, “You’re about to be ruled by the black man, Cracker”. They called people “white devils”. They menaced, they tapped their baton. They tried to stop people from entering the polls. KELLY: Is there any question in your mind that that violates the law. ADAMS: No, nor anybody that worked on the case. It’s the easiest case I ever had at the Justice Department. It doesn’t get any easier than this. If this doesn’t constitute voter intimidation, nothing will. KELLY: And you had, you had not just that video tape, which we’ve all now seen, but you had witness testimony from some credible witnesses who were there. ADAMS: That’s right Bartle Bull; he’s a long time Robert F. Kennedy civil rights activist, worked in Mississippi in the '60s. He said it was the worst case of voter intimidation he has ever seen in his 40 years of practicing civil rights laws. KELLY: So it was clear to you a case needed to be brought. ADAMS: Slam dunk. I mean, nobody thought there was any doubt that this was the clearest case of voter intimidation that I’ve seen since I’ve been practicing law. KELLY: All right, so when the case was originally filed, who was at the top? Was it President Bush or was it President Obama? ADAMS: It was President Bush. It was January of 2009. KELLY: Ok. So the case gets filed, you become the lead attorney on this case. ADAMS: But there were other attorneys working on it. Five attorneys in all worked on this case, in the voting section: Chris Coates, Bob Popper, Spencer Fisher and Grace Chung Becker who authorized it, she was the assistant attorney general during the Bush administration. KELLY: And Chris Coates, his name is going to come up later. He was your boss? ADAMS: That’s correct. KELLY: And how many years had he been at DOJ? ADAMS: He’s a voting rights giant. He’s been practicing voting rights law since 1976. He’s literally one of the greatest voting rights attorneys in the history of the country. And he was the, really the lead on this case. KELLY: And there was no doubt in his mind this case needed to be pursued? ADAMS: There was no doubt in anybody’s mind, at least not the people who were working hard on the case there was no doubt. KELLY: Ok, so you bring the case against these four defendants. The two guys we see on camera, the party and the head of the party. And what happens next? ADAMS: Well you cruise along. The defendants didn’t even appear, they didn’t even answer, the just ignored the charges. KELLY: They didn’t bother to defend it in any way? ADAMS: No, it’s like ignoring a speeding ticket. They just blew it off. They didn’t show up for court, they didn’t file any papers, they didn’t do anything. KELLY: So you get something that’s called a default judgment, meaning a judgment because they didn’t bother to defend it and the judge says to you at the Department of Justice, OK, write up an order and tell me whether you want to make this final essentially. ADAMS: Yeah, the court had already found and entered the fault against the defendants. It was done. All we had to do is tell the judge what we wanted for punishment. KELLY: OK, but instead of doing that, something changed at the Department of Justice. What happened? ADAMS: Well, the case was dismissed on May 15. All the charges were dropped against three of the defendants and the final order against one of the defendants was a timid restraint. KELLY: So, the only person who wound up facing any punishment was the guy with the baton. And instead of having a permanent injunction, which is what you guys wanted, never let this guy near a polling station to do this, to do this kind of thing again, he got what? ADAMS: He’s stopped from appearing at the polls with a weapon only in the city of Philadelphia and only for a couple more years. KELLY: And the other three defendants? ADAMS: Nothing. They’re dismissed from the case completely. KELLY: Ok, so what happened at the Department of Justice to get you to the point where you literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory? ADAMS: Sure, well what happened was, and it’s been testimony. We were ordered to dismiss the case. I mean we were told drop the charges against the New Black Panther Party. KELLY: Who told you that? ADAMS: Well, the testimony has been that Steve Rosenbaum and Loretta King, two political officials at the Department ordered the dismissal of the case. Of course that was the first story. Eventually it was revealed that there were more people involved. But originally Steve Rosenbaum and Loretta King, two political appointees did. KELLY: And did you personally speak with Mr. Rosenbaum and Ms. King about the dismissal of this case? ADAMS: No. Chris Coates and Bob Popper did. Two other attorneys. KELLY: Ok. And what was your understanding based on those discussions about their reasons. ADAMS: Well, you know the Department has said that the facts and the law don’t support going forward on the case. Now, obviously that’s false. Anyone with eyes can see that the facts and the law would support this case. Uh, there’s video. Take for example Jerry Jackson; he’s the tall Black Panther. He’s also a Democratic elected official from the city of Philadelphia. KELLY: The one without the baton. ADAMS: That’s right. There is sworn testimony in front of the Civil Rights Commission that Jackson tried to stop people from going into the polls. Witnesses testified that he tried to block them from entering the polls, yet they dismissed the case against him. KELLY: So, but what was the reason? That’s what I’m trying to get at. You, the trial attorneys, the career lawyers at DOJ said we have a victory. We think this case has merit. And you were told what? ADAMS: Dismiss the case. That the facts and the law don’t support this. I can’t explain it. KELLY: What was really going on? ADAMS: Well, I mean, there is a pervasive hostility to bringing these sorts of civil rights cases. I’ve worked on other ones at the Justice Department. I’ve worked on cases in Mississippi. I’ve represented both black victims of racial discrimination and Hispanic victims and in this case a white victim of racial discrimination. There is a pervasive hostility within the civil rights division at the Justice Department toward these sorts of cases. KELLY: Do you believe that the DOJ has a policy now of not pursuing cases if the defendant is black and the victim is white? ADAM: Well, particularly in voting. In voting that will be the case over the next few years, there’s no doubt about it. KELLY: There isn’t? ADAM: None, I mean, instructions were, if you had all the attorneys that worked on this case I am quite sure that they would say the exact same thing. And that other attorneys gave instructions that the voting section would not be pursuing these sorts of cases. KELLY: Who specifically has issued that mandate? ADAMS: Well, you know, there’s some things I’m not going to reveal as far as who they are. They know who they are. They’ve said that if somebody wants to bring these kind of cases that’s not going to be done out of the civil rights division. If a U.S. attorney wants to do it, that’s up to them, but it’s not going to happen out of the civil rights division. KELLY: Let me ask you this. Is it somebody or is it several people in positions of power? ADAMS: Yeah, it’s a political appointee. It’s a political appointee. KELLY: You have said that after the dismissal of the New Black Panther’s case that a mandate was issued that no more of these cases brought against black defendants would be brought. Is that the case? ADAMS: That’s what I just said. Look, this is an administration that campaigned on transparency. They campaigned on restoring integrity to the Justice Department and they also claim they’re going to be post-racial. On all three of those they flunked the test on the Black Panther dismissal. None of these things came through. KELLY: Now before these. You said these were political appointees who made the decision basically. Loretta King and Rosen- this guy Steve Rosenbaum, right? ADAMS: Correct. KELLY: Ok. The Department has said they are not appointees. These are career Department of Justice lawyers and so it wasn’t politics in the mix in making this decision. ADAMS: Yeah. Obviously that’s false. Under the vacancy reform act they were serving a political capacity. This is one of the examples of Congress not being told the truth, the American people not being told the truth about this case. It’s one of other examples in this case where the truth simply is becoming another victim of the process. KELLY: Now, I want to get to what was said to Congress. And what was said to the US Commission on Civil Rights in a minute, but I want to ask you: when you were arguing, when the career, when the trial attorneys were trying to convince these two political attorneys to let the case go forward, you’d already won, saying don’t reverse our victory essentially. ADAMS: Yeah KELLY: There was a meeting. And these lawyers would later testify, the political lawyers would later come out and say that they reviewed all the evidence, the Department of Justice has said they looked at all the evidence and they made a decision based on that evidence the case couldn’t go forward. You say there is evidence that they did not review the facts of this case and even the briefs of this case. ADAMS: Yeah. It’s obviously false that they knew all the evidence. They, uh, Steve Rosenbaum hadn’t even read the memos which detailed all of the facts and the law. Before he started arguing against the case the mind was made up. And it was so derelict and so corrupt that Chris Coates actually threw the memo at Steve Rosenbaum and said how dare you make these arguments without even knowing what’s in the briefs? KELLY: So, your boss, the guy that had been a career DOJ lawyer, voting rights lawyer, throws the memo, throws a brief at the head of this guy Steve Rosenbaum? ADAMS: He very passionately believed in the merits of this case and very much opposed corruption of this sort. And he was angry. KELLY: What was the response? I mean that’s an extraordinary story. ADAMS: I don’t know, I wasn’t there. KELLY: But this came to you from Coates. ADAMS: Correct. KELLY: And you have no doubt that it occurred. ADAMS: There’s no question that it occurred. KELLY: So what — do you know the explanation from Rosenbaum from this other woman Loretta King as to why they hadn’t bothered to read the briefs at the DOJ on this case and why it should go forward? ADAMS: Uh, they will probably deny that they didn’t read it, but you can’t explain something like that. Then watch Bartle Bull's reaction. Bartle is a longtime civil rights activist and former aide to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign. He gave a sworn statement dated April 7 that he was serving in November as a credentialed poll watcher in Philadelphia when he saw the three uniformed Panthers confront and intimidate voters with a nightstick. Mr. Bull's testimony was not considered and he was not contacted by the Department of Justice. (hat tip Before its News) Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 08:42 PM in ACORN, SEIU: Democrat Racketeering Tools, Obama: Post American Immorality, President Hussein | Permalink |Comments (27) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! The troopathon is on. GO! It's streaming live. Stand with our soldiers, let them know we love them. The incredible 3-hour finale to the "TroopAThon" event rallying support for the men and women of the United States military is taking place RIGHT NOW! Guests like Gov. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Gary Sinese, Sean Hannity, Dr. Laura, Kelsey Grammer, and many others have come together to show that we have our troops' backs here on the homefront, while they have our backs on the frontlines. You can view the broadcast LIVE online here: http://www.TroopAThon.org The goal of the "TroopAThon" is to send the largest shipment of care packages to U.S. Troops in history. So far the "TroopAThon" has raised over $400,000. We know we can surpass $1 million for our troops. That's the least they deserve - a mass shipment of care packages with notes of support and appreciation from We, The American People. To sponsor care packages - JUST CLICK HERE. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 06:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Thanks to jmb via weasel zippers Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 06:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! R.S. McCain wrote an excellent email to the unsung heroes over at The Blogmocracy. McCain is always delicious, but here he is in superb form. McCain's argument is a concise and logical summation of the absurdity of the ugly lizard. His basic principle is clearly and openly defined, so, of course, it works to the advantage of the rational among us. Beating the dead green horse ............... Excerpt here, but read it all. Charles Johnson counts on his readers being as foolish as he is, which is why he began purging anyone who questioned him after he began his jihad against Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, et al. Once a few clever readers began noticing that the Lizard King was an idiot, Johnson became gripped by the narcissist’s greatest fear: That others will discover his fundamental worthlessness. Once Johnson had committed himself to the anti-Geller jihad, it was impossible for him to say, “Hey, you know, maybe I’m wrong about this Vlaams Belang stuff. Maybe the political situation in Belgium is more complex than I’ve made it out to be. And maybe, in the grand scheme of things, Belgian nationalism isn’t really a grave threat to world peace.” Here you see the common thread between Johnson’s anti-Geller jihad and his mad rantings about creationists and global-warming “denialists.” It doesn’t matter whether you agree with Johnson on these issues or not. Are these real dangers to the commonweal? No. Are bible-thumpers crashing airliners into skyscrapers? Are policy analysts from the Competitive Enterprise Institute going on murder rampages at Army bases? Of course not. But Johnson can’t tell the difference between his pet peeves and genuine dangers, and people who don’t share his pet peeves are suspected of being in league with the enemy. