Cannon Fodder for the New World Order Thank You, Freedom-Rush Supporters Black Civil Rights Mafia Betrays Black America Cardiovascular Medications Useless for Majority of Diabetic Patients
In 1926, General Cherep-Spiridovich wrote, “War is only a ‘legalized mass murder.’ Thus Christ pointed out those who arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is Satan and his sons’ ‘lust of murder.’ But ‘Christians’ never seem to agree with Christ.” Gandhi concurred when he said, “Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent.” Those who “arrange all wars,” are.....
by Deanna Spingola
People all across America—and especially Montanans—have called, written and emailed us showing not only their support of our family’s move to Montana but also their desire or their plan to move either to Montana or a nearby State. There is unquestionably and undoubtedly an exodus from the eastern States to the western for the same or similar reasons the Baldwin family is moving to Montana. Doctors, lawyers, judges.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
The Black Civil Rights Mafia has long ago abandoned MLK's dream of a day when all Americans would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. America's "Black Mob" makes everything about skin color to "get paid" and gain political power. What is so evil about the Black Mob is their willingness to sacrifice national race relations and the best interest of their fellow blacks for personal gain and to further a socialist agenda......
by Lloyd Marcus
A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine demonstrates that three-fourths of diabetic patients receiving medication for cholesterol and blood pressure receive very little benefit. In fact, the case for “benefit” can only be justified for those in truly horrid health. For the rest, a snake pit of adverse side effects is the reality. “Most of the total benefit was limited to the first few steps of medication intensification or to tight control for a limited group of very high-risk patients,” the authors write. The nearly.......
by Byron Richards, CCN
Saturday, 4 September 2010
September 4, 2010
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Britannia Radio