Friday, 19 November 2010 10:34
The end of a working day at Goldman Sachs HQ
'A record one in six American families went hungry last year because they did not have enough food, a shock survey has revealed.
Some 17.4million U.S. households - 50 million people - were classified as ‘food insecure’ which meant they regularly skipped meals even if they wanted to eat. Others went for entire days without eating and handed round smaller portion sizes to make their meagre offerings suffice.
The news comes as it is revealed that top U.S. executives saw their pay and bonuses shoot up last year in the face of the worst recession for 80 years.'
Friday, 19 November 2010 10:22
'Jewelry robbers, magicians, exam cheats and practical jokers everywhere will have an interest in an offbeat idea launched by physicists on Tuesday: to make the passage of time invisible.
The scientists have conceived of a "spacetime cloak" which manipulates light and, in essence, conceals whole events from a viewer. The theory is based on censoring the flow of events, which we perceive as a stream of light particles, also called photons, that strike the retina.
By exploiting a characteristic of fiber optics, the flow of photons can be slowed, events edited out and stitched back together, say the team from Imperial College London and Salford University, northwestern England.'
Read more: The Perfect Crime Tool: Researchers Work on ‘Event Cloak’
Friday, 19 November 2010 09:58
'If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy".'
Read more: UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
Friday, 19 November 2010 09:55
'Former French Prime Minister Alain Juppe, appointed to the position of Defense Minister this weekend, announced today that the French government will use the upcoming Lisbon Summit to discuss its withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“Afghanistan is, I would say, a trap for all the parties involved there,” Juppe insisted, adding that France was determined to hand over control of French dominated regions to the Afghan government as soon as they could.'
Friday, 19 November 2010 09:43
Friday, 19 November 2010 09:11
'Quoted in scores of news outlets, appearing on dozens of network news programs and even landing a guest spot on The Late Show with David Letterman, oil spill expert Ed Overton has been a ubiquitous presence in the media throughout the Gulf oil spill disaster.
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science at Louisiana State University, Overton, who has been criticized for downplaying the effects of the worst offshore oil spill in history, has also headed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s chemical hazard assessment team for over 25 years.
Yet in nearly every media appearance, and even during congressional testimony, Overton, an environmental chemist, has omitted this long-term, high-level contracting position for the federal government through LSU, a Raw Story investigation has found.'
Read more: Professor Who Downplayed Oil Spill has Federal Government Contracts
Friday, 19 November 2010 08:26
'Ireland could be the next Lehman Brothers. That's what has the markets worried. If Irish leaders refuse to accept a bailout from the EU's new European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), then bondholders will be forced to take haircuts on their investments which will leave banks in Germany and France short of capital. Bonds yields will rise sharply slowing activity in the credit markets. An Irish default will trigger hundreds of billions of dollars in credit default swaps (CDS), which will push weaker counterparties into bankruptcy and domino through the financial system.
Contagion will spread to Portugal, Greece, Spain and Italy widening bond yields and forcing governments to increase their borrowing at the ECB. Business activity will sputter, unemployment will rise, and growth will shrink. It will be a second financial meltdown.'
Read more: Europe`s Monetary Crisis: Ireland's 'Suicide Pact' With the E.U.
Friday, 19 November 2010 08:09
'But as always with Clinton, his rhetoric could not be more different than his policies. After the second U.S.-backed coup against Aristide in 2004, Clinton has worked with former World Bank employee Paul Collier, multinational corporations and the Haitian elite to impose another free-market plan on Haiti. While U.N. troops have occupied Haiti since 2004, Clinton and Collier toured the country promoting sweatshops, tourism, and export-oriented agriculture.
After the devastating January 2010 earthquake in Port au Prince, Clinton became co-chair of Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. He is now the country’s neo-colonial overlord. He has betrayed all his humanitarian promises and failed to collect even a fraction of the promised $10 billion for reconstruction. And his reconstruction plan is the same free market plan he has been touting since 2004. He is putting Haiti up for sale to multinational capital.'
Friday, 19 November 2010 07:51
'In the largest public demonstrations against Viktor Yanukovich's government, thousands of Ukrainians have protested against a draft tax law in front of the parliament. More than 2,000 protesters gathered in front of parliament where they beat metal buckets and cooking ware and chanted slogans against the lawmakers on Thursday.
