Thursday, August 12, 2010
2,200-Year-Old Gold Coin Found in Israel

In the above image provided by the Israel Antiquities Authority, a rare 2200-year-old gold coin that was uncovered in the excavations by members of the University of Michigan and University of Minnesota. Photograph by: Sue Webb, Israel Antiquities Authority via Getty Images
An ancient, extremely rare gold coin--in great condition--found in northern Israel. Read all about it--the heaviest gold coin ever found in Israel--here.
What Appeasement Has Wrought: Islamonazis Torture Woman to Force Phony TV Confession

Click here and here for the sickening story.
Read and weep. The innocent Iranian woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, having already been whipped nearly to death, has been tortured into making a phony TV confession and faces imminent execution--death by stoning--in accord with barbaric Islamic law (which U.S. President Obama and his henchmen urge us to "respect"). She is one of countless victims of the global Islamonazi onslaught--a monstrous wave encouraged by the President's perfidious policy of appeasement.
Look at her picture. Remember her the next time you hear one of the Islamist fifth columnists or apologists on television.
When the Iranian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad next comes to the United Nations in New York, he should be forced to look at his victim's photograph. Thousands of people should descend on the U.N. holding Sakineh Mohammadi Ashitani's photo, demanding justice and an end to the Islamonazi regime--the nuclear-arming tyranny that Obama is still bent on "engaging."
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Iran Warns US Not to Attack

An IRGC general says the United States is too weak to back up its threats, as reported here.
The Islamonazi regime is behaving as if it already has an atomic weapon. Maybe it does--a dirty bomb or two would not be an impossibility. Certainly, Iran feels emboldened by (a) its massive missile buildup, and (b) the perfidious appeasement policy of U.S. President Barack Obama, whose election guaranteed that the regime would have sufficient time to achieve its strategic objectives.
Even at this late date, as atomic armageddon looms, Obama seems bent on engaging--appeasing and actually aligning with--a monstrously imperialist and repressive regime that clearly intends (a) to destroy Israel, and (b) to drive the U.S. from the Middle East ahead of striking the "Great Satan" with nuclear arms, directly, or, indirectly--and anonymously--using its overt proxies, Hitlerian Hezbollah and Hamas, and/or Iran's covert ally, Al Qaeda.
Yes, Al Qaeda. Contrary to the disinformation disseminated by Islamist fifth columnists and apologists, the Sunni and Shiite branches of radical Islam have bridged their theological divide quite nicely, temporarily, at least, in order to bring about "a world without America and Zionism."
And the liberal idiots of appeasement, headed by the appeaser-in-chief in the White House, are too stupid or too cowardly--or too ideologically twisted--to see the plain truth.
Heaven help America and Israel ... and the entire civilized world.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How US Navy SEALs Move and Shoot
How Israelis 'Understand' Terrorists (Part 2)
How Israelis Train to 'Understand' Terrorists
In this context, J.J. Gross' letter in today's Jerusalem Post merits republishing. A brilliant, highly experienced, Israeli-American advertising and public relations expert (and former leader of American Betar), Gross writes:
It is perhaps ironic, but hardly surprising, that a liberal American Jew like Marilyn Henry would champion the construction of a megamosque at Ground Zero (“New York City votes for tolerance,” Metro views, August 8) on the heels of her recent call to suppress the rights of Orthodox Jews in Teaneck, New Jersey (“A town that touts its diversity,” Metro views, July 18).
The sad reality is that most of America’s liberal Jews, often to the shock and disgust of their gentile neighbors, are the first to fight against an eruv or the construction of an Orthodox synagogue, yet take the lead in championing the rights of Muslims. By extension, this explains why Israel cannot count on the support of liberal Jews, as their thinking is driven by a double standard whose subtext is self-loathing.
China's Trade Surplus Hits 18-Month High
The widening trade surplus means more pressure on Chinese officials for yuan appreciation, as reported here.Which would lead to reduced imports and a diminishing of China's role as the world's economic engine.