Weekly Roundup From The Financial Brain TrustDAVID SKARICA: Winning at Currencies Is All in Smelling the Fear I am sure many of the euro bears are shocked by the currency's rally to above 1.30 Thursday morning. It’s not surprising to me. There are some things we must realize about currencies. As we are on a pure fiat system right now, everyone can print and spend as much as they want with no consequences . . . get the full story, click here.
SEAN HYMAN: The Defensive Currencies Will Continue To Flourish I believe that the defensive currencies like the yen and Swiss franc will continue to be well supported and trend upward over the coming months. There are even more reasons why this will happen — let’s delve into several of these reasons now . . . get the full story, click here.
BILL SPETRINO: Biggest Problem? Getting You to Join the Solution One of my high-school science teachers taught me a lesson that has remained with me to this day. Once when I was discussing something that I was passionate about, he asked: “Mr. Spetrino, are you a part of the problem or a solution to the problem?” . . . get the full story, click here.
DAVID FRAZIER: Weak Consumer Confidence Is Bad for Economy, Stocks While the so-called Wall Street ”experts” claim that economic conditions are continuing to improve and that stock prices are headed higher, Americans’ outlook for the economy deteriorated for the second month in a row during July, according to data released Tuesday morning by The Conference Board . . . get the full story, click here.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
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Britannia Radio