CUT IT - 1010 Campaign - Barking Abbey School from Barking Abbey School on Vimeo.
Personally, I think people should as a matter of course clear the footpaths in front of their own properties, and especially commercial properties. In many countries this is either a tradition or required by law. We should not as a rule expect local authorities to be clearing snow on their own.
But what is especially interesting about this piece is the uncontested assumption that an "Arctic winter looms". The paper could be wrong, of course, but taking this line suggests that it is getting a strong line of information which gives the idea some plausibility – even if more snow is simply another sign of global warming.
h/t Dellers. And three back-up copies of the Muslim parody ... here, here and here. Franny seems rather to have given up on this one! And total views of "no pressure" (and the parodies) is now up to 1,588,458.
On the other hand, despite Delingpole (and myself) being signed up to the 10:10 campaign, their supporters currently stand at 73,010 - DOWN from 95,329 this morning. Anthony Watts has a similar observation. This looks as if the video has cost them more than 20,000 suporters.
Thus asks Dellers, suggesting that he might have done what all the canny eco fascists are doing these days and given up on Man-Made Global Warming. Because hey, after all – you heard it here first (almost) – biodiversity is the new black!
Of course, it might be because Moonbat is totally compromised. How can he possibly offer an objective view when The Guardian is the sole remaining media partner to 10:10 and his colleague on the environment desk is Duncan Clark, who just happens to be strategy director for 10:10?
This is the same Duncan Clark, incidentally, who tells us that, "We need to slash emissions of all greenhouse gases from all industries", then adding: "If we're upfront about the scale and urgency of the challenge, then it's possible we can still turn the ship around." The funny thing is, though, that he's never upfront about being the strategy director of 10:10 – you have to look up his profile to find that out.
So that leaves Moonbat working for a tawdry rag that has long since ceased to be a newspaper and is now the front for environmental campaigning groups. No wonder he is so silent, presumably hoping the "splattergate" controversy will die down so that he can creep out from under his stone and pretend it all never happened.
You can see where Franny went for her inspiration ... look at the first few scenes, where teach isn't getting through.
In fact, though, Franny is a big fake. She describes herself, in breathless biographies in theGuardian etc, as an "ex rock drummer turned self-taught film maker." In fact she's a second generation, upper middle class, activist media brat.
Her Daddy, Peter Armstrong, was a senior documentary maker for 20 years at the BBC (where else) until he bought out the multimedia technology he had developed there and floated "The Multimedia Corporation" on the junior stock market. It later bombed in the dot-com crash. He now runs his own international activist organisation
Daddy worked with her for ten years on her first film – "McLibel" – about the two hippies who were sued for telling lies about Macdonalds. She still runs a website providing anti-Macdonalds propaganda to activists.
Her stepmum is also an activist film maker and Mummy and Daddy still work with her at her film company – Spanner films. "Greenery" is just her latest vehicle for self promotion.
(Research from Barry Woods, picked up from WUWT comments - thanks. The blogosphere at its best ... something Franny will never understand.)