Friday, 20 August 2010


Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. Click on titles for full stories.

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Headlines, Abortion and Bioethics, End of Life, Sexual Orientation,Social, Religious Liberties, Islam, Events


Catholic Care ruling

The Charities Commission has ruled that Leeds based charity Catholic Care may not change its constitution to allow it to continue to place children only with heterosexual parents. Mark Wiggin, Chief Executive of Catholic Care, said at the time of the original Court case:

“In effect, we are being invited either to stop our adoption work or stop being a Catholic charity. Neither of these options is acceptable to our trustees, our beneficiaries or supporters.”

For further details of the ruling including who to write to, please click here.

More registrars under investigation

Two registrars working for Lambeth Council have been placed under investigation for changing their rotas to avoid having to officiate at homosexual civil partnerships due to their religious beliefs.

For further details, please click here.

Government Equalities Office

The Government has published an encouraging response to all of the comments they received during the consultation on the Programme for Government. It recognises the strong response of Christians to the consultation and the necessary need to support religious freedom.

CCFON and its supporters were major contributors to the debate and we will continue to respond to Government consultations to make sure that the Christian voice is heard.

To view the response, please click here.

Abortion and Bioethics

This is Lincolnshire: Boom in contraceptive implants 'will see pregnancy rates tumble'

Daily Mail: Sacked for having an abortion: Head of Russian dairy's threat to defiant employees

NWCN: Embryo Adoption good choice for some couples

End of Life

Scotsman: Doctor won't face charges after helping woman to die

Daily Telegraph: 'Dr Death' calls for assisted suicide for those who are not terminally ill

Daily Mail: Veteran BBC presenter to be charged with wasting police time over claims he killed gay lover

Montreal Gazette: Canada: 'Living with dignity' is group's message

Sexual Orientation

BBC News: Homosexual Devizes vicar to get 'married' in same-sex ceremony

Sky News: Homosexual 'marriages' can resume in California


Conservative Home: Commentary: Did the Conservative Party alienate Christian voters at the election?

BBC Today (Audio): Outgoing president of the Royal College of Physicians claims drugs policy 'has failed'

Daily Mail: Councils pay for disabled to visit prostitutes and lap-dancing clubs from £520m taxpayer fund

Daily Express: Former Lord Chancellor says 'Use Bible to Judge Crooks'

Religious Liberties

Daily Telegraph: Oxford University lecturer loses 'Christian discrimination' claim

First Post: Dawkins: faith schools should teach all religion

Camden New Journal: St Luke’s Church bid to run Camden’s first 'free school'

Christian Post: Somalia's Christians Plead for Prayers during Ramadan


Financial Times: First UK Islamic bond launches

BBC News: Islamic courses to start at University of Bedfordshire

Barnabas Fund: Fears for Christians as Islamists gain foothold in Pakistan

Guardian: Saudi Arabian judge asks hospitals to paralyse man

Fox News: Obama Comes Out in Favour of Allowing Mosque Near Ground Zero

NY Daily News: The Constitution has nothing to say about whether Ground Zero mosque is right or wrong

One News Now: Commentary: It's not about freedom of religion

Guardian: Ramadan clash with 9/11 anniversary raises fears of anti-Islam backlash

Daily Telegraph: Taliban kill couple in public stoning

BBC News: Malaysia men guilty in 'Allah' row church attack


State of the Nation

Speaker: Andrea Minichiello Williams

Date and time: 7 September 2010, at 7.30pm

Venue: Lower Ford Street Baptist Church, Lower Ford Street, Coventry CV1 5QJ

Andrea Minichiello Williams speaking
Wednesday 22nd September: Northern Ireland, more details to follow

Where did you pick that up?

Schools and the sexualisation of our children – a conference in Central London sponsored by Anglican Mainstream - click here for the flyer.

Date: Saturday 2nd October


Andrea Minichiello Williams

Christian Concern for our Nation