Some banners read 'Stop governing and let us work!' and 'Shame to [sic] the new government!” Demonstrators say the new law favors big businesses and will choke small and medium-size firms.'
Read more: Ukrainians Continue to Protest Tax Hikes
Thursday, 18 November 2010 10:35
'There have been so many attacks on the Federal Reserve recently that the mainstream media now feels almost forced to try to defend their actions. The most blatant example of this recently was an article in the Washington Post entitled "Five Myths About The Federal Reserve".
The article was authored by Greg Ip, the U.S. economics editor of The Economist. According to Wikipedia, the Rothschild banking family is a partial owner of the firm that operates The Economist. You would have thought that they would have gotten someone a whole lot less obvious to produce this propaganda piece, but apparently they did not think anyone would notice. Of course an economics editor of The Economist is going to defend the Federal Reserve. He would be fired if he didn't.
The Economist is well known to be a mouthpiece for the international central banking establishment. But what is really sad is how poor a job Greg Ip did in defending the Fed. If these are the best intellectual arguments they can come up with then they are in huge trouble.'
Thursday, 18 November 2010 09:59
Billionaire insider Warren Buffet to get Presidential Medal of Freedom, says White House on the same day he praises the government's actions over the bail-out scandal that benefited him and his Wall Street buddies.
Gofer and master
'You are going to give me a medal, do you understand, son?'
'Yessir, Mr Warren.'
Thursday, 18 November 2010 09:56
Thursday, 18 November 2010 09:49
'European officials geared up to travel to Ireland and lift the lid on just how bad the country's banking woes are, as EU finance ministers struggled Wednesday to come up with a rescue plan that will keep bond market turmoil from spreading to Portugal and Spain.
Irish and European Union officials had vowed the day before to stabilize the banks at the center of the country's financial crisis to restore confidence in the wider 16-nation eurozone, but fell short of agreeing on a bailout. On Wednesday, Britain -- which has made savage austerity cuts to avoid a debt crisis of its own -- also offered help to protect Ireland's heavily exposed banks.'
Thursday, 18 November 2010 09:42
'Centrica today revealed its profits were set to be higher than expected, just days after the firm announced it will be increasing for British Gas customers.
The group predicted operating profits for 2010 will be slightly ahead of analysts' expectations of £2.2 billion in a third quarter trading update. The news was described as 'yet another kick in the teeth for customers of the energy giant' by Scott Byrom, energy manager at'
Thursday, 18 November 2010 09:02
Mexican Magazine Proceso reveals the location of a US Military-Intelligence Megaplex in Mexico City.
-Megaplex includes offices for the CIA, FBI, DEA, Defense Intelligence, BATF, Department of Treasury and others.
- U.S. Intelligence Operatives will no longer have to disguise themselves as diplomats.
- Mexico will now have a Military ‘Liaison’ for NORTHCOM.
- U.S. is now in charge of all tactical efforts against the drug war, counter-insurgency, and counter-terrorism in Mexico.
- Obama and Hillary Clinton are credited for the creation of the Office of Bi-lateral Intelligence in Mexico (OBI).'
Read more: North American Union – 'U.S. Super Spy Center' Uncovered in Mexico
Thursday, 18 November 2010 08:37
'Now that President Obama is almost celebrating his bipartisan willingness to renew the tax cuts for the super-rich enacted under George Bush ten years ago, it is time for Democrats to ask themselves how strongly they are willing to oppose an administration that looks like Bush-Cheney III. Is this what they expected by Mr. Obama’s promise to rise above partisan politics – by ruling on behalf of Wall Street, now that it is the major campaign backer of both parties?
It is a reflection of how one-sided today’s class war has become that Warren Buffet has quipped that “his” side is winning without a real fight being waged. No gauntlet has been thrown down over the trial balloon that the president and his advisor David Axelrod have sent up over the past two weeks to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% for “just” two more years. For all practical purposes the euphemism “two years” means forever – at least, long enough to let the super-rich siphon off enough more money to bankroll enough more Republicans to be elected to make the tax cuts permanent.'
Read more: Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street's 'Super Rich': The Financial End Time has Arrived