Wednesday 3 November 2010

Are the tranzies jumping ship? Little Louise must have been weeping in her cups as she wrote this one ... and does that mean that the Dr Pachauri is also "largely irrelevant"? If so, that is something of a comedown from being master of the universe.

The very fact that the question is being asked, however, tends to confirm that the heat is going out of the global warming debate (to coin an unfortunate phrase). Apart from the committed protagonists on both sides, who increasingly take on the aspect of those learned academics who got so excited about angels dancing on heads of pins, the subject has virtually dropped out of the public domain. As an issue, it is dying of boredom.

Needless to say, the Greenies are casting about for a substitute. They have latched on to "biodiversity" as an interim scare - all part of the "Agenda 21" catalogue - but this has neither the same dramatic quotient nor anything like the same revenue-making potential.

We are almost getting to the situation where we will be seeing unemployed environmentalists walking the streets. As with unemployed actors who describe themselves as "between jobs", one might expect them to admit to being "between scares".

That said, we are not out of the woods, by a long chalk. The terminal phase of a full-blown scare is the regulatory phase, where laws are made to deal with with supposed threats highlighted by the original scare. This is most often where the effects are lasting and where real expense is involved. We are still dealing with the aftermath of the food scares of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

And that, of course, is where we stand now - with the Climate Change Act still in force, and ridiculous EU measures aplenty distorting public policy. They will actually outlast the scare. Such measures always do.

Thus, while we are picking out way through the snowdrifts, and bartering gold bars for rock salt, we will still be burdened by those espensive laws which our gifted legislators brought to us as their contribution to saving the planet.

But even now, somewhere, there are groups plotting and scheming, wanting to be the progenitors of the next scare - whatever that might be. And there will always be ranks of legislators willing to do their part, and protect the grateful public from yet another peril.

Would that the real truth could emerge, that the greatest threat to our health and wealth on this planet is idiot politicians, of which there seems an unending supply.


I just needed to read, courtesy of The Guardian: " ... in the House there's a world of pain for the Democrats and joy for the GOP".

If I said, "I feel your pain ... ", I would be a liar. And The Daily Telegraph has more. All that's left is to get up in the morning and rejoice to see the Obama party crash and burn.

UPDATE: And so it comes to pass ...

... a big night for the Republicans, and for the forecasters, who got it right, says Alex Spillius of whom, I have to confess, I am blissfully ignorant.

But, the GOP enjoyed a thumping win in the House but the Democrats retained the Senate and Spillius thinks this was not an endorsement of the Republican Party. He adds: "The leadership seems to have understood this, which is why there were no ballons and ticker tape tumbling from the ceiling at their election night event at the Grand Hyatt in Washington."

According to The Guardian, the Dems are "bruised and battered – but not beaten". Hope springs eternal, I suppose. The elections are simply a "wake-up call" for Obama. It's not too late to win back the disenchanted middle ground. Is this what al Beeb is saying as well? I can't bring myself to venture onto their territory.

At least the lame and the stupid seem to have realised something has changed, while Melanie Phillips asks of euroslimy Dave whether he is "man or mouse".

I don't think that actually needs an answer, although it's quite interesting how he has attempted to bury all his bad news in one go, by dumping it just before the US mid-terms. Everyone is focused on that, so the slime think they can walk away smiling and everyone will forget.

Heh! Elephants never forget ... and neither does EU Ref. Look up "euroslime" and "Cameron" on Google.