Wednesday, 08 September 2010 08:00
'For almost 40 years, we’ve been told that the legalization of abortion was about “reproductive freedom” and “women’s rights” and “choice.” Now, an explosive new documentary is exposing this rhetoric as nothing more than marketing hype designed to conceal a nasty hidden agenda.
With a mountain of documentation, Maafa 21, is proving to audiences all across America that the real motivation behind the legalization of abortion was eugenics and racial genocide. In just over two hours, the documentary shows that the legalization of abortion was part of a campaign that had been created, promoted, and financed by a small cartel of ultra-wealthy elitists.'
Wednesday, 08 September 2010 07:47
What the Hell is This All About in a Country That Does Not Have Major Earthquakes?
Major 'earthquake' hits a small British town! Emergency services recreate massive disaster scene for training exercise.
'Fire and rescue crews from across Europe and the Middle East are taking part in a major exercise simulating an earthquake hitting a fictional British town. The event, one of the largest to have been undertaken, is aimed at testing the response of the emergency services from the UK and seven other countries to an 'unthinkable' disaster.
Funded through a one million euro grant from the European Union, Exercise Orion is being held simultaneously in Portsmouth, Hampshire, and Merseyside.'
Read more: What the Hell is This All About in a Country That Does Not Have Major Earthquakes?
Wednesday, 08 September 2010 07:24
'The food industry is no longer a free market. In fact, I'd go as far as saying it's becoming the most glaring example of corporate-government fascism in America.
Actual monopolies fully control the basic building blocks of the food that makes up the majority of the American diet -- and no one seems to care. Simply put, those who control the corn, wheat, and soybeans control all food, since all livestock and all processed foods are dependent on those food resources. These monopolies place their cronies in government regulatory agencies like the FDA and USDA to weed out their competition through excessive regulation. Currently proposed legislation are textbook examples of their methods.'
Wednesday, 08 September 2010 07:12
'China's ownership of the United States government debt has dropped to the lowest level in at least a year, Treasury data showed, in a sign Beijing is increasingly keen to diversify out of US bonds. Webster Tarpley says that China is diversifying and has moved onto the Euro and Yen. He adds that the US was trying to shift the depression onto Europe, trying to destroy the Euro with a speculative attack on Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc.'
Tuesday, 07 September 2010 09:07
'Gordon Brown is talking about what many people are calling global governance, or when they aren't mincing words, global government. Similar calls are made from Council on Foreign Relations members like Fareed Zakaria, a regular contributor for propaganda clearing house "Newsweek" in articles like "Writing the Rules for a New World."
Global problems, they argue, need global solutions. Global problems like the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic, which later turned out to be over-hyped by industry insiders. Global problems like the current economic melt down perpetrated by the very financial institutions and regulatory organizations seeking additional authority and consolidation with even less oversight than before. Global problems like "terrorism" and "conflict" that the globalists are firmly, undoubtedly behind. Indeed, they are proposing global government to solve these global problems, they themselves are making.
These are immensely powerful people, the remnants of the European empires and the by-product of America's "Manifest Destiny" seeking global consolidation through these "global institutions".'
Read more: Gordon Brown on the 'Non-Existent' Global Government
Tuesday, 07 September 2010 07:47
'We’ve gone from a couple Mag 7 earthquakes every other month to 2-3 per month. I can predict right now that September will have at least three Mag 7+ quakes. Before the end of the year, not a week will go by without a Mag 7+ quake.
In a sane world, CERN would be shut down right after that. In our world, the CERNiacs will continue to insist that everything is okay and the politicians will play along. They will blast a hole in the Pacific Ocean where New Zealand used to be before they admit to a mistake of this enormity.'
Read more: 2010 Earthquake Frequency Graphic