Friday, 22 October 2010

Interview with Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt. Original air date: Tuesday, 19 October 2010.

Max Keiser lights up Tehran: “Warren Buffett should be hung for acts of financial terrorism”

October 18th, 2010 by maxkeiser

Cooperation from Max Keiser on Financial Terrorism

Warren Buffett is panicking. The posse is on the way. Charlie Munger is putting away his knee pads.

Wall Street broke the law (and the financial system) & WILL get away with it because the only guy that might have prosecuted them is now a talk show host

October 18th, 2010 by stacyherbert

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CIA paid Liverpool buyout tycoon millions…to use his jet for ‘torture’ flights

October 17th, 2010 by maxkeiser