Sunday, 1 August 2010
"The time has come to wake up from the illusions that are leading
Israel's policies- there is no peace, there won't be peace, there is
no one to make peace with and there is nothing to make peace for" Thus
said Professor Moshe Sharon in Adurayim
Friday, July 30, 2010, tens of members of The Professors For a Strong
Israel came to Adurayim in the southern Hebron Hills.
The main lecture was given by Professor Moshe Sharon, orientalist from
the Hebrew University.
Prof. Moshe Sharon passed on his message with clear and painful words:
The Middle East is a hotbed of violent and fanatical Islam which puts,
as its main value, bloodshed, especially of Jews. Therefor there will
not be peace in the Middle East as long as a Jewish independent State
of Israel will exist, in which Jews have equal rights as Muslims.
For Muslims there is no and there won't be peace, unless the Jewish
state will be destroyed. The idea of peace as expressed in the
Prophets and which is being promoted by all kinds of 'peace now"
people and even by leaders of Israel, simply does not exist in Islam.
There is no peace in Islam. The only peace that exists is inside the
Muslim world ruled only by Muslims.
According to Muslims, the entire Land of Israel is Holy Wakf land and
cannot be given away. Even if the land is conquered by enemies,
Muslims must do all to return it to Islam.
Afterwards, Prof. Moshe Sharon analyzed the situation in Iran and
Syria; the negotiations that are going on in the middle East and how
we should be reacting. To sum it up: we must be ready to live in a
constant state of war and confrontation. We must know who we are
dealing with.
After Moshe Sharon's lecture, historian Arieh Klein gave an overview
of Adurayim.
The Judea Action Committee, Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in
Green) and the Committee for a Jewish Shdema will continue to demand a
Jewish return to Adurayim.
With love for Israel,
The Judea Action Committee - Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in
green) - The Committee for a Jewish Shdema
For details: Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia matar 050-5500834
For pictures by Rivka Ryback:
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Posted by
Britannia Radio