Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Fidel Castro Calls on Ahmadinejad to Stop Slandering the Jews and Denying the Holocaust; Cuban Leader Unequivocally Endorses Israel's Right to Exist

A neo-conservative, American Jewish journalist was invited to Cuba for an astonishing interview with Fidel Castro. Click here for the journalist's blog posting.
Not only did Castro call on Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stop slandering the Jews and denying that the Holocaust ever happened; the Communist leader, apparently in the process of reinventing himself as an international statesman, conceded that the Cuban Missile Crisis "wasn't worth it."
He also hinted that Iran, which Cuba supports politically, possesses weapons of mass destruction and/or means of attacking Israel and the United States in ways that could result in a nuclear war.
Iran and Cuba have cooperated closely in the field of germ warfare; and Iran and North Korea, which Cuba also supports, have jointly developed systems for launching ballistic missiles from cargo vessels. Could Castro have been referring to these weapons?
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 11:25 PM 
China Poised to Build $2 Billion Railway for Iran

Another defeat for the United States.
Energy-starved, booming China, which has been built up at the expense of American workers, is poised to start construction of a $2 billion railway ... for nuclear-arming, islamonazi Iran. The project is just the first step in a larger scheme to tie the oil-rich Middle East and Central Asia to Beijing.
China Confidential predicts permitting will not be a problem. No environmentalists will have anything to say about any aspect of the ambitious plan, reminiscent of a different time, when Westerners were known for thinking big and building big things, like railroads and dams and canals. No longer. The liberals and left-wingers have neutralized and paralyzed their nations. In the antidemocratic, Democratic-dominated U.S., for example, it is practically impossible to simply extend electrified commuter rail lines 50 or so miles, let alone, build high-speed lines with technology that has been available for decades in Europe and Japan.
Second-hand smoking--now that is a cause that stirs the passions of the liberal sissies. Assuring ceaseless immigration from Muslim lands and impoverished Latin America--another cause that galvanizes the liberal loons. Ending domestic oil and gas production, choking off the traditional energy supplies on which modern civilization depends for its very survival--in the name of "saving the planet" from supposed manmade global warming--the ultimate Left/liberal cause!
No wonder the missile-mad mullahs and their atomic ayatollah and Holocaust-denying maniac-in-chief laugh and sneer at Washington. No wonder the men who really rule rising China--men in military uniforms--regard the U.S. as a dying but still dangerous and, for the time being, at least, still useful hegemon.
Every day seems to bring fresh proof that they are basically right.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 4:07 PM 
Obama Silent on Widow's Stoning Sentence

The case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an innocent widow--tortured, whipped, and sentenced to death by stoning in Islamonazi Iran--has sparked outrage everywhere, it seems, but in the White House, where U.S. President Barack Obama is effectively advancing sharia in the context of a perfidious policy of appeasement toward Iran and "the Muslim world."
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on Tuesday called the stoning sentence "barbaric beyond words."
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Monday he was ready to do "whatever it takes," including traveling to Tehran, to save the woman. He called the stoning sentence "the height of barbarism."
On Sunday, the Vatican raised the possibility of using behind-the-scene diplomacy to try to save her life.
Prediction: even if Obama finally speaks out, he will never utter words like "barbaric" or "barbarism." When it comes to Third World barbarism in general and right-wing political Islam in particular, these words are simply not in his vocabulary.
Question: Where is Hillary? How can she possibly still serve in such an administration? Rich (beyond her expectations) and famous and internationally respected, she nevertheless collaborates....
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 1:50 PM 
On Ending the Iranian Threat: Attacking Key Nuclear Arms Development Sites Would Only Be a Good Start

Thoughts on ending the Iranian threat before it is too late....
Israel has the conventional military capability to end Iran's nuclear program--that is, to successfully attack the Iranian nuclear facilities that matter most. Disregard all the talk about having to destroy dozens of impossibly hardened sites. There are no more than nine key sites, all vulnerable to Israeli aircraft.
But nuclear facility-focused attacks would leave Iran with major retaliatory capabilities--more specifically, an arsenal of long-range missiles capable of hitting Israel. And, given that Hezbollah has enough long-range missiles to hit every city in Israel, Iran and its Lebanese proxy could together make good on the turbaned tyranny's vow to "burn Tel Aviv."
Of course, should its population centers come under that kind of bombardment, Israel would be compelled to strike back with nuclear weapons.
Thus, the case for a preemptive Israeli nuclear attack on Iran--in order to avoid the unacceptable risk of sacrificing the lives of thousands of Israeli civilians--seems stronger every day.
Alternatively, the United States could/should end the Iranian threat--to Israel and the Gulf states and to the U.S. itself--and let Israel defeat Hezbollah (and Syria, too, should it make the mistake of joining the conflict). In contrast, with Israel, the U.S. has the conventional capabilities to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities and missiles, armed forces, state apparatus and economic infrastructure--within days.
In fact, the Pentagon has enough stealth bombers and cruise missiles to destroy thousands of targets in Iran in a few hours.