Sunday, 05 September 2010 10:37 Sunday, 05 September 2010 10:12 'A lot of people wonder what makes humans capable of astonishing violence and savagery. Why is human history littered with war, violence, and brutality in so many forms? How come when we turn on the news we hear tales of serial killers, war, government insanity, rapists, arsonists, pedophiles, nuclear weaponry, vaccines and any other number of atrocities? Why is it that horror movies, violent and dark music, violent video games and other media is so powerful and popular? There is an eternal force that has corrupted and obsessed mankind since the beginning of time and that force is called Dark Ecstasy.' Read more: What Is 'Dark Ecstasy' And How Is It Used To Control Us? Sunday, 05 September 2010 09:55 Ryanair's ever-controversial boss has called for the second pilot to be dumped from the flight deck of aircraft to save money. Michael O'Leary suggested air stewardesses could be trained to take over and land the plane in the event of a crisis. The idea is the latest in a long line of cash-saving wheezes from the budget airline boss who once suggested, apparently seriously, that aircraft could fly with standing-only areas for passengers. Sunday, 05 September 2010 09:37 'Leo Amery, former UK Secretary of State for India, could see a similarity between Churchill's attitude to Indians and Hitler's attitude to Jews. (Churchill's Secret War.) In 1943, millions of people were dying of starvation in Bengal, in India. The UK prime minister Winston Churchill could easily have stopped the famine by arranging a few shipments of food. But he refused. He also prevented others from helping. Winston Churchill described the Indians as "a beastly people with a beastly religion." (Churchill's Secret War.) He said they "bred like rabbits."
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 21:27