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 06:01 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Obama says, respect it! The disgusting cowards in the media never identify motive. Lily livered lilliputian dhimmis. The father and brother of an actress who starred in the Harry Potter films have been charged with threatening to kill her. Afshan Azad, 22, has appeared in four of the movies as Padma Patil, a classmate of the young wizard. She was allegedly attacked at her home in Longsight, Manchester, on May 21 this year. Now her father Abdul Azad, 54, and brother Ashraf Azad, 28, both of Beresford Road, Longsight, have appeared in court. Abdul is accused of threatening to kill his daughter and Ashraf of threatening to kill and assault occasioning actual bodily harm against his sister. Both men appeared at Manchester magistrates' court and the case was adjourned until later this month for committal proceedings to crown court. Afshan was studying for her AS levels at Xaverian College in Rusholme, Manchester, when she was first cast in the 2005 film Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. She has since appeared in three more of the wizard movies and is in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, due for release next year. Her character was a witch who was in the same year as Harry at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry and is the identical twin sister of Parvati Patil, played by actress Shefila Chowdhury. Afshan's character has also dated Harry - played in the films by Daniel Radcliffe. The girl is a star. And yet it doesn't matter who, how well known, even a celebrity. The sharia and its leftist enablers are steamrolling over Western civilization. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 04:24 PM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny | Permalink | Comments (19) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Back in Mark of 2009, I reported on this new and disturbing Jew-hatred trend: Muslims and leftists tearing through supermarkets destroying and stealing Israeli products. Carl over at Israel Matzav pointed out at the time that the police never showed up. It's happening again -- in Wales. Armaros said this, " They are enforcing their Neo Nuremberg Laws..... The police stands by while goods are stolen from a private merchant, destroyed at its door, spilled and customers prevented from entering." Now Carl has the ugly story: Let's go to the videotape. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 02:24 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (17) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Again, we urge the Imam to be sensitive to the feelings and sensibilities of New Yorkers and all Americans, and withdraw his plans for the triumphal mosque at Ground Zero. An Appeal to the Humanity of Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan We will be making our case to the landmark commission and protesting against the mega mosque on September 11th, the anniversary of the biggest, most brutal Islamic attack on America. Our first SIOA protest against the mega mosque here, here and here and here was historic, the first protest of its kind in the United States. More than half of New York voters oppose Ground Zero mosque plan: pol Daily News More than half of New York voters oppose a plan to build a Muslim community center blocks from Ground Zero, according to aQuinnipiac University poll released Thursday. A strong 52 % of voters in the five boroughs don't want the Cordoba House built in lower Manhattan, compared to 31 % who support it. Manhattan voters expressed the most support for the project, with 46 % in favor and 36 % opposed. The strongest opposition came from Staten Island, where 73 % of voters oppose it compared to just 14 % in favor. The Cordoba House, a planned 13-floor Muslim community center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, needs no approval to be built downtown. The only obstacle for developers is pending landmarks status for the building they intend to demolish to make way for the center. The Landmarks Preservation Commission will vote later this month on the building. Opposition to the Cordoba House aside, 55 % of New Yorkers said "mainstream Islam" is a "peaceful religion" compared to 22 % who said the religion "encourages violence against non-Muslims," the poll found. "Is it because we're still nursing the wounds from the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center or is it more like bigotry?" saidMaurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute in Hamden, CT, in a statement about the results. "Opponents suggest that the mosque would dishonor the memory of the attack's victims," Carroll said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 02:09 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! The Islamic supremacists are at it again, trying to remove our basic unalienable rights as Americans. The Islamic supremacists have succeeded in getting the "Rutherford Reader" pulled from two places where it had previously been available, because it said things the supremacists didn't like. Who cares? We have free speech and freedom of the press in America. Get over it. Hate rhetoric? Read the Koran, that's got more hate rhetoric in it than any book I have ever read -- take that off the shelves, too. I would strongly recommend boycotting. SIOA members in Tennessee, start picketing, start boycotting -- get to work. Newspaper, Businesses Feud in Tennessee Over Claims of 'Hate Rhetoric' FOX News A small Tennessee-based newspaper has become the center of a free speech firestorm after it was banned from a grocery store chain and a KFC for allegedly publishing "hate" speech. The Rutherford Reader, a family owned and operated business, runs feature columns of local interest, many of which lately have related to controversy surrounding a mosque being built in Rutherford County. The columns didn't sit well with at least one patron who complained to several companies that they amounted to hate speech after a guest columnist in April referred to Islam as "evil." One month later, the Reader was dropped from Kroger grocery stores, and soon after from a local KFC. Now the paper is threatening to sue, saying this is a blatant breach of its First Amendment rights. "When a group or individual can force a corporation to take something out of their store which is printed material and not offensive, then we're headed in the wrong direction," Pete Doughtie, the Rutherford Reader's co-owner and publisher, told FoxNews.com. The columns didn't sit well with at least one patron who complained to several companies that they amounted to hate speech after a guest columnist in April referred to Islam as "evil." One month later, the Reader was dropped from Kroger grocery stores, and soon after from a local KFC. Now the paper is threatening to sue, saying this is a blatant breach of its First Amendment rights. "When a group or individual can force a corporation to take something out of their store which is printed material and not offensive, then we're headed in the wrong direction," Pete Doughtie, the Rutherford Reader's co-owner and publisher, told FoxNews.com. [....] "In terms of the spirit of the First Amendment, though, I think it is true that more voices are always better than fewer voices," Policinski told the Tennessean. Doughtie told FoxNews.com that as "the only conservative paper in the area," it's important that the Reader be allowed to show the "other side" of issues that affect Americans. It appears Doughtie is not alone. Protesters gathered outside at least one Kroger store Saturday with picket signs sporting messages like "1st Amendment Trashed by Kroger and Distributech." And a manager at the KFC that banned the Reader says the company has received dozens of complaints since the paper was taken off the shelves, including her own. "I've made my opinion known," Smyrna KFC Manager Sandy Stahr told FoxNews.com. "I just feel it's wrong that out of all the people that enjoyed reading it when they came in to eat by themselves, and because one person complained they're going to take it out." For Kroger's part, Ead says the supermarket received several complaints, not just Mijares'. Doughtie says his increased circulation numbers show the Reader's supporters in this dispute far outweigh its critics. "We've had a heck of a lot more new subscribers. We have 14 new distribution points where businesses have called us and said they want our paper in their store," he said. "We've even had to increase our printing." Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 01:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This!
J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS, FORMER JUSTICE DEPARTMENT LAWYER: Well, people were standing in front of the polls with weapons in Philadelphia on the day that President Obama was elected in 2008. The Justice Department brought a case in January under the voter intimidation statutes against the New Black Panther Party, the individuals who organized the deployment and the folks with the weapons in Philadelphia at the polls."In my opinion, the men created an intimidating presence at the entrance to a poll," he declared. "In all my experience in politics, in civil rights litigation and in my efforts in the 1960s to secure the right to vote in Mississippi ... I have never encountered or heard of another instance in the United States where armed and uniformed men blocked the entrance to a polling location." ~ Bartle Bull
Harry Potter actress who played Padma Patil 'threatened by family (hat tip Armaros)
The same thing happened at a TESCO in Wales this past weekend. This time the police showed up, but not until after many goods had been removed from the store and destroyed. This time, they claim only to be targeting 'West Bank' goods that are produced in 'illegal settlements' which goods they claim it is 'illegal' to sell.
But that's wrong. The Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria are not illegal. Nor is it illegal to sell goods produced in them in the United Kingdom. What does exist is a labeling law that requires that such goods be labeled as coming from the 'West Bank' and not from Israel. Of course, that law was intended to encourage stunts like this.
So why did the Bobbies take so long to show up? I'd love to know.MAJORITY OF NEW YORKERS OPPOSE GROUND ZERO ISLAMIC SUPREMACIST MEGA MOSQUE