The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship Banks Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Bail Out: Roubini The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet US taxpayers’ Afghan aid money buys rich Afghans’ Dubai villas Justice Dept. expected to sue Ariz. on immigration, citing ‘preemption’ grounds Military Patrols Beach in Panama City Alex Jones: You Can’t Take Photos Here in America No More Electric cars must be taxed to pay for more power stations ‘or National Grid could fail’
Type the keywords "Internet censorship" into Google News and you will immediately understand to what degree the world wide web is under assault from attempts by governments globally to regulate and stifle free speech. From Australia to Belarus, from Turkey to Vietnam, from Pakistan to Egypt, from Afghanistan to Iran, huge chunks of the Internet are going dark as the Chinese model of Internet regulation is adopted worldwide.
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
We are in the midst of the most explosive development in all of human history. Humanity is experiencing a simultaneously opposing and conflicting geopolitical transition, the likes of which has never before been anticipated or experienced.
European governments face the quandary of being unable to afford to bail out banks that are still considered too big to fail, while the global economy is heading for a slowdown in the second half of the year, economist Nouriel Roubini of Roubini Global Economics told CNBC Tuesday.
• Analyst: Gold To bounce back to $1,309
Type the keywords "Internet censorship" into Google News and you will immediately understand to what degree the world wide web is under assault from attempts by governments globally to regulate and stifle free speech. From Australia to Belarus, from Turkey to Vietnam, from Pakistan to Egypt, from Afghanistan to Iran, huge chunks of the Internet are going dark as the Chinese model of Internet regulation is adopted worldwide.
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
You already might have heard that it costs the United States $1 million for each solider per year in Afghanistan, to cover the cost of the soldiers’ benefits, troop transports and other materiel.
The Justice Department has decided to file suit against Arizona on the grounds that the state’s new immigration law illegally intrudes on federal prerogatives, law enforcement sources said Monday.
In the middle of June it was reported that BP hired private security contractor to keep the media away from sites the transnational corporation claims it is cleaning.
Biometric ATM gives cash via ‘finger vein’ scan
Poland’s cooperative BPS bank says it’s the first in Europe to install a biometric ATM — allowing customers to withdraw cash simply with the touch of a fingertip.
Dubai Airport Rejects Body Scanners As Assault On Privacy
Dubai will not be using full-body scanners in either of its two airports to protect passengers’ privacy, a Dubai airports’ top police official said, according to local press reports Tuesday.
Turkey threatens to cut ties with Israel over Gaza flotilla
Turkey has hardened its stance towards Israel over the “freedom flotilla” taking aid to the Gaza Strip, warning today that it will sever diplomatic relations unless the Israelis issue a formal apology or accept an international investigation into the incident.
Alex Covers a story of a PBS Photographer who was told he couldn’t take pictures here in America.
Interpol asks Web surfers to help catch fugitives
International police agency Interpol on Monday urged Internet users to help track down hundreds of fugitives wanted for murder, rape, child sexual abuse and other serious crimes.
Electric cars must be taxed to pay for more power stations or they could drain the National Grid and even contribute to power cuts, an energy firm has warned.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
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Britannia Radio