Bloomberg is a Disgrace
Laura: Mayor Bloomberg was on a local radio show and said that those who oppose the ground zero mosque should be “ashamed of themselves”. He also said that he spoke to families of victims who he claimed said they support the mosque. While there may be some families who feel that way, the overwhelming majority of 9/11 families oppose the mosque. He then said our troops are fighting for religious freedom. But our troops are fighting against the jihadists that imam rauf represents. Rauf has advocated for sharia law which is the antithesis of what America stands for. This proposed mosque does not represent religious freedom, but rather an islamic triumph over America. And most astonishingly of all, Bloomberg said HE DOESN’T CARE WHERE THE MONEY IS COMING FROM! Unbelievable! In other words, it can be coming directly from al qaeda and it wouldn’t matter to Bloomberg apparently. How sickening that we are losing soldiers abroad fighting islamic jihadis while we give...
Good News Israel
Quote for the Week
“Happiness doesn’t just happen you have to create it” Author unknown. (Israelis are experts at doing just that )
· He doesn’t look a day over 60; he works an 18 hour day; in the past three years he has held 700 meetings with everybody who is anybody worldwide; he’s given 600 interviews, in Hebrew, English, French and could have done so in Polish if anyone had asked and perhaps they did, to the world’s media; he’s hosted 260 events at home; he’s traveled the country from end to end on numerous occasions and has made 28 official visits abroad. In addition to all this he devours books, is a news junkie and finds time to write poetry, good poetry at that. And he turned 87 this week. Who is he? Our indefatigable President and in terms of years, the world’s senior statesman, Mr Shimon Peres. Many happy returns, Mr President, ad me’ah ve’esrim. May you live to be 120.
· The Bank of Israel’s foreign currency...
Dershowitz vs. Hanson on the ADL and the Ground Zero Mosque
Dershowitz still doesn’t get it! Dershowitz remains part of the Jewish problem and certainly has no solutions.
G-d save us from these blind insensitive liberal fascists before they bring another hell on all of us. Yamit
[Editor’s note: Alan Dershowitz submitted an article to Frontpagemag.com criticizing the Anti-Defamation League’s opposition to the plans for a mosque to be built at Ground Zero. We decided to run the piece with a rebuttal by Victor Davis Hanson. An extra round between the two follows.Anti-Defamation League Should Not Oppose Mosques At Ground Zero
By Alan M. Dershowitz
The ADL’s decision to oppose the building of a 13 story Muslim center two blocks from Ground Zero is inconsistent with its mission. The ADL has a long and distinguished history of opposing bigotry, supporting multiculturalism and advocating tolerance. Though it began as an organization dedicated to combating anti-Semitism, it has become one of the most potent forces against all forms of...
What the World Isn’t Being Told about the Israeli-Lebanese Border Incident
The worst kind of liar is the one who lies to himself. On a national level that could be catastrophic. Yamit
Israel blames U.S., France for arming Lebanon
United States has given Lebanon approximately $400 million over the past year to purchase arms, despite Israel’s objections. Read More Here
By Barak Ravid and Shlomo Shamir
Don’t look to the MSM to give you the truth about this week’s ambush of IDF reservists.
by Richard Landes. Pajama Media
Despite the careful “he said … she said” approach of the mainstream news media about the clash along the Lebanese-Israeli border this week, events are quite clear: Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were deliberately ambushed by Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF).
In an outdoor press conference held at a lookout point above the Lebanese border where the incident occurred, Ilan Diksteyn, the deputy commander of the Israeli brigade, explained what happened. The IDF had notified the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon...
The US arms and trains our enemies. Why?
T.Belman. All you need to know is that the US has spent over $1 billion to train and armthe Lebanese army and the Palestinian Army. While they say otherwise, I believe that the US is purposely strengthening Israel’s enemy so that it won’t be so easy to defeat them
By Caroline B. Glick, JewishWorldReview
It wasn’t a US Army sniper who killed IDF Lt. Col. Dov Harari and seriously wounded Capt. Ezra Lakia on Tuesday. But the Lebanese Armed Forces sniper who shot them owes a great deal to the generous support the LAF has received from America.
For the past five years, the LAF has been the second largest recipient of US military assistance per capita after Israel. A State Department press release from late 2008 noted that between 2006 and 2008, the LAF received ten million rounds of ammunition, Humvees, spare parts for Lebanese attack helicopters, vehicles for its internal security forces “and the same frontline weapons that US military troops are currently using,...
