Amnesty With Attitude
>> Thursday, August 12, 2010
The powerful Jewish lobby hasn’t been controlling the media very well recently. A legal amnesty on criminal activities appears to have crept in, unnoticed by the MSM. Not all criminal activities qualify, before you go out a-lootin’ and a-pillagin’. Only ones that are for the noble cause of delegitimising Israel. Specially if his honour the judge happens to have strong feelings, as was the case with His Honour George Bathurst-Norman; and now another judge has jumped on the bandwagon and acquitted another bunch of rowdies. Their antics have been disrupting trade in Covent Garden’s Ahava store and surrounding shops because Ahava is Israeli owned, and some of its products are from the West Bank.
“The activists insisted that they were legally justified in their actions as they claim the shop’s activities are illegal because the products on sale in the shop originate from Mitzpe Shalem, an Israeli settlement on the West Bank and are deliberately mislabeled as “made in Israel”.Wham Bam Acquitted!
The BBC doesn’t report this case, but as they reported the outcome of the Brighton factory trial without mentioning the judge’s emotional instructions to the jury, but showed instead a video of the vandals’ joy at their acquittal, it was clear that they didn’t think upholding the law was necessary. With the proviso that it’s all for a good cause, of course.
Hold the front page! Richard Black has told Anthony Watts that he is correcting a story in which - using all his scientific brilliance - he told the world that rice yields are falling "because of global warming". The reality is that over the past few decades rice yields have grown hugely thanks mainly to brilliant agricultural scientists who understand the relationship between optimum plant breeding, soils, temperature, irrigation and growth. Mr Black plainly did not read the press release and he got completely the wrong end of the stick, presenting - as usual - warmist twaddle. It will, of course, be interesting to read what Mr Black has to say and I welcome his willingness to acknowledge his error. But, call me a cynic, I am expecting a sting in the tail...especially in view of what Bishop Hill calls Mr Black's "slack-jawed" acceptance of the alarmist narrative being applied to biodiversity. Is this the BBC's latest crusade? Mr Black has certainly got form, in this area.
BBC Broadcasts Useful Programme!
Some interesting and appreciative articles and comments about the John Sweeny programme “Useful Idiots” .
Question; Is there anybody out there who would be prepared to go on Sunday Morning Live (via video link) this Sunday who would take a similar line to me re Gitmo and Mr Khadr, the 15yrs in Gitmo who whines he was tortured? Email me straightaway if you are prepared to go on!
Hey, who would have guessed it but Mona Siddique, Professor of Islamic Studies and Director for the Study of Islam, was back on Thought for the Day this morning! You will recall I mentioned the frequency of her appearances but last week and now she is back on again talking about the Religion of Peace. It's almost as if the person who controls religious output on the BBC has a pro-Muslim tendency....
Warmists have been at it for at least a decade: publishing dire predictions that heatwaves are going to kill us by thousand, we'll all drop like flies as the mercury rises. Here's CNN in 2000. And here's the BBC yesterday. Note the similarities, the same strident language, the same 'we are all doomed' rhetoric. Like a cracked record.. When I see this statistical hogwash - which comes from the school where if you pay people to find a problem, they will find it - I ask if heat is such a problem, why do Brits flock to Greece and Florida and Spain every year? And why does California continue to grow? Is it so those involved will increase their chance of a heart attack? Er, I don't think so.
>> Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Attention all Biased BBC readers, I seek your thoughts!
I'll be on the BBC twice in the next few days discussing several subjects and I would value your opinions/thoughts.
I'm on the Nolan Show tomorrow morning (BBC NI) debating whether civil partnerships (a non religious secular invention) should be permitted on religious premises. The law says they should, I say the law is an ass, they should not, what say you?
Then, on Sunday, I will be on the BBC Sunday Live programme presented by Susanna Reid! The topic I have been asked to cover is Guantanamo Bay and in particular the fact that there is a 23 year old in it, Omar Kadr, who was 15 when captured. Is this right? Should 15 year olds be in Gitmo? (Yes, of course) Young Omar killed a US sergeant by throwing a hand grenade at him but...waaaugh... he was ONLY 15, and then he alleges he was tortured. I take a very straight view on this. He's lucky to be alive given his crime, he SHOULD be behind bars, I dismiss his allegations of torture (all unproven) and this is just one more poster boy for the left who hate the idea that we fight Islamic terrorists! Your views please? Never done the Sunday Live show so time for some straight talking...hope you can provide some interesting thoughts for me.
"Suspicious Packages"
I wonder if the BBC's coverage of the Ground Zero mosque (coming soon from Kiera Feldman) will include an interview with Greg Gutfeld about his plans to promote dialogue and outreach next door?
(Some more bar names here, if you're interested.)