Unnamed source sounds like Lieberman, in any event this is no surprise most of us assumed this to be the case from the first announcement. Still think BB will find a way or an excuse enabling him to agree. Of course Pollard might still by the brass ring enabler for BB? Yamit A senior diplomatic source in Jerusalem said Thursday that there is “no chance” that US President Barack Obama would consent to renewed settlement construction in two months’ time, even if Israel consents to extending the building freeze in Judea and Samaria. The source told Arutz Sheva’s Ben Shaul that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been unable to get Obama to promise that if an agreement on borders between Israel and a future PA state is not reached within 60 days, Obama would not request another extension of the anti-Jewish construction moratorium. “There is no chance of getting Obama’s agreement for renewing construction in two months, especially when Obama sees... Ambassador Granot: “I have great difficulty with anyone giving a thirty five minute lecture on any subject, putting the blame on one side, exonerating the other side to righteousness and virtues that are not human.” see video here Do Jews Have Civil Rights? A striking aspect of the so-called building freeze in Judea and Samaria that expired last week is that an enormous amount of construction went on throughout the last 10 months. The Arabs of Judea and Samaria were not only building without restrictions, the US, Europe and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf bankrolled much of their construction. The presumptive purpose of the freeze was to prevent Israel from creating “facts on the ground” that would prejudice the outcome of the so-called peace talks with Fatah. This goal is justified on the basis of the Palestinian misinterpretation of a clause in the 1995 agreement between Israel and the PLO in which they agreed that “neither side... Laura: The delusional and clueless Bill Clinton still does not understand the nature of islamic terror. He still does not understand that islamic doctrine commands muslims to wage war against infidels until they are subdued or convert to islam. This is not a territorial dispute going on between Israel and the arabs. Unfortunately he is not alone amongst western politicians in their inability to refuse to grasp this reality. Bill Clinton is the fool who treated islamic terrorism as crimes rather than acts of war. He never really responded to the first WTC bombing in ’93, the Khobar towers, African embassy bombings and the USS Cole under his watch. Which makes him largely responsible for 9/11. Yet he has learned nothing and still remains clueless about why muslims are waging jihad. Here is more of the disgusting, pandering speech Clinton made in Egypt. He also touched on the subject of “islamophobia”. Apparently non-existent “islamophobia” is a more serious... This article totally backs up my understanding of Islam and moderates. Ted Belman Amanpour Inadvertently Exposes the Real Issue with Islam Choudary proclaims that he disagrees with the entire focus of the segment, and argues that the notions of moderate Islam or extremist Islam are nonsense. Recently, Christianne Amanpour hosted a panel discussion meant to explore the misunderstood delineation between moderate and extremist Islam. A dichotomy is certainly brought to light in discussion, but considering Amanpour is a staunch Islamic apologist, it is probably not the one she meant to expose. She likely sought to support the notion that Islam is peaceful, and to advance the belief that only a small contingent of radicals corrupts the faith. To those ends, she enlisted guests of Christian and Muslim backgrounds for her panel, and I’m fairly certain she expected the Christian guests to attack Islam as an intolerant faith bent on... What could have easily become the scene of a Jewish bloodbath was averted (thank G-d) in large measure due to the proactive measures of the Jewish Canine Legion who helped catch this barbarian. You can check out this incredible story at http:/www.allyisrael.com. A 22 year-old Arab terror suspect was arrested by Israeli security agents after sneaking into Givat Mamreh, a suburb of Kiryat Arba near Hebron, as hundreds of Jews celebrated Simchat Torah, dancing with the Torah in their local synagogues, Thursday. ( In Israel Simchat Torah was celebrated Thursday.) The Arab was first spotted by the Tapuach Canine Unit that had dispatched... British MP George Galloway donated 100 vehicles and thousands of dollars to Hamas on Tuesday. Galloway made no effort to hide his donation, and instead held a press conference at which he announced that the vehicles and cash would be given “to the elected government of Palestine.” Galloway dared European and British courts to try him for funding a terrorist group. “If you want to take me to court, I promise you there is no jury in all of Britain who will convict me,” he taunted his government. Several senior Hamas terrorists attended the press conference, which was punctuated by calls of “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great). The United States government has been allowing citizens to take a tax deduction for donations to Viva Palestina, a group that aids the anti-Israel and anti-America terrorist group Hamas. Now a U.S. Congressman is trying to put a stop to it, as reported by the International Business Times. Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) told the paper... By Ted Belman * Israel must say “no” to extending the freeze formally or de facto. Israel must also say “no” to the peace process sooner or later. Even if Israel continued to build and the PA was prepared to return to the peace process, Israel should refuse to negotiate unless of course she is prepared to swallow the deal the international community has in store for her. According to FM Avigdor Leiberman, “During my recent visit to the US I learned that Washington is planning to force a permanent agreement on Israel – two states for two peoples along the 1967 borders, plus-minus 3 or 4% of the territory exchanged,” Lieberman said. “This is the objective of a continued freeze – to give the US and the international community two months to come up with a solution that will be forced on Israel.” Such a deal comes with the division of Jerusalem or with its internationalization. Benny Avni writing in the NY POST under the title Peace Malpractice By Paul Lungen, CJN TORONTO — As tribes go, the Bene Ephraim are hardly noticeable in the vastness of India – perhaps 150 souls if everyone from nearby villages was counted together. But, if their traditions are accurate, they lay claim to an ancient lineage as one of the legendary 10 lost tribes of Israel. The door of a Bene Ephraim home decorated with Jewish symbols. They have been so obscure that the established Jewish community in Mumbai only learned of them in recent years, when Indian security forces uncovered an plot by Lashkar-e-Taiba Islamic terrorists to murder them as part of a wider attack that included an assault on a Hindu temple and the bombing of an airport. Israel’s new border: now in the center The Israeli government sent mighty Border Police to the town of Lod near Ben Gurion Airport in an effort to quell violence there. Arabs have turned the city into another Gaza, a lawless place where criminal murders are routine. An estimated 10,000 Arabs live in Lod illegally, having infiltrated Israel from Palestinian-occupied territories. Arabs in Lod do not pay for water or electricity, and so the municipality has increased water rates for law-abiding Jews to cover the costs. Regular police are inefficient in Lod, where they enter Arab neighborhoods in military APCs only.
Jerusalem Source: ‘No Chance’ Obama will Agree to End Freeze
by CAROLINE GLICK:Bill Clinton: Jews to Blame for islamic Terrorism
There is only one Islam, the bad one
By William Sullivan, AMERICAN THINKERDogs Defending Jews in Israel
This is the kind of thing you won’t read about on any of the leftist websites that pass themselves off as “news media.” They would rather lie about “moderate Arabs who want peace” than show the real face of these fiends, and highlight Jewish heroism. YamitDog Unit Catches Arab Terror Suspect
by Moshe Ben IsraelU.S. Offers Tax Breaks for Terror Funding
Israel must say “no” to the peace process, sooner or later.
Lost tribe of Israel’ found in southern India
A dirt-poor collection of mostly farm labourers who reside in the southeastern Indian village of Kotha Reddy Palem in the province of Andhra Pradesh, the Bene Ephraim believe they were exiled by the Assyrian Empire after the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel in 722 BCE.
The Bene Ephraim’s...Arabs are infiltrating Israel
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 8 October 2010
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Britannia Radio