Saturday, 7 August 2010


Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. Click on titles for full stories.

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Highlights, Abortion, Bioethics, End of Life, Family and Social, Sexual Orientation, Religious Freedom, Islam, Events


Resisting the abortion adverts

Following the broadcast of the first ever commercial in Britain by an abortion provider on 24 May 2010, the Advertising Standards Authority adjudication has not upheld the many complaints that were received. However, the advertisements were deeply misleading as they never mentioned that Marie Stopes International is an abortion provider and many women may have called their helpline expecting impartial advice.

The Christian Legal Centre, as a member of the Alive and Kicking Campaign, will be fully supporting any Judicial Review of this decision.

For further information from our website please click here.

To see our article in Christian Today on this issue please click here.

Hope for homosexuals

In Christ we have the hope to live in total freedom through the transforming power of God. Please see the video testimony of Peter Ould on Channel 4 here.

There are a number of ministries which offer help and support to people who struggle with same-sex attraction including Living Watersand True Freedom Trust.

Overturn of California homosexual marriage ban

A US judge has overturned California’s ban on homosexual marriage. Proposition 8 was passed by voters in a referendum in 2008 which banned homosexual marriage by amending the

California constitution to state that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognised in California". Supporters of the ban have filed an appeal. The implications of the case go far beyond California as the case is likely to reach the US Supreme Court.

For further information please click here.

Freedom to evangelise booklets

We have updated our popular booklet ‘Freedom to Evangelise and Freedom of Speech’. It is an increasingly important resource and you can find it free to download on our website here.


Spectator: Commentary: The problem with abortion adverts on TV.

C-FAM News: UK announces plan to push radical sex agenda on developing nations.

American Spectator: Commentary: Obama's abortion imperialism.

Fox News: Charges dropped against man who prayed outside Chicago abortion clinic.

Abortion advert decision - Kathryn Wakeling, Alive and Kicking, comments

Premier Radio,

05 Aug 10 (1m 29s)

ICN: Vatican to study impact of abortion on women.

Washington Times: US Planned Parenthood hides facts about abortions and tax dollars.

CNA: Colombian authorities sign accord to grant absolute protection to human life.


One News Now: Adult stem cell research far ahead of embryonic.

Scotsman: Groundbreaking stem-cell surgery for British teenager.

BBC News: Hip hope from stem cell technique.

Scotsman: Inequality of Scottish IVF is revealed.

Daily Record: Top IVF doctor defends offering help for parents to pick babies' sex.

End of Life

Christian Today: The legalisation of assisted suicide.

Associated Press: Swiss drop Dignitas probe over urns in lake.

Family and Social

CCFON: An end to lap-dancing adverts in job centres.

Daily Telegraph: Huge rise in 11-year-olds on the pill, according to figures.

Scotland on Sunday: ITV’s call girl show ‘damaging’, a campaigner has warned.

Independent: 80,000 pupils suspended for school violence, official figures show.

Daily Telegraph: Commentary: Archbishop Vincent Nichols endorses the Big Society.

Irish Sun: School hands out condoms to students attending ball.

Sexual Orientation

Daily Mail: Transsexual criminal is spared prison as judge agrees it would be 'awkward and dangerous'.

CBN News (Video): US: Judge overturns CA Prop 8 barring homosexual 'marriage'.

One News Now: UMC to decide on homosexual membership.

Religious Freedom

CCFON: Oxford University lecturer alleges discrimination after becoming a Christian.

Christian Today: England has lost its confidence in the Gospel, says former principal.

CBN News: US Judge: No forced treatment for Christian convert.

Fox News: Commentary: What Rifqa Bary's case tells us.

Wausau Daily Herald: Christianity under attack in America.

One News Now: US: ‘Open season’ leaving Christians’ rights unprotected.

Inside HigherED: Commentary: No Christianity please, we’re academics.

CBN News (Video): Ex-Soviet country faces communist-era persecution.


Daily Telegraph: Ground Zero mosque and Muslim community centre wins approval.

Front Page Magazine: Commentary: Ground-zero green light for Islamic supremacism.

Guardian: Three-quarters of non-Muslims believe Islam negative for Britain.

Daily Mail: Tory party chairman says Muslim women should be allowed to wear the Burka.

Harrow Observer: Anger over halal-only menus in schools.

Guardian: British Muslims urged to boycott Israeli dates during Ramadan.

Halesowen News: Imams take a wider role to change image of Islam.

Jihad Watch: Commentary: Gingrich sounds the alarm about the stealth jihad.

NBS: Teaching of music incompatible with Islam in Iran.

Catholic Sentinel: Pakistani Christian brothers shot dead in court.

Christian Post: Muslim protesters surround Christian worshippers in Indonesia.


State of the Nation

Speaker: Andrea Minichiello Williams

Date and time: 7 September 2010, at 7.30pm

Venue: Lower Ford Street Baptist Church, Lower Ford Street, Coventry CV1 5QJ

What Happens When the Church is Silent: The European Perspective

Speaker: Alex Spak (CCFON Policy Analyst)

Date and time: 7 and 8 August 2010 at 10am

Venue: New Generation Church, Riga, Latvia

Click here for Church website

Where did you pick that up?

Schools and the sexualisation of our children – a conference in Central London sponsored by Anglican Mainstream - click here for the flyer.

Date: Saturday 2nd October


Andrea Minichiello Williams

Christian Concern for our Nation

Andrea can be contacted at and 020 7935 1488