Laura: I suspected this guy didn’t have the balls to follow through on the koran burning. After all, our side ALWAYS caves to muslims. I think its terrible that he is not going through with it. By making such a huge issue of burning the koran and failing to follow through has only made matters worse. The barbarians have been victorious. Now they know their threats of violence can cause us to submit to their will. And you can be sure they will employ such threats in the future to get us to back down regarding any criticism of islam or whatever else they find offensive. To those Americans who are relieved over this outcome, you have no idea the precedent this sets. Meanwhile muslims threaten and preach hate against us and destroy the holy books and houses of worship of non-muslims with impunity. By backing down, we’ve just emboldened the jihadis not pacified them. And yet so many clueless Americans will regard Pastor Jones backing down as a positive... Laura: Since when is it illegal to proselytize in America? Obviously this only applies if those targeted for conversion are muslims. If these were Jews or any other non-muslim religious group being proselytized, the pastor certainly would not have been arrested. I don’t expect we will hear from all those liberal ground zero mosque supporters screaming about religious freedom to speak out against this violation of religious freedom. Pastor arrested for sharing gospel with Muslims…in Kansas Creeping Sharia Like in Dearborn, Michigan, proselytizing – or merely talking to Muslims on public streets appears to be against the law in the U.S. – just as it is under Islamic sharia rule. A pastor is facing a court date after sharing the gospel with Muslims — in Kansas. About 14 people, including three senior pastors, went to the local mosque to distribute to Muslims packets containing the books of John and Romans in English and Arabic and a DVD with... David Solway writing in FrontPageMag under the title The Obama Peace Talks Sham doesn’t hold out any hope and puts the blame on Obama where it belongs But the greatest impediment to the success of the current peace deliberations—i.e., a viable and pragmatic outcome—is not the Palestinians, refractory as they may be. It is Barack Obama himself. This most partisan and indiscrete of presidents has made it plain over the last few years that he has no love for the Jewish state. The checklist is definitive: his close association with antisemites like Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Rashid Khalidi and with anti-Zionists like Robert Malley, Samantha Power, John Brennan, Susan Rice and Zbigniew Brzezinsky; his awarding the Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson, the human engine behind the infamous Durban anti-Israel hatefest; his fake paroxysm over building permits in Jerusalem, which had already been agreed upon, in order to back Israel into a diplomatic corner; his... By Bill Warner AMERICAN THINKER One of the most frequently used arguments in the defense of Islam is that the Bible is just as violent as the Koran. The logic goes like this. If the Koran is no more violent than the Bible, then why should we worry about Islam? This argument suggests that Islam is the same as Christianity and Judaism. This is false, but the analogy is very popular since it allows someone who knows nothing about the actual doctrine of Islam to talk about it. “See, Islam is like Christianity; Christians are just as violent as Muslims.” If this is true, then you don’t have to learn anything about the actual Islamic doctrine. Time for an Islamaphobia Beer Summit With 70% of Americans standing in hardened opposition to a victory mosque being built on our national graveyard at Ground Zero, it would take a complete elitist ninny to sum this up as “Islamaphobia.” But since our elitists are indeed calling the 70% of us irrational, phobic nutcases, it would seem an awfully good time to have an Islamaphobia beer summit. Forget the beer; we need sober heads. Forget the president; he’s out to lunch. We’ll just have a dry summit among ourselves. For starters, what is a “phobia”? I’m darned well sure that at least 98% of the overwhelming 70% already know that a phobia is an irrational fear or loathing of some quantifiable thing or idea. The key word here, of course, is irrational. In this case, 70% of Americans oppose Imam...Pastor Jones Caves
Sharia Law Being Enforced in Kansas
Obama has ruined chances for peace
The Political Violence of the Bible and the Koran
Can Islam become a religion of peace?
One ought never confuse reasoned repugnance with irrational fear.More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 11 September 2010
However, this is not a theological argument. It is a political one. This argument is not about what goes on in a house of worship, but what goes on the in the marketplace of ideas.
Now, is the doctrine of Islam more violent than the Koran? There is only one way to prove or disprove the comparison, and that is to measure the...
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