Tuesday, 13 July 2010 08:17 'Used in yards, farms and parks throughout the world, Roundup has long been a top-selling weed killer. But now researchers have found that one of Roundup's inert ingredients can kill human cells, particularly embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells. Tuesday, 13 July 2010 07:59 'As we examined these photos more closely (AS17-134-20511, 20512, and 20513) we noticed, to our utter amazement, that the US flag appeared to have been relocated between pictures. Then, no doubt as part of an illusion to produce a convincing perspective change consistent with three different camera positions, the mountain backdrop moves even more drastically from shot to shot. However, the LM stays in virtually the same orientation in all three pictures, as does a row of 10 or so little rocks located between the LM's feet and left of frame. In reality, such a minimal orientation change of the LM would require the distant mountain to change far less than the LM itself – not more.' -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, 13 July 2010 07:56 Tuesday, 13 July 2010 07:49 'It could hardly be said to be the most dignified of send-offs. Undertakers in Belgium plan to eschew traditional burials and cremations and start dissolving corpses instead. The move is intended to tackle a lack of burial space and environmental concerns as 573lbs of carbon dioxide are released by each cremated corpse. Under the process, known as resomation, bodies are treated in a steel chamber with potassium hydroxide at high pressure and a temperature of 180c (350f). The raised pressure and temperature means the body reaches a similar end point as in standard cremation — just bones left to be crushed up — in two to three hours. Six states in America have passed legislation to allow resomation and the Scottish company behind the technology says it is in talks to allow the process in the UK. Tuesday, 13 July 2010 07:28 'Police are investigating the apparent suicide of four young men in Dundee in the space of 10 days, it has emerged. On Thursday 1 July Anthony Riddell, 17, was found dead in a wooded area in the city. Two days later Ragan Thomson, 18, was found dead in the same area. On Saturday, the body of 23-year-old Steven Loftus was found in a local park and a few hours later the body of a 22-year-old man was found in the grounds of a country estate. Police are not connecting the deaths. It is understood all four men hanged themselves.' Read more: Four City 'Suicides' in Dundee Over 10 Days Shades of Bridgend! Tuesday, 13 July 2010 07:19 'The true scale of the national debt is £2 trillion - more than twice the official figure, an alarming study shows. The black hole in the public accounts equates to £78,000 for every household in the country. Read more: UK Debt is 'Twice as Much as We Thought' Monday, 12 July 2010 08:40 'The contribution from cash-strapped British taxpayers to retired EU officials will be £135 million at a time when many retired Britons in both the public and private sectors face cuts to their pension schemes. A British diplomat said: "At a time when governments across Europe have taken significant actions to reduce the costs of their public sector, including freezing or even cutting civil service staff salaries, and making commitments to undertake fundamental reviews of staff pension schemes, pay and pensions in EU institutions must reflect the very difficult decisions which are being made right across Europe".' Read more: Britain Pays £135 Million Annually Towards EU Officials' Pensions Tuesday, 13 July 2010 05:55 'One of the side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. The cancer doctors don't say much about it, but it's printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print, of course). If you go into a cancer treatment clinic with one type of cancer, and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy chemicals, you will often develop a second type of cancer as a result. Your oncologist will often claim to have successfully treated your first cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer. There's nothing like cancer-causing chemotherapy to boost repeat business, huh?' Read more: Pharmacists Give Themselves Cancer From Dispensing Toxic Chemotherapy Chemicals Tuesday, 13 July 2010 05:45 'A nurse recently found herself facing felony prosecution for making an anonymous complaint about the unsafe practices of a doctor at the hospital where she worked in the small town of Kermit, Texas. Anne Mitchell and two fellow nurses became concerned about the conduct of Dr. Rolando G. Arafiles Jr. not long after he joined the staff of their public hospital in 2008. After repeated complaints to hospital administrators went ignored, Mitchell and another nurse drafted a letter to the state medical board, citing six particular cases of concern. In one of these, Arafiles had performed a skin graft in an emergency room without surgical privileges, and the procedure failed. In another, he sutured a rubber tip to a crushed finger, for which he was later reprimanded by the Department of State Health Services. The nurses also complained that Arafiles was e-mailing patients about an herbal remedy that he sold outside his professional capacity.' Read more: Texas Nurse Prosecuted for Daring to Report Actions of Bad Doctor Tuesday, 13 July 2010 05:40 'New studies show that aspartame may increase the risk of premature births. Research funded by the European Union found a correlation between the amount of diet drink consumed and an early birth among the 60,000 women studied, The Mail on Sunday reported on July 10. The study also says that drinks containing aspartame and other artificial sweeteners may pose a danger to the unborn child. Some British public health experts are now advising expectant mothers to avoid food and drink containing the chemicals, the report added.' Read more: Aspartame's Threat to the Unborn Monday, 12 July 2010 07:42 'Yet the huge weight of equipment on view will strike most (especially city dwellers) as far from unusual. We are all too familiar with bulky body armour, guns and a range of modish extras that have turned the old-fashioned bobby into something resembling a High Street stormtrooper. Thanks to pressure from the Police Federation (the police 'trade union') and the manufacturers of specialist equipment, the ordinary policeman or woman has been transformed beyond recognition - with damaging results for public confidence and even for their ability to do the job itself. The balance between officer safety and the approachability of the British bobby is wrong.' Read more: How Can the Public Feel Safe When the Police are So Scared? Monday, 12 July 2010 07:26 'A charity established by Tony Blair to aid the African poor is being run by a banker who helped to mastermind toxic mortgage investments at the centre of an alleged multi-million-pound fraud. The 53-year-old banker is a controversial figure in New York because of his role in devising a scheme to bet on the collapse of the US housing market, which earned his company an estimated £645 million while other investors lost the same amount.' Read more: Blair African Charity Run by Banker Linked to US Toxic Loan Fraud
The new findings intensify a debate about so-called "inerts" the solvents, preservatives, surfactants and other substances thaat manufacturers add to pesticides. Nearly 4,000 inert ingredients are approved for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.'Why is the Sun So Big?
Moon Landing Picture Anomalies
The 'real' state of the national finances is exposed in a study published today by the Centre for Economics and Business Research, which warns of a series of mammoth debts that aren't revealed by the official figures.'
Paolo Pellegrini, an Italian-born financier, quietly became president last year of the US arm of the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative, set up to foster economic development on the continent.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
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Britannia Radio