Dear Daily Crux reader,
Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...
A.O.P. returns 18.5% a year
You've probably never heard of the A.O.P. It's a special asset class that has outperformed every investment on the market that we know of over the last decade... and has produced average, annualized returns of 18.5%. It even beat out gold! That's why we've recently compiled everything we know about the A.O.P. in this exclusive video...
Is your portfolio ready for a double-dip recession?
Prudent investors are advised to act now to protect--and even grow--their wealth as the U.S. economy continues to struggle. One class of stocks offers the safe haven of consistently reliable income: high-yield dividend stocks. The new report from Top Stock Insights gives you proprietary research on three such high-yield stocks.
Surprising new video reveals the 6 “can do” steps to home business success
A small group of people have recently decided to start their own “Perfect Home Business”. Michael O’Connor, an executive at a Vancouver mineral exploration company, built a website around his passion for golf. Former cab driver Terry Philips from Akron, Ohio started his Perfect Home Business website based on his expertise in proofreading. We’ve put together a brief video presentation showing exactly how they did it… and how you can easily follow in their footsteps.
Free video blows the lid off Wall Street's mysterious "Flash Point" indicator
One of the world's top analysts, Sean Hyman, just released a remarkable new video. In it, he exposes the secrets of a closely guarded indicator. One that Wall Street firms like Vanguard, Barclays and Fidelity have used to extract hundreds of millions of dollars from the stock market every day. This brief presentation shows you how to copy this surprisingly simple technique... and potentially turn every $400 into $4,050 by November 30th.
Listen closely to the 21-minute mark
We recently received an angry recording from Oregon... If you listen closely to the 21-minute mark... what you'll hear could make you $46,600 this year. (Bear in mind: You might be offended by this, so we apologize in advance.)
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Saturday, 11 September 2010
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Britannia Radio