Wednesday, 18 August 2010

WND News for Bloggers


Chalk it up to ... ignorance?

Acclaimed authors wonder why conservative star is ignoring
unintended consequences of same-sex marriage


WASHINGTON — With his trademark blackboard in the background, Glenn Beck's bold lessons about the Founding Fathers, America's Christian heritage and stealth attempts by communists—even within the current administration—to undermine liberty leave many conservatives rapt and rooting for more.

But even as they admire how passionately he's enlightened Americans about U.S. history and threats to the country's constitutional sovereignty, two authors revered by the right say Beck needs a lesson on how his latest stance is actually aiding and abetting the subversive roots he labors intensely to expose.

By becoming the latest conservative to capitulate to same-sex marriage, Joseph Farah and David Kupelian warn Beck that he's "knuckling under to a movement with Marxist roots that's intent on sabotaging traditional morality and religion."

During a recent exchange with Bill O'Reilly about a homosexual California judge overturning an overwhelmingly voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, O'Reilly asked Beck if legalized same-sex marriage would "harm the country." Countering his previously stated views, Beck answered: "I believe that Thomas Jefferson said: 'If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket what difference is it to me?'"

To schedule an interview ,
please contact Tim Bueler at (530) 401-3285

That answer showed that Beck apparently "doesn't care about one of the most blatant and despicable examples of judicial tyranny in the history of our country," said Farah, founder and CEO of and author of top-selling "The Tea Party Manifesto."

Even as voters in state after state—now up to 30—approve bans on safe-sex marriage, conservative commentators are increasingly cowing in the face of the homosexual agenda, says Kupelian, managing editor of WND and bestselling author of "The Marketing of Evil" and its just-released sequel, "How Evil Works." He cites not only the strike-down of Prop 8, but the light resistance to the confirmation of Elena Kagan (which CBS first reportedly described as a lesbian) and the likelihood of Congress overturning "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

"Most people in today's America, including conservatives, are afraid of ‘the gay issue,'" Kupelian says, citing Ann Coulter's scheduled keynote speech for GOProud's September HOMOCON event and the "gay conservative" group's earlier sponsorship of the Conservative Political Action Conference. "Although most know deep down there's something wrong with homosexuality, they don't want to be called ‘intolerant,' ‘bigoted,' ‘hateful' or ‘homophobic.'"

Today, dismissed Coulter from speaking at its "Taking America Back" Conference in Miami Sept. 16-18 over her decision to address GOProud.

Kupelian outlines the unforeseen and far-reaching consequences of legalizing safe-sex marriage, including:

  • schools required to teach that homosexuality is normal and acceptable;
  • the criminalization of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs regarding homosexuality as pastors and rabbis fear preaching their faith's core moral values;
  • the inevitable legalization of polygamy and other new and bizarre forms of "marriage"

"For Muslims living in the U.S., for whom polygamy is allowed under the Quran (up to four wives), we will see large numbers of polygamous marriages within the United States of America," said Kupelian, "just as there are in France today – where polygamy is still illegal! (The French so fear their Muslim subculture, they don't enforce the law. In fact, French taxpayers pay for free housing for many polygamous Muslims, subsidizing special multi-room apartment units to accommodate the various wives and their children.)"

To schedule an interview ,
please contact Tim Bueler at (530) 401-3285

In fact, says Farah, when conservatives staunchly advocate "the superiority of the free market" while going wobbly on social issues like same-sex marriage, they fail to see the contradictions or the consequences. Particularly, says Farah, the economic ones.

"(M)aterialists like Beck don't understand how upsetting God's order can have far-reaching effects much more devastating even than a tax increase," said Farah. "I would suggest that many of the dire economic problems we face today are a direct result not of government fiscal policies but of government social engineering."

Farah argues such in "The Tea Party Manifesto," warning about individuals and entities eager to rally the tea party movement around economic issues exclusively. When conservative leaders like Beck shrug off the ramifications of same-sex marriage, they unwittingly reject traditional marriage's biblical ordination and its history as the bedrock protector of women, children and a free, self-governing society, said Farah.

"That is ... the perfect illustration of what's wrong with the materialist worldview – whether it is held by a raving Marxist or a conservative entertainer," he adds.

Writes Kupelian: "The well-documented leftist infiltration and subversion of virtually all of America's institutions during the last two to three generations has included, front and center, the sabotage of traditional morality and religion. After all, from the Marxist perspective, if you're serious about transforming America – from a land of limited government and individual liberty rooted in a transcendent, faith-based moral code to a population of compliant, needy people dependent on a god-like government – you simply must separate the population from Judeo-Christian values and morality."

"Glenn," he adds, directly addressing the popular Fox host, "the three founders you picture daily on your Fox TV show under the heading Faith. Hope. Charity' – namely Sam Adams, George Washington and Ben Franklin – would have been horrified, appalled and aghast at the mere thought of men marrying men and women marrying women."

To schedule an interview ,
please contact Tim Bueler at (530) 401-3285