Monday, July 12, 2010
Counterterror Experts Criticize Obama on Islamism
Iran Vows Sixfold Uranium Increase by 2011
Obamappeasement has backfired big-time. But adoring liberal media outlets continue to support engagement (code for appeasement of and alignment with) the monstrous mullahocracy.China Buying Big Uranium Supplies
Understanding China's Slowing Imports
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Inconvenient News for Fifth Columnists and Liberal Idiots of Appeasement: Iran Defector Says Islamist Regime Will Attack Israel, Europe, Gulf States
Impossible to Imagine: US Under Obama in 2016
Flying cars and fast trains ... jet-packs and spaceports ... teleportation and telepresence ... endless energy ... cures for cancer, AIDS, and other dread diseases ... artificial islands and artificial intelligence .... a world without poverty and pollution ... peace in Ireland ... and across the Middle East ... all that and more this reporter and others have imagined, dreamed and written and made movies about.
But America under Obama in 2016?
That future is impossible to imagine.
Fortunately for Americans and freedom-loving people everywhere, the Candidate of (antidemocratic, radical left-wIng) Change looks more and more like a one-term President--another Jimmy Carter--every day.Persecuted and Exonerated SEALs Need Your Help
Iran Proxy Claims List of Israeli Military Targets
Hezbollah is bristling with missiles, having being allowed to rearm by the United Nations.
Another war is coming. Appeasement of radical Islam has made the conflict inevitable.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
The President is playing into Islamist hands, experts say, by ignoring or downplaying radical Islam (in the face of all logic and common sense). Click here for the story.
Iran is closer than ever to becoming a nuclear weapons state, as reported here.
Hitlerian Hezbollah, Islamonazi Iran's Islamist proxy in Lebanon, says it has a list of military targets inside Israel.Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio