Saturday, 21 August 2010

Oppression of Christians World Wide.

Religion Today Summaries - Aug. 23, 2010
Christian church groups in Pakistan are asking the worldwide Christian community to pray for an estimated 3-4 million people who have been affected by the ...
CSW urges EU to support calls for a UN inquiry into crimes against ...
Christian Today -- Australia
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has today written to the Foreign Ministers of all EU member states, urging them to call for the establishment of a UN ...
Charles Krauthammer's transparent dodge
Washington Post
Ground Zero is the site of the most lethal attack of that worldwide movement .... over Allah or Buddha but rather the golden rule over greed and oppression. ...

Washington Post
Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth,
There was a very small number of Christians and Jews in Mecca , and a ..... of the adherents of all other Muslim sects and schools of thought world-wide. ...

Bulletin of Christian Persecution July 29, 2010 - August 19, 2010
By AnnS
The tiny Christian population is regularly persecuted by Islamic extremists so they are askingChristians worldwide to pray for their safety during Islam's holy month of Ramadan. Indonesia The country that is home to the world's largest ...
Rapture Forums -
Is Worldwide Shari'a Law a Religious Duty according to the writing ...
By (Terry W. Bettis)
Contrary to early Christian tradition, for instance, Muslims who were forced to choose between recanting Islam or suffering persecution were permitted to lie and feign apostasy. Other jurists have decreed that Muslims are obligated to ...
Reporting The Invasion Of America -
Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
The United States Judaic/Christian roots are being 'God Shocked' by the concept that a religion can and does demand world domination by any means, including violence if necessary. ..... Oppression of Christians World Wide. ...
Britannia Radio -

Political Islam // Articles // Bulletin of Christian Persecution ...
The tiny Christian population is regularly persecuted by Islamic extremists so they are askingChristians worldwide to pray for their safety during Islam's ...
2-- About Christians Persecution
Muslim Persecution of Christians Worldwide 219 reads. Open Doors World Watch List 2009 782 reads. Olavo de Carvalho_Perseguição anticristã nos Estados ...
YouTube - Christian Persecution - Lest We Forget
queue Christians are being persecuted worldwide91181 views ResistMaitreya · 8:24 +. Added to queue Christian Persecution in Nigeria3611 views BNMTelevision ...