The religious makeup of the world is changing, but the media’s focus on the West is causing many to be blind to Islam’s losing of ground in the third world. It’s a stated fact everywhere from the media to academia to churches: Islam is the second-fastest growing religion. It will become the biggest religion during this century. Christianity is going out of style and Islam is the new kid on the block. We hear it from those wanting to give the Muslim community a bigger voice; from those complaining about Western ignorance; from those trying to put Islam on the same plane as Christianity and Judaism; and even in churches decrying the lack of evangelical fervor among the congregation. It’s true that Islam (as well as atheism and universalism) is growing in the West, mostly because of high birth rates among Muslims and immigration, but the exploding growth of evangelical Christianity around the world through conversion is... By Jay Bergman, Republican American “Israelis distrust me because of my middle name.” This is how Barack Hussein Obama, in a recent interview on Israeli television, explained his unpopularity in Israel. What he said, in effect, is Israelis are bigots. This is in sharp contrast to what he thinks of Muslims, about whose supposed lack of self-esteem the president is so concerned that he tasked the head of NASA with raising it, despite the obvious irrelevance of such a task to NASA’s mission of space exploration. Obama’s casual imputation of bigotry is empirically false. Israelis distrust Obama by large majorities — in one poll, 96 percent of respondents declared their lack of confidence in him — because they believe his policies are profoundly harmful to Israel’s interests and may threaten its existence. Most serious economists are predicting an American and EU economic collapse within 2-3 years. If true what can we expect from our on-going relationship to America and what will be the impact on our conflict with the Arab and Muslim world? The Bradbury Butterfly Effect will be evident in due time. Yamit Reagan insider: ‘GOP destroyed U.S. economy’ ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) — “How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy.” Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, “Four Deformations of the Apocalypse.” Get it? Not “destroying.” The GOP has already “destroyed” the U.S. economy, setting up an “American Apocalypse.” Yes, Stockman is equally damning of... By BENNIE BEGIN, JPOST The Palestinians are after a ‘two-stage solution’ and not a two-state solution. There is no other rational explanation for the total, vehement rejection of the far-reaching proposals by two previous Israeli governments. Under the banner of the 2008 Annapolis process, the Israeli government and the PLO leadership failed to reach a lasting agreement. According to Mahmoud Abbas, prime minister Ehud Olmert proposed that Israel withdraw from 98 percent of the total territory in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Actually, the deal encompassed 100 percent because the balance was to be swapped with some territory from inside the State of Israel proper. Olmert denies this. However, he did propose that thousands of Arab refugees be allowed to come into... Lessons to be learned Click here to view the embedded video. RAMALLAH — I am struck by the construction boom across the city as I visit Ramallah, the legislative and political centre of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Just about everywhere, high towers of office and apartment complexes rise above the squalor of old houses, refugee camps, crowded markets and narrow streets of what was once a small town some 10 km north of Jerusalem. I spent the better part of a day walking the streets of Ramallah; had a surprising encounter with the mayor, a Palestinian-Christian woman of much dignity and warmth; made the required visit to Yasser Arafat’s tomb; and enjoyed the hospitality of simple folks. There is money here, plenty of it, and those who have it are not hesitant to flaunt it. New cars, beautiful residences, fancy stores and restaurants will startle any outsider arriving here with his head filled by the mainstream media in the West about the misery of the West Bank occupation by Israelis. The distance between the president and the people is beginning to be revealed. The deepening notes of disenchantment with Barack Obama now issuing from commentators across the political spectrum were predictable. So, too, were the charges from some of the president’s earliest enthusiasts about his failure to reflect a powerful sense of urgency about the oil spill. There should have been nothing puzzling about his response to anyone who has paid even modest critical attention to Mr. Obama’s pronouncements. For it was clear from the first that this president—single-minded, ever-visible, confident in his program for a reformed America saved from darkness by his arrival—was wanting in certain qualities citizens have until now taken for granted in their presidents. Namely, a tone and presence that said: This is the Americans’ leader, a man of them, for them, the nation’s voice and champion. Mr. Obama wasn’t lacking in... Middle East Quarterly An architect by training, Mir-Hossein Mousavi was, from the 1960s, close to the forces that created the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Imprisoned in the period leading to the revolution, he later joined Ayatollah Khomeini’s close associate, Mohammad Beheshti, who founded the Islamic Republican Party. Later in that year he was appointed by Khomeini to the Iranian Council of Islamic Revolution and went on to hold important positions under the new regime, including foreign minister and prime minister (1981-89). Laura: In just six decades the tiny state of Israel has emerged as an economic and technological powerhouse. And this was achieved with no natural resources and being in a perpetual state of war. Israel’s neighbors on the other hand, with much larger populations and with an abundance of oil, are economic basket cases. So why is it that much of the world wants to destroy Israel, even with all of its valuable contributions, while taking the side of its barbaric enemies who have nothing of value to contribute to humanity? They excel at destroying and killing. Click here to view the embedded video.Is Islam Really the Second-Fastest Growing Religion?
But is it really true?Perils of a multicultural president
What is more, the president’s charge is selective. American Jews are as cognizant as Israelis of his middle name, but the president does...The GOP has already “destroyed” the U.S. economy, setting up an “American Apocalypse.”
Commentary: How: Gold. Tax cuts. Debts. Wars. Fat Cats. Class gap. No fiscal discipline
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatchThe Truth about the IDF
Negotiations will go no where
Olmert also proposed a safe passage between Gaza and Judea under Israeli sovereignty. According to Abbas, he also agreed that Israel recognize in principal the so-called “right of return.”From Russia With Love
Latma ( of resentment live in West Bank
The Alien in the White House
By DOROTHY RABINOWITZ, WSJIranian Reform and Stagnation
Mir-Hossein Mousavi was the highest placed of three presidential challengers to current Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. After the election, Mousavi claimed that the ballot had been fixed and that Ahmadinejad should step down as president. However, Mousavi still retains a firm belief in the Islamic regime that governs Iran; he is not a secularist. He praises the revolution, upholds the constitution, and defends the security...Israeli Achievements
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
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Britannia Radio