Saturday, 21 August 2010

Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...

The only investment legally obligated to pay you 108% gains by October 5, 2011
It's not a stock, option, gov't bond, or anything else you've likely heard of... But this unusual investment is legally obligated to pay 50% to 400% gains on precise dates in the future.

Nightmare on Wall Street: The 2nd meltdown has begun
With May's market dive, Europe's potential meltdown, and China's economic malaise, the writing is on the wall for markets worldwide... even here at home. A stock market crash is all but unavoidable by year's end... despite Obama's draconian measures to harness the financial industry. The big question is how will your portfolio look after the "Nightmare on Wall Street?" If you aren't 100% sure your investments are safe, you need to check out this special report.

Six powerful reasons silver will outperform gold this year...
And why circulated silver coins made by the U.S. Mint before 1965 - so-called "junk" silver - is the best way to own it. We've made arrangements for you to receive a free copy of this important new report on silver.

Everyday Americans are becoming Buffett Millionaires - Now you can, too...
In the early 1960s, Donald and Mildred Othmer took a chance on a young investor by giving him $50,000. By 1995, they were worth $750 million. Gifford Combs was 29 when he bought in for $349 a share in 1980. He was a multi-millionaire at age 45. These are just two of thousands of stories like them. They come from different backgrounds but all have one thing in common: they're Buffett Millionaires. Our new report reveals how you can become one starting tomorrow.

California’s first millionaire reveals rare gold secret in this video…
Obscure opportunity allows you to own a stake in the world’s safest asset… and to potentially receive 1,200% in “royalty” payments over the next 5 years.


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux