The Age of Absurdity
by Jerrold L. Sobel
Has anyone out there heard of Darfur? The questions get tougher now. Do you know where it is? And finally, who is Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir? Well, for those of you hanging on the edge of your seats; Darfu is a region of western Sudan about the size of Texas. Since 2003 it’s been in a civil war where the Muslim military government led by Omar Ahmad al-Bashir has by U.N. estimates massacred more than 300,000 civilians, displaced 2,500,000, and have forced another 200,000 to seek refuge in neighboring Chad. This week the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague charged al-Bashir with three counts of genocide. Earlier, in March of this year he was also charged with five other genocidal counts including; holding two and a half million refugees in Auschwitz like internment camps.
Not surprisingly, at last year’s Arab League Summit conference in Doha, Qatar, this monster was universally praised by the participants; one in particular was Israel’s...
Islam in the cross hairs
Sarah Palin came out on July 20th and asked for sensitivity in location of mosque. A week later Newt did her one better. He engaged the enemy. Then Frank Gaffney Jr praised his speech. The long awaited debate has begun. This could be a turning point in the war against Islam although Gingrich only comes out against “radical Islam”. Is there any other? T. Belman
By Newt Gingrich, Human Events
NOTE: Watch Newt’s speech, America at Risk, on the threat from radical Islamism here.
One of our biggest mistakes in the aftermath of 9/11 was naming our response to the attacks “the war on terror” instead of accurately identifying radical Islamists (and the underlying ideology of radical Islamism) as the target of our campaign. This mistake has led to endless confusion about the nature of the ideological and material threat facing the civilized world and the scale of the response that is appropriate.
Radical Islamism is more than simply...
The peace camp’s immunity
Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Our leaders are not only insane but criminally stupid as well. Their victims scream from their graves but they are deaf and insensitive to the screams. Yamit
Why are ‘peace champions’ allowed to do anything without facing consequences?
We suffer from an inflation of commissions of inquiry, yet only in respect to military screw-ups. Peace failures and even peace crimes (including ones that ignited wars) are not investigated.
Perhaps this is so because probes look for guilty parties, yet under the banner of peace everything is allowed and no one bears any responsibility. And so, security officials are offered no protection from criticism, while “peace” provides immunity. Who looked into the decision-making process ahead of the Oslo Accords, which were born in sin? Which forum permitted Netanyahu to hand over Hebron and...
Refusing to Name the Enemy
By Steven Simpson, American Thinker
On September 11, 2001, extremists hijacked four American airliners, crashing them into New York City’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. The tragedy resulted in 3,000 Americans dying.
Does the above paragraph sound strange, deliberately vague, misleading (i.e., “politically correct”) — like a misrepresentation of what actually happened on that fateful Tuesday morning? If so, then for the last nine years, America — from presidents and other politicians to Pentagon officials — has been engaged in an exercise of obfuscation and verbal gymnastics. And, of course, the leftist establishment media (aka the “mainstream media”) have willingly gone along with the above deception. Now consider the politically incorrect truth:
On September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamist terrorists from the Middle East — fifteen from Saudi Arabia — hijacked four American...
Samaria, Israel’s Hidden Asset.
The rolling hills of Samaria, cradle of the Jewish Nation, present a mosaic of rocky hilltops and fertile valleys, dotted with groves of age-old, silver-green olive trees. The terraced hillsides, first developed by farmers in ancient times, blend into the natural landscape. The vistas and scenery, seemingly unchanged since Biblical days, reflect the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy “Again shall you plant vineyards on the mountains of Shomron”. The perfumed mountain air and dazzling views excite the senses. Beautiful, barren and beckoning, the Shomron patiently awaits the return of the Jewish People.
Yet the Shomron, Eretz Israel’s heartland region, remains an orphan child. Most Israelis don’t go there and few really know anything about it, as if it were on another planet. However, far from being in outer space, the Shomron is virtually in our backyard. From Kfar Saba’s industrial zone it’s a ten minute bike...
Lifeboat Blues
Lyrics and Video by eBenBrandeis
Cross-checking beliefs in a cathedral of facts
a Library of Congress where I browse in the stacks
the smile on my plaster of Paris death mask cracks
as I prepare for my imminent sea voyage.
I’ve got my childhood fables and my undergraduate classes
my rose-coloured specs and my dark sunglasses
my DNA lottery and a couple of family passes;
Like my ancestors, I’ll be traveling steerage.
Momma’s down in Florida, with the Elders of the Jews
Papa’s gone to heaven, what endures is what we choose
I’m in trouble with the lifeboat blues
So I finish my last supper, take a final coffee sip
and go meet my brother Jonah, on the gangway to the ship.
He’s got a Nineveh assignment, but he’s giving God the slip
He says that prophecy’s a job that’s futile.
On board strong signals echo back from the sonar of the past
triggered by a Leviathan which blows with a ram horn blast
We Must Not Give in to Islamic supremacists
Laura: I did not believe the rumor that plans for putting a mosque at ground zero had reportedly been dropped. There is no way in hell these jihadists are ever going to give in and end their pursuit of staking their claim to ground zero and erecting a victory shrine to the horrific muslim attack on America which took down the Twin Towers and massacred 3000 Americans. The worst part about this is liberals who are enabling this obscenity. They have no clue or do not care what they are defending. They think they are defending religious freedom but they are aiding and abetting jihad. Liberals have their minds closed as to the true nature of islam and what this mosque really represents and will not listen to reasoned arguments and turn a blind eye to what rauf says in Arabic to fellow muslims, which is completely the opposite of what he says to Americans. As is their MO, liberals simply dismiss any opposition as bigotry. The only way we can defeat the jihad being waged against us is...
Hamas Says Mosque Must Be Built
Laura: Bloomberg can really be proud that he’s in synch with hamas on the ground zero islamic supremacist mosque.
Hamas leader Zahar: Muslims must build mosque near Ground Zero
Hamas leader in Gaza says Muslims have to build everywhere so that their followers can pray, as do Jews and Christians.
Hamas leader Mahmoud a-Zahar on Monday said Muslims must build a mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks, a project opposed by U.S. conservatives and many New Yorkers.
Muslims have to build everywhere so that followers can pray, just like Christians and Jews build their places of worship, Zahar said in an interview on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio on WABC-AM.
Earlier this month, a New York city agency cleared the way for construction of a Muslim cultural center, which will include a prayer room, two blocks from the site of the 9/11 attacks, popularly known as “Ground Zero.”
The center is a project of the Cordoba Initiative, an advocacy group...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel