Why Obama is Sabotaging U.S. Economic Growth Is Salted Popcorn about to become a federal offense? United Nations Wants More Abortions
To counter the misinformation and the influence of the special interests, I am imploring all the freedom lovers and patriots to pick up the phone and call your favorite TV or talk-radio host or any important personality who you may have access to, and see if you can get through to tell him or her what is going on. We are in a fight. This is a fight to save America, to save capitalism, and to protect us from the disaster of socialism which is fast approaching. Time is running out.........
by Zubi Diamond
So, will the government send agents to confiscate the salt shakers? Will we have to send in an application for permission to salt our pop corn? Or will we call the FDA in mass and say "get the hell out of my life!" You better decide quickly, before we can't even work in the salt mines to survive the ravages of Big Brother........
by Tom DeWeese
As usual, as the UN creates mythology and pulls moral codes from a sea of soiled international play books, we see them pushing for New Human Rights for Maternal Health so they can ‘empathetically’ slaughter more babies worldwide. Just this week I talked with a Representative from Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute www.c-fam.org about this aggressive push backed by Obama, Hillary and our cherished abortion fans.....
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 2 July 2010
July 2, 2010
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Britannia Radio