Primary school forced to buy computer translator because half of its pupils don't speak English Men in hospital after jumping from window during raid Takeaway staff arrested in Doncaster New Australian PM wants tougher immigration policy 'Live in a £1m mansion for £130 a week? Only if you throw in a new kitchen...': Whistleblower exposes chancers and cheat.. FOREGIN CRIMINALS ARE LAUGHING AT OUR LAX SENTENCES LITTLEJOHN: Remake The Sweeney? Don't do it, Guv'nor, it's not worth it | Mail Online What isn't wrong with Sharia law? Over 40 years for multi-million pound tax fraud gang Illegal staff arrested by immigration FOREIGN TAX CHEATS PROVE THAT WE'RE AN EASY TOUCH MIGRANT GANG JAILED FOR £4.5M TAX SCAM TO FUND LUXURY LIFE LOOPHOLE FEAR OVER MIGRANTS Migrants from new EU states increase London homeless tallyA selection of recent media reports
A primary school where more than half of pupils are non-English speaking has become the first in Britain to give every child a computerised translator.
Daily Mail (06-Jul-2010)
Two men were taken to hospital today after jumping out of a window during a raid by immigration officials. UK Border Agency staff supported by police searched a home in Balham High Road, south London, shortly after...
The Independent (06-Jul-2010)
Two people have been arrested following an illegal working operation by our officers in Doncaster on the evening of Thursday 1 July. Acting on intelligence, officers visited two different takeaways, China City on 258 Great North Road, and Happy House, 264 Great North Road in Doncaster and questioned staff...
M2 (06-Jul-2010)
Australia's new prime minister, Julia Gillard, has unveiled a plan by which Australia would set up a regional asylum processing centre to tackle people...
Irish Sun (06-Jul-2010)
Recently the Mail published a devastating account by a whistleblower who revealed a culture of absenteeism, rampant inefficiency and 'unsackable' staff at the London council where he works as a senior planning...
Mail Online (06-Jul-2010)
Lined up on the bonnets of their Range Rovers and BMWs, Volodymyr Panchak and his friends looked the picture of Eastern European immigrants made good. As well as living in luxury apartments in West London they enjoyed Caribbean holidays, skydiving expeditions and champagne...
Sunday Express (06-Jul-2010)
Ray Winstone and Daniel Craig are reportedly being lined up for starring roles in a remake of The Sweeney. Please, chaps, spare us. They're both fine...
The Mail On Sunday (05-Jul-2010)
To safeguard our rights there must be one law for all and no religious... (05-Jul-2010)
Eleven members of a Ukrainian crime gang who stole GBP4.5 million through tax fraud have been jailed for a total of more than 40 years today at Southwark Crown Court following a complex investigation by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
M2 (05-Jul-2010)
Seven illegal workers have been arrested in a series of immigration raids. The foreign nationals, including people who had entered the UK illegally and failed asylum seekers, were caught in two swoops in Loughborough and one in Castle Donington earlier this month by the UK Border...
This is Leicestershire (05-Jul-2010)
ALL the squealing from the Left about the Governments planned cuts in tax and welfare handouts conveniently ignores two glaring truths: that the fiddling going on is monumental and if we crack down on the cheats well save a...
Scottish Daily Express (05-Jul-2010)
A GANG of illegal immigrants from the Ukraine cheated the taxman out of £4.5million and spent the money on Caribbean holidays, luxury cars and call...
Sunday Express (05-Jul-2010)
FEARS were growing yesterday that the Governments immigration cap will not prove tough...
Sunday Express (05-Jul-2010)
UK capital's homeless now 4,000, from 2,500 three years ago Growth in new rough sleepers attributed to economic...
U TV (05-Jul-2010)
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
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Britannia Radio