I was struck how everything being endorsed in this video; gold, abandonment of paper money, the evils of inflation and the need to preserve purchasing power are right out of the Libertarian and Austrian Economics playbook – except it’s about Islamic Sharia Law. War on terror? Or war on purchasing power . . . As an American living in Europe, I am often asked to explain American political debates. My advice, learn the four golden repudiations to decode the self-serving contradictory stream of hokum, lies, racism and hatred that substitutes for public discourse in the toxic land mass squeezed between Canada and Mexico. . . more (Comments open at PMF) Stacy Summary: A thread for links to information on carbon taxes being paid right now, today just by Americans. Of the $1 trillion military budget, I see figures for the total amount allocated to securing oil as between $55 billion and$103.5 billion per year. Cost of Strategic Petroleum Reserve annually: $5.7 billion There is now the Pickens’ natural gas subsidy of $3.8 billion; also the $5 billion that Home Depot believes will help it, but at least this money is going toward improving efficiency There is the $35 billion subsidy that Bernie Sanders tried to have removed last month, but that was defeated; here is Rex Tillerson arguing against cutting the subsidies: Tillerson’s company paid zero taxes in the US in 2009 (they did taxes to overseas governments) and apparently collected a rebate I haven’t added any of the costs of Afghanistan and Iraq; I think, however, we can safely put most of the cost of Iraq into the carbon tax list. Stacy Summary: In honor of Sumner Redstone NOT making death threats against the source of the story that Sumner was trying to force MTV to make a reality tv show around some young girl he allegedly fancied; here is a video from the very first months of MTV. Anyone here alive and/or old enough to remember those first months (for those who weren’t yet born then, here is a 3 hour stream from 1983 for a laugh), may recall that Billy Idol was one of THE big stars created: Stacy Summary: Here are some of the articles I refer to: The Aftermath of the Global Housing Bubble Chokes the World Banking System. Market Ticker for charts on US GDP. Story on the BIS Gold Swap Update For more download & listening options, visit Archive dot org Tags: gdp · housing bubble · london · max keiser ·stacy herbert · truth about markets60 Comments Stacy Summary: An energy bill passed the US Congress this past week which will enrich Republican donors, T. Boone Pickens and Home Depot. Not one single peep on this site from anyone let alone those who expend a HUGE amount of oxygen spewing hate for Al Gore. If there had been a genuinely principled argument against someone, like Gore, earning money off energy policy, then the same should hold true for Pickens and Home Depot. The fact that there hasn’t been, suggests to me that those doing the hating of Gore are really either having their angst directed by an outside force or are merely a partisan in the fake left/right debate who don’t mind the principle of profiting off energy policy if the correct ‘team’ is winning. If the mighty Al Gore can’t even win where T. Boone wipes the floor, it’s really getting difficult to believe all the emotion for Gore’s alleged superpowers is real. Here’s the video, so where’s the hate for billionaire T. Boone’s profits: Stacy Summary: With guest, Jim Willie of the GoldenJackass.com Stacy Summary: I thought Russia was supposed to be the big beneficiary of global warming? The last two articles really go hand in hand in demonstrating the dangers of command and control, corrupt government statistics meant to trick the bond market and make the consumer (formerly known as citizen) feel better about shopping. And note that the US is the only developed nation to hedonically adjust their GDP numbers and yet over and over analysts and also the citizens of the US believe that because their GDP numbers, as stated, are higher than the rest of the world, they are the BEST! Stacy Summary: This book sounds interesting,Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea. Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, of course, gives these guys so much air time to indoctrinate Americans into their quasi fascist cult. Here’s one source of info on who’s who in neoconservatism. Here isRon Paul’s speech, “Neo-Conned”. I can think of no other group in the world that has done so much to destroy America as the neoconservatives. Their members are the primary architects of the wars currently bankrupting the nation (not to mention, murdering tens of thousands around the world) and of the legal and cultural arguments for ridding Americans of most of the Constitutional rights on which the nation was founded. And it is because of this fascist movement that the whole left / right, Red State / Blue State exists as the orchestrated Straussian sideshow it is. Prior to the neocons becoming the Republican party, there was at least a more genuine liberal / conservative choice and debate. Now you just have Big Government Dems and the even Bigger Government Republicans.Libertarianism or Sharia Law, You Decide
August 1st, 2010 by
RespondPMF Fund Blog: How To Talk American Using The Four Golden Repudiations
August 1st, 2010 by
RespondCarbon Tax Thread
August 1st, 2010 by
RespondDancing with Myself Jibber Jabber
July 31st, 2010 by
Respond[1154] The Truth About Markets – London – 31 July 2010
July 31st, 2010 by
RespondWhy no two minutes of hate for Republican billionaire T. Boone Pickens?
July 31st, 2010 by
Respond[OTE65] On the Edge with Jim Willie
July 31st, 2010 by
RespondPirateMyfilm: New Project – Addis Abeba (ADDIS)
July 31st, 2010 by
RespondWildfires, rising debt, debunking productivity & GDP
July 31st, 2010 by
RespondJuly 30th, 2010 by
Sunday, 1 August 2010
T. Boone Pickens, the billionaire energy hedge-fund manager [SH - and Republican donor], and Home Depot Inc., [SH - 71% of their donations went to Republicans] the largest U.S. home-improvement retailer, are winners in energy legislation that fails to help solar-panel and wind-turbine makers.
The measure proposed yesterday by Senate Democrats would give Pickens victory in his lobbying campaign for more use of natural gas, providing $3.8 billion in rebates for cars and trucks powered by the fuel. Home Depot would benefit from provisions to channel $5 billion in rebates to homeowners who upgrade to more efficient appliances or add insulation that reduces energy use.
. . . . Absent from the measure were limits on carbon dioxide or requirements that utilities add solar and wind power to their portfolios.
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Britannia Radio