The Uninvited Bureaucrats Come Calling The Return of the Public Servant Conservatives and the Suicide of the West Marcus Rallies Black Leaders for Conservative Press Conference
They came past "No Trespassing” signs, had no paperwork to show me, ie. no written complaint. They were just 'investigating' a report that I was engaged in selling meat and poultry products. Well, even though I am not involved in selling meat, it is certainly something I am a strong advocate for, and I told them so. They said, "Do you know there are some exemptions you can apply for to sell poultry directly?"........
These folks are just plain old fashioned spoiled beyond rotten. They won’t give our country back or give up the lavish lifestyles that we have to so generously allowed them to live at our expense. We will have to take it all back and there’s no time like the present to begin that process. We can’t change yesterday and tomorrow may never come at the rate we are going. Today is the only day we can do anything about........
by JB Williams
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James Burnham’s 1964 classic, The Suicide of the West, was on my mind when I heard that Rush Limbaugh had homosexual entertainer Elton John perform at his wedding. Limbaugh is a great conservative entertainer, but he could have picked better entertainment at his own wedding. Such a decision carries great weight. It says that Limbaugh himself is giving up on fighting the social and cultural war and that he.....
by Cliff Kincaid
The National Press Club in Washington DC was the scene of an historic event, August 4, 2010. For the first time in U.S. history, black conservative leaders from across America gathered for a national press conference. Their purpose was three fold. One, to rebuke the NAACP's resolution accusing the tea parties of being racist. Two, to introduce themselves to America. Three, to dispel the myth that black conservatives are.........
by Lloyd Marcus
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
August 11, 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 16:50