Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:53

'Doctors should stock alternative vaccines for under fives who are due to have the seasonal flu vaccine this winter, a letter from the head of immunisation at the Department of Health has said.
The action is being taken as rate of convulsions caused by high fever among children in Australia given the jab was ten times higher than normal. Up to one in 100 children given the jab, made in Australia by CSL and marketed in the UK by Pfizer, suffered febrile convulsions in the following hours and days.'
Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:48
NHS crippled by £300m bill for hospital blunders
'More than £300 million in compensation has been paid out of Health Service coffers in the past year to settle clinical negligence claims - enough to build three new hospitals with change left for 43,000 cataract operations or 15,000 hip replacements.
An Observer investigation has found that the increase in payouts for the year to April is crippling the NHS amid claims by medical negligence experts that the hefty bill is due to Government attempts to hold health authorities responsible for wrongdoing.'
Read more: As David Icke was saying in his recent newsletter ...
Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:44

Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:38

'A range of questionable hidden fees and levies are being deducted from investments, making it difficult for a typical saver to make money from the stock market. Britain’s eight million investors are losing an average of £800 a year each to the hidden levies.
An investor putting £50,000 into a fund providing typical returns over 25 years would lose out on £108,000 because of unnecessary charges, said David Norman, a former chief executive of Credit Suisse Asset Management.'
Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:53
'Doctors should stock alternative vaccines for under fives who are due to have the seasonal flu vaccine this winter, a letter from the head of immunisation at the Department of Health has said.
The action is being taken as rate of convulsions caused by high fever among children in Australia given the jab was ten times higher than normal. Up to one in 100 children given the jab, made in Australia by CSL and marketed in the UK by Pfizer, suffered febrile convulsions in the following hours and days.'
Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:48
NHS crippled by £300m bill for hospital blunders
'More than £300 million in compensation has been paid out of Health Service coffers in the past year to settle clinical negligence claims - enough to build three new hospitals with change left for 43,000 cataract operations or 15,000 hip replacements.
An Observer investigation has found that the increase in payouts for the year to April is crippling the NHS amid claims by medical negligence experts that the hefty bill is due to Government attempts to hold health authorities responsible for wrongdoing.'
Read more: As David Icke was saying in his recent newsletter ...
Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:44
Sunday, 01 August 2010 09:38
'A range of questionable hidden fees and levies are being deducted from investments, making it difficult for a typical saver to make money from the stock market. Britain’s eight million investors are losing an average of £800 a year each to the hidden levies.
An investor putting £50,000 into a fund providing typical returns over 25 years would lose out on £108,000 because of unnecessary charges, said David Norman, a former chief executive of Credit Suisse Asset Management.'
Sunday, 01 August 2010 08:42
'Huge gold swaps have recently occurred between the Bank for International Settlements and various banks in Western Europe and the United States. Bankers are attempting to play this up as "business as usual". However, the gold swaps that have been conducted lately are recording breaking in size, as far from "business as usual" as you can get.
Some believe that the swaps were, in fact, a bailout of various banks that did not have enough gold on hand for gold they were supposedly holding for various clients. As those clients demanded delivery of their gold, the BIS had to swing into action via gold swaps to obtain gold for the banks that were running up against supply shortages.'
Sunday, 01 August 2010 08:29
Sunday, 01 August 2010 08:22
'Or, more to the point, what on earth is the EU doing when it cosies up to the Israelis? In a remarkable, detailed – if slightly over-infuriated – book to be published in November, the indefatigable David Cronin is going to present a microscopic analysis of "our" relations with Israel. I have just finished reading the manuscript. It leaves me breathless. As he says in his preface, "Israel has developed such strong political and economic ties to the EU over the past decade that it has become a member state of the union in all but name." Indeed, it was Javier Solana, the grubby top dog of the EU's foreign policy (formerly Nato secretary general), who actually said last year that "Israel, allow me to say, is a member of the European Union without being a member of the institution".
Pardon me? Did we know this? Did we vote for this? Who allowed this to happen? Does David Cameron – now so forcefully marketing Turkish entry to the EU – agree with this? Probably yes, since he goes on calling himself a "friend of Israel" after that country produced an excellent set of forged British passports for its murderers in Dubai.'
Read more: Robert Fisk: Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing
Let Them Eat Cake': A Handful of Oligarchs are Becoming Billionaires While the Rest of the Country Goes Down the Drain
Sunday, 01 August 2010 07:57
'The Great American Superpower, which is wasting trillions of dollars in pursuit of world hegemony, has 22% of its population unemployed and almost 17% of its population dependent on welfare in order to stay alive.
The world has not witnessed such total failure of government since the final days of the Roman Empire. A handful of American oligarchs are becoming mega-billionaires while the rest of the country goes down the drain. And the American sheeple remain acquiescent.'