Las Vegas Unemployment Rate Hits 15 Percent • Jim Rogers: “US will lose economic war” France Introduces Petrol Rationing As Riots And Blockades Continue Why The Chinese Monopoly On Rare Earth Elements Is So Incredibly Dangerous Origins of Fed Explain Financial Collapse Stimulus Swindle: Los Angeles Spent $70 Million in Stimulus Funds to Create 7.76 Jobs 75 Ways That The Government And The Financial Elite Will Be Sucking Even More Of The Life Blood Out Of The American People In 2011
Forced Abortion: Dream Of The Scientific Elite
Today's harrowing story about a pregnant woman in China who was brutally beaten and abducted by state goons before being forcibly injected with a drug to kill her unborn baby serves as a stark reminder that the current White House science czar, John P. Holdren, advocated the creation of a "planetary regime" that would carry out similar draconian measures in America as part of the eugenicist zeal to reduce world population.
• Alan Watt: The Neo-Eugenics War On Humanity
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
While unemployment statewide remained unchanged in September, jobless numbers in Las Vegas rose to 15 percent, a new record.
More than a quarter of the country’s 12,500 petrol stations are dry and some of them have now started limiting fill-ups to 30 litres for cars and 150 litres for lorries.
Most Americans have no idea why rare earth elements are important or why the Chinese monopoly on them is so dangerous. But now that China is enforcing strict new quotas on the export of these metals a lot more people are going to start learning about them.
In 1913, at 11:45 p.m., on Dec. 23, Congress approved a private corporation designed to form a private corporation, designed to control the monetary system of our country. They moved with a calculated craftiness and deceit to pass legislation that would enslave every American as a debtor to their corporation.
A new piece of evidence has emerged in the debate over the effectiveness of President Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, and it’s not good for Democrats.
• Strapped UK to pay for EU’s ‘fraud, waste & mismanagement’?
• Cash-strapped governments ramping up tax-collection efforts
French police break fuel depot blockade
French police have forcibly lifted a blockade on the main refinery supplying fuel to Paris as polls show the majority of French people support the strikes despite petrol shortages on the eve of national holidays.
The American people are experiencing financial death by a thousand cuts and most of them don’t even realize it.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 20:38