Saturday, 9 October 2010

By Paul Craig Roberts

The ladders of upward mobility that made American an “opportunity society” have been dismantled.

By Robert Reich

Not only is income and wealth in America more concentrated in fewer hands than it’s been in 80 years, but those hands are buying our democracy as never before – and they’re doing it behind closed doors.

By Michael Hudson

The news about the nation’s foreclosure scandal has been coming fast and furious, driven by tales of backdated documents, false affidavits and “rocket dockets” that push families into the street.

George Galloway Returns To Canada

By The Canadian Charger and Rabble TV

Anti-war activist and former British MP George Galloway arrived in Canada to a throng of supporters waiting to greet him at the Toronto Pearson International Airport. Eighteen months ago, Galloway was refused entry and deemed a security threat.

Obama Won’t Sign Notary Bill That Might Speed Home Foreclosures: A senior House Democrat asked major U.S. lenders to temporarily suspend foreclosure proceedings nationwide because of allegations of forged signatures and robo-signers who rubberstamped foreclosure affadavits without examining them. Three big lenders have already suspended home foreclosures in 23 states, including New York.

BofA Freezes All U.S. Foreclosures to ‘Clear the Air’: - Bank of America Corp., the biggest U.S. lender, extended a freeze on foreclosures to all 50 states as concern spread among federal and local officials that homes are being seized based on false data.

JPMorgan, Bank of America Face `Hydra' of Foreclosure Probes: JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and Ally Financial Inc., defending allegations of fraudulent home foreclosures from customers and Congress, may face the most financial peril from investigations by state attorneys general.

US economy sheds more jobs: Economy loses 95,000 jobs in September in the last monthly labour snapshot ahead of mid-term elections.