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Friday, 2 July 2010
Independence Day, 2010
Please log on to Veteran Defenders of America…because “freedom isn’t free”
Dear Harold,
July 4, 1776, may have been the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. But it
took seven years of war to win that independence—proving once again that “freedom
isn’t free.”
One of the more striking characteristics of radical Islam is its oppressive, totalitarian
nature. Throughout history, the spread of this evil ideology has brought with it death,
slavery, suffering and oppression—not the “peace” and “tolerance” its adherents claim.
Non-Muslims and Muslims have suffered under the boot heel of this ideology. For
instance, countless Muslim women around the world today suffer as second-class
citizens under sharia law.
Non-Muslims in Islamic countries face persecution, intimidation, even torture and
Non-Muslims in countries like France fear to go near “no go zones,” Muslim enclaves
where even law enforcement officers dare not tread.
In April, ACT! for America announced the launch of a new joint project entitled
Veteran Defenders of America (VDA).
Since then, hundreds of veterans nationwide have signed up to be part of this
grassroots movement whose motto is “the eyes and ears of freedom.”
Are you a veteran? Do you have a family member who is a veteran? Then please visit today to find out more about the mission and objectives
of this organization.
On June 15th, over 270 people jammed a meeting room in the Nashville, Tennessee, area
to attend an event co-hosted by the Middle Tennessee chapter of ACT! for America and
Veteran Defenders of America.
Keynoting the event were Erick Stakelbeck, an international CBN news correspondent
/expert on radical Islam, and Colonel Jim Harding, the 19th most decorated soldier in
United States military history.
Attendees heard a summary of the threat arrayed against us—and how they as veterans
can do something about the threat.
VDA plans for the future include training programs in homeland security, emergency preparations, and the threat of Islamist organizations located here in America linked
directly to the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood.
VDA is already building a grassroots leadership infrastructure of veterans and for veterans.
To find out how you can get involved, visit
Because veterans understand, better than most, that freedom isn’t free.
ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Britannia Radio