Friday, 13 August 2010

Featured Stories

Exploring Jewish ancestry through food

Sweet Potato-Pumpkin Cazuela, a  Puerto Rican dish, adds sweetness to the new year.
Sweet Potato-Pumpkin Cazuela, a Puerto Rican dish, adds sweetness to the new year.
Cookbook author Tina Wasserman aims to create a link to ancestry through the foods of Jews who migrated from country to country with their recipes and adapted to the cuisines they encountered. Read more »

'Glee' star: Proud of Jewish nose

Lea Michele, who plays Rachel Berry on the popular television show “Glee,” said she’s proud of her Jewish nose. Read more »


Sponsored Content

The New Israel Museum

The newly renovated Israel Museum is a national boon. The same can't be said for its celebration of Jewish identity as an open-ended question.

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Editors' Picks

A baseball mensch (

Craig Breslow is an Ivy Leaguer with a degree in molecular biophysics. And he pitches for the Oakland A's.

Jewish interns in D.C. you can be proud of (Forward)

Forget Monica Lewinsky. This summer thousands of young Jews headed to Washington.

Wednesday the rabbi turned 14 (Jerusalem Post)

Plenty of kids can barely get up to speed for a bar mitzvah, but 14-year-old Moshe Raziel Sharify thinks he's ready to become Israel's -- and maybe the world's -- youngest rabbi.

Jerusalem's cemetery politics (N.Y. Times)

Did Israeli bulldozers destroy historic Muslim graves? Or were the tombstones politically inspired fakes aimed at sabotaging a branch being built by the Simon Wiesenthal Center?

Breaking News

A new study from Yeshiva University states that the mental health needs of the haredi Orthodox and Chasidic communities are not being sufficiently addressed.
A New Jersey man was arrested Thursday and put in prison jail without bail for allegedly running a $200 million real estate scam that fed on the Orthodox community.
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The widow of real estate mogul Saul Brandman announced this week that she would give $8 million to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society urged Congress not to cut off funding for Supplemental Security Income, which helps elderly and disabled refugees and other immigrants pay for food and shelter.
El Al and JetBlue will now offer connecting options for customers traveling between the United States and Israel.