Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Here is your Crux PM update:

Op-Ed: The debt virus is spreading as the world cheers a "make-believe recovery"

"Don’t believe it. Under the surface, the cracks in the euro are getting worse..."
From Bloomberg:

Interactive chart shows why gold could rise no matter what happens next
"Those who cling to that singular gold-inflation relationship have not examined the history of gold as money."

Real estate insider: Market could soon see the "bottom fall out"
The "busy season" has been far weaker than expected...

Ex-UN envoy John Bolton: "Israel has eight days to strike Iran"
Says after August 21, it will be too late...

George Soros now has more money in gold than anything else

Reduced stock holdings by 42% last quarter...

Warren Buffett loves these cheap blue-chip stocks

An update on the top investor's recent buys and sells...


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux