The following are two reports from the MEMRI Iran Studies Project, published today. The first is an editorial in a Saudi daily in response to the imminent activation of Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr, and the second is on statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Special Dispatch No. 3174—Saudi Arabia/Iran/Inter-Arab Relations An editorial in the Saudi daily Al-Madina, published in the wake of announcements in Iran and Russia regarding the imminent activation of the nuclear reactor in Bushehr, took a hard line vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear program, claiming that the military option may be the best way to deal with it. The article reflected the Gulf states' growing tension and concern regarding Iran's nuclear program, and mentioned their proximity to the Bushehr reactor. Following are excerpts from the editorial: "Tehran's [August 13, 2010] announcement, confirmed by Russia, that an Iranian nuclear reactor would be inaugurated this month in Bushehr, on the Arabian Gulf coast, and that it would be equipped with fuel and would operate as a nuclear facility, is an indication that the region is now entering a new phase. "In taking this action, Tehran is ignoring all the advice, warnings, and requests to halt its nuclear program, or at the very least to try to continue it under clear and open international inspection that would guarantee that it does not have a military facet. If [Tehran] insists upon going ahead [with the program] without the agreement of the international community, it will bring embarrassment and suspicion upon every [country] that supported [Iran's] right to peaceful nuclear energy. To read the full report, visit Special Dispatch No. 3173—Iran/Islam and the West/The U.S. and the Arab and Muslim World The following are excerpts from statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which aired on Press TV (Iran) on July 28, 2010. To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit "In Their Estimation of Their Own Capabilities, [the West is] Making a Mistake" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Let me start with felicitations on the anniversary of the birth of the Mahdi. I congratulate all of humanity, all the people in the world, because it is the climax of mankind's inspiration – the fulfillment of the rule of the Promised One. Mankind sees all its goals and aspirations and their fulfillment at a time when justice will prevail all over the world, kindness will prevail, antagonism will go away. Therefore, the Promised One tomorrow is the Promised One of all nations. He is the one that is being awaited by all world nations. They are all waiting for that sweet incident to happen, to see mankind reach the peak of its perfection. To read the full report, visit Special Dispatch|3173, 3174| August 17, 2010
Two Reports from The MEMRI Iran Studies Project
Saudi Daily: Military Option May Be Best Solution to Iranian Nuclear Crisis
Iranian President Ahmadinejad Ridicules U.N. Sanctions and States: Iranians are More Intelligent Than the Rest of the World
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
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Britannia Radio