Friday, 13 August 2010


The Peace Racket

By Bruce Bawer, Cityrnal Jou

An anti-Western movement touts dictators, advocates appeasement—and gains momentum.

“If you want peace, prepare for war.” Thus counseled Roman general Flavius Vegetius Renatus over 1,600 years ago. Nine centuries before that, Sun Tzu offered essentially the same advice, and it’s to him that Vegetius’s line is attributed at the beginning of a film that I saw recently at Oslo’s Nobel Peace Center. Yet the film cites this ancient wisdom only to reject it. After serving up a perverse potted history of the cold war, the thrust of which is that the peace movement brought down the Berlin Wall, the movie ends with words that turn Vegetius’s insight on its head: “If you want peace, prepare for peace.”

This purports to be wise counsel, a motto for the millennium. In reality, it’s wishful thinking that doesn’t follow logically from the history of the cold war, or of any war. For the cold war’s real lesson is the same one that Sun...

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Obama supports Muslim Terror Tax.. ‘Zakat’

Barak Hussein Obama is if nothing else, consistent and relentless in his drive to empower Muslims at home and abroad. To bad it’s at our expense. Yamit

In honor of Ramadamadan, US Treasury encourages donations to terror
Israel Matzav

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In honor of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadamadan, the US Treasury Department has issued a statement encouraging American Muslims to donate money to terrorism. Here’s part of the statement:

As Muslims in the United States and around the world begin their observance of Ramadan, the U.S. Department of the Treasury recognizes the importance of this period of intense devotion, reflection and charitable giving. Charitable giving and philanthropy are core American values, reflected in many faiths and traditions, and are of particular significance within the Muslim faith during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Treasury Department fully supports the ability of American Muslims – and Muslims worldwide...

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Is Jewishness a religion, culture or nationality?

“Where there are no men, strive to be a man” Pirkei Avot
Where others won’t stand…this is where you should. There is a simpler meaning, – simply…when there is a need to action, act. Yamit

Is Jewishness a function of religion, culture or nationality? According to the High Court, it is all of them at once.

Israeli High Court Defends Jewish Tradition

Jewish Israel
Ellen Horowitz

In a ground-breaking decision it appears that the Israeli secular high court has come to the rescue of Jewish tradition by applying the concept of teshuva to the Law of Return.

The Jerusalem Post reports on a stunning case of a Jewish convert to Christianity who apparently will not be allowed into Israel under the Law of Return until she can prove and convince the Interior Ministry of her renewed commitment to the Jewish people.

Justices Neal Hendel, Elyakim Rubinstein and Hanan Meltzer rendered the decision and upheld the unique status of the Jewish people by drawing...

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Jewish Liberals and the Ground Zero Mosque

Laura: Not only Bloomberg but a number of other clueless Jewish liberals have come out in support of the ground zero mosque. The ADL has been taking a lot of heat from liberals for its principled stance on this issue. Anyhow, The Forward, Congressman Nadler and little Anthony Weiner are among those who have given their blessing to this abomination. Weiner’s and Nadler’s justification is that the government shouldn’t be involved in religion. Of course Weiner having a muslim wife couldn’t have anything to do with his stance, could it? Then there is the mashuga Rabbi Arthur Wasko. Rabbi Wasko supports the division of Jerusalem and placing the genocidal hamas in a coalition “Palestinian” government. Now what the hell kind of a Rabbi would advocate handing over the holiest site in Judaism to muslim terrorists? The same kind who would passionately defend the building of a triumphant mega mosque near the site where muslims murdered 3000 Americans. What possesses the minds of...

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It’s Demographic Optimism, Stupid!

Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought”


In 2010, a surge in the Israeli Jewish fertility rate is a long-term, unique, global phenomenon, while fertility rates decline sharply in the Third World in general and in Muslim countries in particular. In 2010, there is a 66% Jewish majority in 98.5% of the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean (without Gaza) – and a 58% Jewish majority with Gaza. That Jewish majority benefits from a demographic tailwind and from a high potential of Aliya (Jewish immigration) and of returning Israeli expatriates. In comparison, in 1900 and 1947 there was an 8% and a 33% Jewish minority, deprived of economic, technological and military infrastructures. In 2010, the number of Arabs in Judea and Samaria is 900,000 inflated (1.6MN and not 2.5MN) by the inclusion of 400,000 overseas residents, by a double-count of 200,000 Jerusalem Arabs (who are counted as Israeli Arabs by Israel and as West Bank Arabs by the Palestinian Authority), by...

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“You can lead a horse’s ass to water but you can’t make him drink.”

Hands off Abbas

By Sarah Honig

We have no tangible proof that the White House had indeed applied brutal pressure on poor Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority’s teeter-tottering Ramallah half. This remains unsubstantiated. American officials haven’t confirmed news reports and derivative innuendo from both Israeli and Palestinian sources. But if we set aside our skepticism and assume, for argument’s sake, that Obama and crew did indeed twist Abbas’s arms, we ought to be outraged.

The very notion of dragging an unwilling interlocutor to the negotiating table should be unthinkable, certainly no cause for glee among Israelis.

This is akin to a shotgun wedding. However, it’s even less likely to lead to harmony than forced nuptials are to result in matrimonial bliss. We’ve been there, seen this.

TEN YEARS ago Bill Clinton had dragged a kicking and screaming Yasser Arafat to Camp David, where he also leaned on then-PM Ehud Barak to make egregious offers to reward...

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Obama is embracing Hamas and Hezbollah

by Steve Kramer
You may not have heard of President Obama’s anti-terrorism czar, John O. Brennan. According to the Washington Post site,, Brennan has been the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism since May 2009. His previous jobs since 2001: Analysis Corp, (2005 to 2008) a private company that provides support to the government’s counter-terrorism efforts; National Counter-Terrorism Center, Chair (2004 to 2005) ; CIA deputy executive director (2001 to 2003).
In 1980, Brennan joined the CIA as an intelligence director and held a series of positions at the agency in America and abroad. He also worked in Saudi Arabia and in Washington on Near Eastern and South Asian analyses. In the 1990s, he led counter-terrorism efforts for a variety of programs and worked closely with CIA Director George Tenet, who appointed him as his chief of staff in 1999.
With this background, one would expect a...

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The State Department’s Islamic Supremacist

By Robert Spencer, FrontPage

It’s unbelievable but true: the imam of the projected Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is on a grand tour to Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates – paid for by the U.S. State Department with taxpayer money.

The State Department confirmed Tuesday that they were sending Rauf on this mission. “He is a distinguished Muslim cleric,” insisted P. J. Crowley, a State Department spokesman. Crowley explained: “We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”

Crowley emphasized that Rauf’s trip was nothing new: he said that the State Department had “a long-term relationship” with the famous imam, and pointed out that in 2007 the Bush State Department sent Rauf to Morocco,...

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Emergency Committee for Israel Takes Latest Shot at Nye and Himes

Conservative Israel group to attack Nye, Himes


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The hawkish Emergency Committee for Israel is targeting two more imperiled House Democrats , Virginia’s Glenn Nye and Connecticut’s Jim Himes, with ads attacking them for signing a letter pressing Israel to ease conditions for civilians in Gaza and warning it to avoid “collective punishment.”

The ad, a version of which already aired against Ohio Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, notes that most House Democrats wouldn’t sign what it calls “anti-Israel letter” and suggests viewers ask the members why they “joined an assault on Israel.”

The next to air, targeting Nye, is above.

The ads pit ECI — chaired by Gary Bauer and Bill Kristol — against the left-leaning J Street, which circulated the letter, and they attempt to exact a cost for deviating from both congressional parties’ traditionally near-total support for Israel’s...

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“While Six Million Died”

Ted Belman. It wasn’t until the sixties that holocaust literature began to be published and published in great number. When “While Six million Died” came out, I read it and wept. I still have my copy. If any of you were equally impacted by a book on the holocaust, please share your thoughts with us.

Two Holocaust books you can judge by their covers

By Larry Domnitch

“While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy,” by Arthur Morse, was the first book to expose President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s indifference to the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust. The cover’s caricature of Roosevelt averting his eyes captured the spirit of FDR’s response to the Shoah.

Dr. Rafael Medoff’s recent book “Blowing the Whistle on Genocide” tells the story of a Treasury Department lawyer, Josiah E. DuBois, Jr., who compelled Roosevelt to help rescue some Jewish refugees in the latter years of the war. “While Six Million...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel