STRATFOR Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday said that his country was willing to partition Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians. “West Jerusalem and 12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours. The Arab neighborhoods in which close to a quarter million Palestinians live will be theirs,” Barak was quoted as saying. These remarks come a day before the United States hosts a meeting in Washington between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, which will also be attended by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan’s King Abdullah II. Laura: The power of the muslim lobby in Europe presents a serious problem for the prospects of any rational EU policy in the Middle East. To paraphrase the EU commissioner’s anti-Semitic tirade, European gentiles are irrational when it comes to Israel and the Middle East. It wouldn’t occur to this EU douchebag that the prospects for peace are harmed by the muslims insistence on mass murdering Jews and obliterating the Jewish homeland. Of course in the EU commissioner’s warped mind, the real problem is the Jewish lobby in America and the insistence upon the Jews of Israel to exist. This persistent attack on Jews and Israel as a response to islamic aggression against Europe is why the continent is hopelessly doomed, and deservedly so for such displays of moral depravity on their part. EU Commissioner derides ‘Jewish Lobby’ in the US By LAHAV HARKOV, JPost EJC demands apology from De Gucht, a former Belgian Foreign Minister; says remarks are part... By GIL HOFFMAN, JPOST Hawkish Likud MK Tzipi Hotovely is surprisingly putting the finishing touches to a plan for “one state for two peoples.” While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was in Washington meeting with US President Barack Obama on Wednesday, ahead of Thursday’s summit with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Likud MK Tzipi Hotovely was in Ariel talking to Likud central committee members about her plan to annex the West Bank and give full Israeli citizenship to all its residents, Jewish and Arab. The fact that Hotovely is starting to make her plan public now is not coincidental. She wants Netanyahu and the world to know that there is a viable alternative to the creation of a Palestinian state, so it will be on the table when – as she and many others expect – yet another effort to reach an agreement with the Palestinians fails. It’s not the NEW NETANYAHU It’s still the old BB. Many of us have known this and have been shouting to any rooftop who will listen. BB is bad for Israel and Bad for Jews everywhere. It’s taken a BB groupie like Glick how many years to see and admit what we knew in 98′? I guess better late than never. Question now is how do we get rid of him ASAP? Yamit By Caroline B. Glick JWR The US-funded agitprop involved ads in which senior Fatah... DEBKAfile Exclusive Report September 3, 2010, 8:40 AM (GMT+02:00) Tehranand its extremist and terrorist allies, having failed to abort Barack Obama’s initiative for direct Israel-Palestinian diplomacy, have hit back with two belligerent steps. debkafile’s military sources disclose that Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah have set up a joint military command for sinking Israeli warships, and Hamas has brought all 13 Palestinian rejectionist organizations under one roof for a sustained bid to intensify terror operations against Israel. At a news conference in Gaza early Friday, Sept. 3 – shortly after the Washington talks were rated positive – a Hamas military arm spokesman announced the creation of a single command encompassing all 13 Palestinian rejectionist groups operating out of the Gaza Strip and Damascus for a concerted campaign of terror against Israel. By Matthew M. Hausman The proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero has prompted passionate debate about freedom of religion and the open nature of American society. Defenders of the project solemnly intone that the terrorists will win if the mosque is not permitted, although they cannot credibly articulate why. Through all sanctimony, responsibility for tolerance is placed solely on the American public, never on the religious ideology that spawned the 9/11 terrorists. Secular liberals ignore the significance of shrine building at sites of victory over the “infidel” and demure on whether there is any obligation to accommodate non-Muslim sensitivities. They also fail to acknowledge that the conflict between Islamist goals and western culture constitutes a clash of civilizations or recognize that jihad seeks to supplant democratic values with theocratic rule. Omitted from the debate is that freedom of religion is not absolute, and that the rights of one may be limited when they... • I can understand the silence and the absence of protest by most liberal and leftist bloggers, THEY AGREE WITH THE MESSAGES OF THE CARTOONS. The silence of the Jews on these Blogs and media outlets is most disturbing? Maybe we are back in 1939?Yamit by Adam Levick - Antisemitic cartoons found – and seemingly tolerated – on progressive blogs such as Daily Kos, MyDD, Mondoweiss, and Indymedia are mainly expressions of anti-Israelism, a more recent category of antisemitism than the religious and ethnic-nationalist versions. - Traditionally the core motif of antisemitism is that Jews represent absolute evil. The cultural notion of what that means has changed over... Laura: Although CAIR and other muslim groups pretend islamophobia is a problem in the west and pretend that muslims are the victims of hate crimes, in reality it is Jews who are being victimized by hate crimes at an alarming rate. Shootings at Jewish families shake up community in Ste. Agathe, Quebec Written by Mike Cohen, Jewish Tribune STE. AGATHE – A 15-year-old Ste. Agathe resident has once again given the Quebec Laurentian mountain town a black eye in regard to acts of intolerance against members of the Jewish community. Quebec’s Laurentian Mountains have a significant orthodox Jewish population in the summer and a year-round synagogue in Ste. Agathe. Over the last number of years there have been a wide array of troubling incidents targetting Jews. This included vandalism directed at cars owned by members of the local Chassidic community, the burglary of a Jewish grocery store, fires being set at Jewish homes, eggs thrown at the local synagogue and a violent assault against a... Laura: I wish Bibi would publicly declare an end to negotiations, tell Obama that there is nothing that can be negotiated with those who’s aim is the genocide of the Jewish people, return home and announce that Israel will continue to build Jewish communities and housing everywhere in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. Then order the IDF to obliterate hamas. If the quartet doesn’t like it they can lump it. And if Hillary Clinton calls up Bibi to screech at him, he should tell her to take a flying leap. And tell her no more little girls will be crying at their parents funerals in order to please her husband’s saudi benefactors. by Linda Olmert We just do not seem to get it. Every normal adult is aware of the concept of consequences. We know that certain actions or lack of actions have consequences, we weigh possible consequences, and we analyze welcome and unwelcome consequences that we had not foreseen. The Palestinians consistently threaten consequences . They have managed to create the illusion that they are doing everyone a favor allowing themselves to be dragged to the “peace” talks, and having done everyone that favor, they grab the moral high ground. The consequences they threaten are always tied to their “threat flavor” of the month: they threaten consequences if Israel doesn’t withdraw, if Israel does withdraw, and most recently, if Israel resumes building. And we all shake in our sandals, buying in to their threats of consequences, terrified of those consequences ( we have been through their bloody rages before). They manage to create the image of being a weak, poor...U.S. Expectations for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
While not unprecedented, what makes this offer extraordinary is that, save perhaps Barak’s own Labor Party, every other member of the coalition government led by Netanyahu’s Likud Party is dead opposed to giving up even an inch of Jerusalem, which is seen as the undivided capital of Israel. So what is the purpose of issuing such a...EU Commissioner’s Anti-Semitic Rant
Hotovely pushing for a Jewish One State Plan
To that end, Hotovely has spent her summer vacation not relaxing on European...The OLD Netanyahu?
Ketzaleh: Netanyahu Entering Jewish History’s Blacklist
If Bibi actually believes what he has been saying publicly of late, friends of Israel should be worried. Very worriedDespite a multi-million dollar media blitz, Israelis are not buying the US-financed Geneva Initiative’s attempt to convince us that we have a Palestinian partner. A week after the pro-Palestinian group launched its massive online promotion urging people to join its Facebook page, a mere 634 people had answered the call.
Iran’s revenge: Syria and Hizballah join to sink Israeli warships
In answer to a question, Abu Obeida said the new policy of expanded attacks may well rain missiles...Freedom of Belief is Absolute, Freedom of Practice is not
Antisemitic cartoons on progressive blogs
– Political cartoons often have more of an immediate impact in reinforcing negative stereotypes about Jews than a lengthy essay. By far the largest output of antisemitic cartoons nowadays comes from the Arab and Muslim world. A yet uncharted field of hate cartoons against Jews is that in progressive blogs.Jews Targeted in French Canada
What I Wish Bibi Would Really Say
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 4 September 2010
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Britannia Radio