Friday, 19 November 2010

Courageous Critic: 'There is No Moderate Islam'

Writer, critic, human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who left Somalia in 1992, fleeing an arranged marriage and the medieval madness of the "Muslim world" for the secular freedom of modern Western civilization, says "moderate Islam as doctrine" does not exist, although there are of course many non-practicing or "passive" Muslims.

Click here to read an interview with this incredibly courageous woman. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an internationally admired intellectual who is also a person of action (in the Malraux tradition), someone who will never be invited to the sickeningly pro-Islamist and actually antidemocratic and anti-intellectual Obama White House.

That the voters of the world's greatest democracy elected an appeaser of radical Islam who persists in "reaching out" to (terrorist and) sharia-supporting Muslim fanatics and phony Muslim moderates while rejecting or ignoring a champion of liberty like Ayaan Hirsi Ali is both disgusting and disgraceful--an embarrassment for every freedom-loving American and friend of America.

POSTSCRIPT: That an overwhelming majority of American Jewish voters chose Islam-promoting, Israel-bashing Barack Hussein Obama over John McCain--a proven patriot and trusted supporter of the Jewish State, the Jewish people, and democracy--is even more mind boggling. This reporter--a lifelong Zionist born and reared on Manhattan's ultraliberal Upper West Side--is truly ashamed of his fellow American Jews.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ex-Iran Air Force Pilot Confirms China Confidential Analysis: Anti-Mullahocracy Military Coup Possible


China Confidential has repeatedly made the point that elements in Iran's regular armed forces could turn against the Atomic Ayatollah, his Islamonazi maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the SS-like Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Contrary to what Islamist-appeasing liberals would have you believe, a military coup--by the right kinds of officers--would be a good thing for Iran (and Islamizing Turkey). Important to remember that a military coup could have saved Iran from more than three decades of clerical fascism and the country's incredibly costly war with Saddam's Iraq. But the catastrophic Carter administration, which was complicit in the Islamist overthrow of Iran's pro-American, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, prevented the army from moving.