The Challenge to Israel’s Legitimacy
A dangerous global shift is taking place in terms of Israel’s standing in the world at large which could have profoundly destabilizing implications for the Middle East.
by Dore Gold
Looking at recent developments, there is a dangerous global shift occurring with respect to Israel’s international standing, which must be urgently addressed. Over the last decade, former Israeli officers have been threatened with arrest for alleged war crimes if they visit certain European countries.
From Norway to the UK, there is increasing talk of boycotts against Israeli universities. There is more talk about trade sanctions, as well. European media outlets from France-2 to the BBC spread complete fabrications about Israeli behavior, like the famous case of the 2001 killing of the boy Muhammad al-Dura, that often come from politicized reporters and by agenda-driven non-governmental organizations. The imbalanced conclusions adopted in the report by Justice Richard Goldstone for the UN Human Rights...
How Israeli Technology Can Help Clean Gulf Oil Spill
by Baruch Gordon, INN
It’s taken millions of dollars to cap it, and it could take billions more to clean it up. BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is perhaps the environmental catastrophe of the century. But Tel Aviv University has a solution that may help remedy the remaining oil residue through a natural, biological process.
Prof. Eugene Rosenberg and Prof. Eliora Ron of Tel Aviv University’s (TAU) Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology are using naturally occurring oil-munching bacteria, grown at the TAU lab, to clean the hard-to-reach oil pockets that occur when oil mixes with sand and organic matter on beaches and forms a thin layer on the Gulf’s precious waterways.
“It’s worked to clean up an oil spill on the coast of Haifa, Israel, so we’ve already got good evidence it could work in Florida too,” says Prof. Ron. Details of their decades of research appear in The Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, published this year...
Kagan Approved to US Supreme Court
The US Senate approved on Thursday the nomination of Justice Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court by a vote of 63-37. Kagan, who is Jewish, is the former dean of Harvard Law school dean and the fourth female justice in US history. She was nominated by President Barack Obama.
Kagan’s appointment means that for the first time, the nine-member US Supreme Court will have three women. Kagan was preceded in the court by Justices Sonia Sotomayor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Kagan’s nomination was harshly criticized by the Rabbinical Alliance of America, which represents 850 Orthodox Rabbis. In a statement issued on behalf of the Alliance, Rabbi Yehuda Levin said at the end of June: “Ms. Kagan is non-kosher – not fit to serve on the Supreme Court or any other court. It is clear from Ms. Kagan’s record on issues such as abortion-on-demand, partial-birth-abortion, the radical homosexual and lesbian agenda, the ‘supremacy’ of the anti-family...
The Travesty of a Mosque Near Ground Zero
Laura: Here are some excellent articles opposing the ground zero mosque abomination. Those that support it, including the meshuga mayor and newspaper editors, recite imam rauf’s talking points. How gullible can anyone be to believe this project is about outreach just because rauf says so? While proclaiming he believes in religious tolerance to Americans, rauf tells his fellow muslims in Arabic that he opposes interfaith dialogue. He has also blamed America for 9/11, has refused to admit hamas is a terrorist group, he is tied to terror groups, advocates for sharia law and lied about where he is receiving the money for the Cordoba Initiative, which is actually coming from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and who knows where else. In fact 80% of mosques in America are funded by Saudi Arabia. It would take very little effort to look into rauf’s background, as numerous bloggers have done, and discover that imam rauf is an islamic supremacist, not...
A Child of the Century
Ben Hecht was a Man For All Seasons, A Great Writer, And Good Jew. He rose to the challenge when he was needed and when most American Jews turned their collective backs to their Brothers and Sisters in Europe and in Palestine. Much like American Jews of Today.
He supported with all he could muster the Irgun and the Lechi. We Jews and the State Of Israel owe Him Much. Yamit
A Child of the Century
by Ben HechtThe Reader’s Digest Magazine broke the American silence attending the massacre of the Jews in February 1943. It printed my article called “Remember Us,” based on Dr. Greenberg’s data.
Reading it in the magazine, I thought of a larger idea and set out to test its practicality. Thirty famous writers (and one composer) were assembled at George Kaufman’s house by my friend, his wife Beatrice. All had written hit plays or successful novels. Put their names together and you had the box-office flower of American culture. In addition to success,...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel