Hi, here is your weekly round-up of highlights from OUT-LAW News. As always, there are plenty of other stories from this week. You can also access our archive of weekly emails.
This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
AstraZeneca misled regulators and abused market dominance, says EU court
Pharmaceuticals giant AstraZeneca (AZ) abused its dominance in the drugs market and delayed the sale of competitors' drugs using tactics that, because of the company's dominance, broke competition law, an EU court has ruled.
Bilski patent ruling will increase costs of doing business, says expert
The US Supreme Court's refusal to define what business methods and software can and cannot be patented will provoke an increase in patent litigation and a rise in costs for business, an intellectual property lawyer has said.
ECJ rules on reconciling data protection law with freedom of information law
The European Commission was right to blank out the names of five people who attended a vital brewing industry meeting on data protection grounds because a beer maker had not justified its request for the names, an EU court has ruled.
Cookie compliance: privacy regulators make the best of a bad law
OPINION: A new European law on how web publishers should use cookies is still stoking controversy, seven months after it was passed.
Product placement programmes will carry audio and visual signals, says Ofcom
Television programmes containing product placement will carry a logo and a special sound to tell viewers that some element of the programme is the result of a commercial deal, media regulator Ofcom has said.
Advertisers may have to pay to complain to ASA about rivals
SNIPPET: Companies may soon have to pay to complain about the ads of other companies.

OUT-LAW Radio: Bilski's legacy
01/07/2010: One expert tells us how the long-awaited Supreme Court Bilski ruling will make life harder – and more expensive – for businesses.