Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Emergency Committee for Israel Formed
The much-needed Emergency Committee for Israel has been formed. Click here for the story, and above for the group's first TV ad.
Though the times are different, the formation of the Emergency Committee recalls the Bergson Group.North Korea Has 20 Underground Airfields
Castro Defends North Korea, Iran
Believe it or not, Fidel Castro is still alive--and giving TV interviews. He says the United States (a) accidentally sank the South Korean ship torpedoed by the North, and (b) plans to attack Iran with Israeli help. The former accusation is absurd, of course; if only the latter one was true.Monday, July 12, 2010
Counterterror Experts Criticize Obama on Islamism
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
The President is playing into Islamist hands, experts say, by ignoring or downplaying radical Islam (in the face of all logic and common sense). Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio