Crisis Watch: Here's What You Need to Own
By Jeff Clark
It's time to get liquid.
Yesterday, the Fed announced plans for "QE2" – Quantitative Easing, the sequel.
It'll be using the principal payments from its mortgage-backed securities to buy
Treasury Bonds.
In other words, the Fed will be both selling and buying T-Bonds.
In more words... the fed will be monetizing debt.
This is a big, BIG deal. The market seemed to ignore the potential effects on
Tuesday. But it looked like investors finally got the picture yesterday, when
the market spent most of the trading session down more than 2%.
It's a big deal because the Fed is basically using its Visa card to make its
MasterCard payment. Yes, it's a relatively small amount. But healthy entities
don't do that. And it's a slippery slope.
Think about Argentina in 2000.
Think... liquidity crisis.
Of course, it's a big leap to go from a small amount of debt monetization to a
complete financial meltdown. After all, one small child throwing a pebble into
the ocean isn't going to create a tidal wave. But in the current economic and
psychological environment, small moves have big ramifications.
Everyone knows the U.S. will never be able to pay off its massive debt load.
Yet, everyone keeps piling into Treasury bonds at record-low interest rates.
We all know it's a Ponzi scheme, but we all keep playing the game.
The only way to survive a Ponzi scheme breakdown is to get out at the first
sign of trouble.
Debt monetization – even just a small amount of it – is a sign of trouble.
In a liquidity crisis, everything gets sold. Stocks go down. Bonds go down.
Even precious metals get hit.
Cash – in the form of U.S. dollars – is the only thing that holds up. That may
seem counterintuitive. After all, if the Fed is essentially printing money to buy
its own debt, the value of a dollar should fall. But in times of crisis, everyone
rushes to own dollars. The demand for dollars more than makes up for the
increased supply.
Look at what happened to the dollar during the financial crisis in 2009...
From mid-December 2008 to mid-March 2009, while the financial markets were
on the verge of a meltdown, your dollars gained 10%.
Make sure you have plenty of them this time around.
Best regards and good trading,
Jeff Clark
Editor's note: In Tuesday's Short Report, Jeff told subscribers about a unique
way to profit off a rush to get into dollars. The trade is already up 30%, but
Jeff thinks it could return as much as 250% over the next 30 days. So there's
still time to get in. To find out more about the Short Report – and how to
access Jeff's latest trade – click here.Jim Rogers: What I would do if I were President
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Thursday, 12 August 2010
August 12, 2010
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Britannia Radio